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Everything posted by Loba

  1. That's a long time! I relate, I got stuck in hell for a good five years and recently got out. You have this, you can talk with any one of us who are reaching out to you. We want you to be happy and to have a good life! We are rooting for you.
  2. @Opo That's what I thought, and have been hearing. But I'll listen to his viewpoint even if mine is different because he was respectful in his reply. I was under the strong assumption that the vaccine would help prevent spreading this virus because if you were to catch it the body would have an easier time removing it from your system before you have a chance to pass it on. Vaccines allow the body to create an index of harmful intruders, to be identified before they take effect in the system, therefore the shot would indeed prevent COVID-19 from continuing to be passed on from one person to the next because the body would be able to remember and destroy the virus quicker and more efficiently then without the shot.
  3. You spot it by looking for the symptoms and then seeing if the person in question does the same thing over and over and over again with new people or new situations without ever learning. The next step is laughing, pointing, and going your own way. Congrats. You have now avoided a narc. Celebrate with beers. Cheers. ??
  4. Sri Aurobindo, Jane Roberts and the Ra material are good sources if you like to read.
  5. I'll check that stuff out when I get home. I like how you posted this as well, informative without being rude. It makes me more willing to look at what you say. I'm pro vax, but I don't think I would take a 4th shot if this booster does nothing.
  6. @Johnny Galt Well that sucks, the main reason I got it was so I wouldn't catch it and pass it, it just lessens the effects on the individual. ? This whole COVID thing is getting so old, I wish we could just go back to normal safely.
  7. Probably, I am looking for work and want to qualify. I'm assuming that the third shot will be required at some point. Better sooner than later. Plus, I don't want to get COVID-19 or to pass it on to someone. It's nbd.
  8. No I don't see a way out. how long has this been going on? I liked that thing about the basket. I don't know what supplies I need. give it a thought and let us know! ?
  9. @Spideymon77 Same. It takes a lot of work, like hours each day for years to get good at a craft. I'm not where I want to be yet, but when I do it will be because I practiced each day for a few years.
  10. Start about 2:58:00 in and this goes into great detail about how karma works.
  11. How did you get there? Do you see a way out? What supplies do you need put into a basket and lowered into the fiery pit below us that you're trapped in.
  12. @Thought Art that's good to hear, if those thoughts start leading you down a dead end feel free to reach out, I am a good listener, semi decent with advice.
  13. A good way to get past the need to be special is to realize that most people have this need and that it is perfectly okay to have it, and just see that these substances can trick you with those feelings. But you noticed them and want to change them and that's what is unique. Sometimes weed does this to me and what I do is look at people who are farther along or know more than I do and the feelings go away fast And then I thank the universe that there is so much more to know, it never ends!
  14. @Thought Art That's good to know, do you have a support system in place?
  15. I don't know if there is a way to combat racist dating preferences in countries where skin color is a large part of the culture, but I think the best way to combat racist dating preferences is to introduce young children to people of all sorts of races at a very young age. I was introduced to a lot of different cultures and had many books on different peoples when I was growing up so I don't have a dating preference and have had attraction to people of every race. I think most people who have racial preferences as adults are lost causes, with a few exceptions. If only there was a way to explain to people that those of mixed race generally are genetically stronger, more aesthetically pleasant to look at, due to having a wider gene pool. Nature wants human beings to mix, if it didn't then mixed race people would have more problems rather than less problems genetically. Personally I find darker skin to be more attractive, it looks beautiful in the sunlight and people with darker skin age slower. With the way global warming is going and how we are treating our planet having white skin is going to be obsolete. I have a feeling that human beings will evolve darker skin to deal with this problem. Just speculation.
  16. @Thought Art That's true I hope to have some personal pieces done during the first and second year - nothing that I plan on selling, just so I can perfect my art style and then once I feel that it is ready and doesn't have anything that looks visually awkward, I can start making more general works of art that would appeal to many individuals. Like designs and stuff. You never know, I may get more done in a year than I have originally assumed. For this year I'm just going to concentrate on finishing artwork that I had started and never completed and once I do that I can start making some more current works of art that might be more relevant... I noticed that you are going through some things right now do you have any hobbies to fall back on that can help offer a sense of grounding and personal achievement? If not that's one of the best things to have while working on self-actualization because it allows you to have something tangible in your hands that shows improvement and this is great for self-esteem, preventing and working through depression, and so forth. All the best.
  17. I don't have too many goals for self-actualization other than to finish some artwork and maybe sell it and if I'm able to, having more insights so that I understand what on Earth all of this means, that would be really nice. That is my 5-year goal I'm not sure what I will be doing in 10 years though to be honest.
  18. I write them out. It helps me move forward ?⏩ I apply them to art projects later. Maybe do something creative with your insights? Might be your zone of genius calling asking you to make some artform of some sort, idk ?❤️
  19. @EmptyVase I had the same experience on weed only everyone was singing to the song dusk till dawn by emancipator
  20. False evidence appearing real. Wow yeah sign me up.
  21. I wish Leo would meet aliens on DMT and then tell us about them. Thanks op for the question, something I always wondered.
  22. @Axiomatic this sounds like the healthiest approach and probably what spirituality was meant for anyways was to be a compliment to your life and not something that was supposed to take over every waking moment. I think that meditation and letting everything else go to focus on life is a good way to get into a flow state. And flow states are great for having insights, and authentic breakthroughs.