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Everything posted by Loba

  1. I try very hard not to gossip. Sometimes I have caught myself doing it, and will change the convo when I do and try to keep a personal rule of not doing it, because I HATE being gossiped about and so I feel like most other people do, too. If someone's name comes up, I try to keep it positive. I usually don't get caught in this pattern because I find it a boring mode of communication. My opinion is that gossiping is two-faced and is not the best strategy unless the person being gossiped about is dangerous and you are just looking out for someone's well-being or something.
  2. Mastering time, executive functioning, help with this please... ? "You murdered him." My heart strings broke and it was me I pull they stretch infinitely In the summer silence I was getting violent In the summer silence
  3. Kali - I'd rather be in a warm blackness, than a blinding white light. After-death bardo preference. I want to be under or amongst the stars; with a light body, and I can sleep if I choose to. This will be my "room" in between lives. The souls of everyone in the sky, accessible. Or I can come down to the warm black sand for solitude and rest, like zooming out. Forever, man telling stories amongst the fire, everyone chattering and flickering amongst themselves. When I decide the sun rises, I will be born again, after however much bardo/integration I might want. There is no time here. I can play anything, any music I want. It will reverberate and echo across the silence, the sound quality will be incredible.
  4. You can choose who you are reborn as, there is no such thing as time so you know all about the life you choose beforehand, and for what purposes it will have for you after death. Your skills and knowledge here will add up. You just have to focus your will and move in sync with the universe/nature and try to imagine a body that is as close to what you would need to get to the divine/Love/Will and you can customize around that. Do you need a big family? A small family? What kind of life will optimize your understanding of God? And then start learning what you might want to know to take with you. You can reach into your heart and pull out things you already know about yourself. Wake up to the fact that you can do this, then put faith and believe in the vision, point that vision, that Will outwards, radiate it! And then you can add what you want to know like pizza toppings. So say deep in my soul, my heart tells me that I want to get back to and understand nature - what could I learn now that would help direct me towards that? Probably first, how to direct myself, like what are the rules? And then how to play by the rules. You keep strong feelings in the form of memory after death, and so things that really speak to your soul will remain and you will be attracted to that when looking for a new body. Ego like things will stick around as karma. A lot of it has to do with what you are attached to, so try to attach to things that are closer to your soul/God and less to the ego and your next life will be easier. I have a hard time explaining it. Speak to your needs, to your dreams, and try to bring things into the world that are full of Love and are Just and True. Move towards that within things you find and that you will gravitate towards in your next life. I don't know if death hurts, sorry. Emotional, like this, metaphorical and stuff. ^ Some people say they are pulled out of their body really fast, some say there is a tunnel moving towards the light, some say just nothing at all. Probably a mixture of shock with DMT as you actually die, unless you get hit in the head or die right on impact. Pain... idk... I bet shock more likely. How the soul feels when free from a body
  5. Sometimes I wish I was born gay for sure. I think women are attractive, but I have no interest in dating or fooling around with a woman. But I do get along better with them and find them prettier... I don't really like how a lot of men view women and I don't get them like I do women. This feels like something that a lot of people experience, I imagine.
  6. @Striving for more I have good intuition but could use work on social skills. You can work if you like someone, but it takes more time to get to know them. Knowing the person is important to me or I just can't get into it.
  7. I prefer to wait two months or four or five dates to make sure I like them. I used to be more lax about it in my early 20s, I don't have a high count, but I realized early on that it is better to wait. For both parties. You want to be sure you like the person you sleep with. Sex is emotional for me so there needs to be some kind of connection.
  8. I think I will quit meat. I just don't see the need to eat living beings, and it costs so much environmentally. I'll still use dairy, though. And eggs, but it's a first step. Ok, from here on out no more meat!
  9. The first one reminds me of what it is like to have delusions from psychosis. I would never try it knowing this now. Interesting reports, thank you for sharing.
  10. Your Primary Sparketype reveals the essential nature or "driver" of the work you're here to do (whether it's the work you get paid to do, or not). When you do the work of your Primary Sparketype, you come alive with purpose and, fully-expressed in a healthy way, deepen into meaning, flow, connection and joy. As a Maven, fascination is your call. You latch onto a topic, field or industry and devour everything you can know about it. Staying "surface level" just isn't an option for you. It's no fun. You are driven to learn, to discover, to ferret out information, wisdom, knowledge for no other purpose than the joy of learning and knowing something as fully and deeply as you can. Your Maven's fascination and yearning to learn might be expressed more generally, as a perpetual curiosity about everything and everyone. Or, it may be more focused on highly-specific topics or fields of interest that evolve over time, often because your ceaseless yearning to learn has largely exhausted what the topic has to offer. So, you find the next area of fascination to move on to. For Maven's it's not necessarily about what you "do" with your rapidly-accumulating reservoir of wisdom. What you learn may be useful to the others, or not. When it is, you enjoy sharing it. It is a beautiful potential "by-product" that also is essential if you want to turn your Maven-ness into your living. But, when you're really being honest, it's not the essential reason you do it. The fact that it has value to others is more a measuring stick of the depth of your knowledge and ability to fully-express what you've learned than a true expression of your reason for being. Either way, the deeper driver is the quest to learn, to satisfy your perpetual, insatiable fascination.
  11. It says I'm red, but I feel more blue, maybe with a scattering of the lower stages with some experiences of yellow. I feel more open-minded, or at honest about where I am not to be considered predominantly red. Power doesn't really interest me. Any red left over would just be something like fear, or maybe occasionally anger. I feel myself becoming more aware of and caring about social issues now that survival concerns are going away. My empathy has grown a lot while working on myself. I hate hurting bugs. I accidently stepped on one a few days ago and felt bad for it. So to me, red seems inaccurate - but I also tend to underestimate myself and think of my flaws as being higher up/more noticeable in my personality so it would make sense that I score lower.
  12. I tend to fall into the time wasting category most of all, especially in relation to journaling. I'm thinking a daily schedule will help with this. Quality post, thanks for sharing your observations.
  13. ^ very interesting jungle book cover. Now I'm the king of the swingers Oh, the jungle VIP I've reached the top and had to stop And that's what botherin' me I wanna be a man, mancub And stroll right into town And be just like the other men I'm tired of monkeyin' around! Oh, oobee doo I wanna be like you I wanna walk like you Talk like you, too You'll see it's true An ape like me Can learn to be humen too (Gee, cousin Louie You're doin' real good Now here's your part of the deal, cuz Lay the secret on me of man's red fire But I don't know how to make fire) Now don't try to kid me, mancub I made a deal with you What I desire is man's red fire To make my dream come true Give me the secret, mancub Clue me what to do Give me the power of man's red flower So I can be like you You! I wanna be like you I wanna talk like you Walk like you, too You'll see it's true Someone like me Can learn to be Like someone like me Can learn to be Like someone like you Can learn to be Like someone like me!
  14. Play the first one, mute it, turn the second one with the narrative on and watch the first video. It's like the second song was made for it more than the original, imo. The sounds line up, too.
  15. Look at works done by true masters of their craft, and see that there is always room for improvement. Look at all the details, the work that it takes in order to do this kind of stuff. ^ It's okay to be ordinary. Being ordinary gives you a chance to find what is special to you, being extra-ordinary requires that you share your gifts with the world and with that comes a certain type of responsibility. There is less of that, when being ordinary. There's more freedom in being invisible. Thinking that you are special can be a hindrance because it will make you over assess yourself, and then you might not learn as much. The key really is to be more in your body and really listen to what is being said, or what is around you and really synthesize that in the moment. This is what I have learned from having that problem in the past and working through it, and it is not really a part of my personality anymore. School of hard knocks told me that there are many, many, many exceptional people out there. I don't even feel jealous. They are here to teach, you can learn a lot by observing people who are much better than you.
  16. I think it comes down to how you are raised as a child, at least for first world countries. If you were raised in a bad environment, you will generally not have very good results, although some people do overcome it. It's possible.
  17. This video is really good! Gaia rebirths a new planet.
  18. I've managed to find quite a satisfactory amount of new music today.
  19. I wish I could try it. Maybe someday, the soft come up sounds nice.
  20. Hi John, I am glad to head that they helped you. I love that scene, it kind of comforts me in a way, it's a pretty good movie. An old roommate showed it to me one night, he always had strange movies like this. Thank you!