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Everything posted by Loba

  1. Weed has given me great insights as well as paranoia and delusions, but what I do is just work through the paranoia and delusions and it lessens even if I smoke weed. The weed is trying to show you where and what you need to work on. It has also given me amazing truths and awakenings. It is addictive. I would say that I do feel the need for it in order to have a happy and conscious day. It all around just makes me a better person. I think that weed is a double edges sword and you just have to learn how to work with it if you choose to. I like to smoke sativa and drink a couple cups of coffee in the morning and then go study something, and it is one of my most favorite things to do. I just love how it helps calms my attention difficulties, provides me with more creativity and empathy. I would say, if weed is not providing you with benefits by smoking every day, then just enjoy smoking off and on and be sure to use it for the right purposes.
  2. @zazen Good points, thank you for sharing. I wish I had more to say, but I agree with everything you've written.
  3. I think we are both - monogomy and polyamoury. I can fall in love and commit, but I will still love and be attracted to other people. That is most natural imo. Open to all perspectives, though.
  4. You have to be and find the love you seek inside yourself and then give it away to the world in order to find the love you're looking for in others. Literally easier said than done.
  5. I've thought about this question before killing them and always end up squashing them, but I am pretty lenient with most other bugs and will put them outside if I can. Just not mosquitos... I do feel bad though, but only a little.
  6. I relate to this and I battle with it every day. I hope you are able to heal from it and live a normal life. Anxiety is no joke. Panic attacks feel like literal death, the symptoms can be really severe. Like, the nervous system acts up or something, idk.
  7. There's good things and bad things about it. I wouldn't say it is a shittier time than say, during the plague or as a Jew in WW2... something like that. Some people have really great lives - mine isn't so terrible - but, I do worry about the future. What is in store for future generations? When the planet starts really dying off, I would say then, that people live in the shittiest of times. I think it is yet to come tbh. A lot of us live in the eye of the storm atm.
  8. It can be a lot of fun sometimes, don't knock it 'till you've tried it.
  9. @Blackhawk Yeah dude, I didn't block you or anything like that I saw your comment on my journal, too. If you're still looking for a gf after the new year let me know. I am looking for a kind, sweet guy, but I have a few things to get done first as far as being ready mentally, emotionally, ect. If you want we could just take the time to get to know each other, and be friends if you aren't interested as well. You seem cool and I like that you are honest and direct. I could spoil you with my art. I'll do a video of myself in a few days, maybe for Halloween and you can decide then. Finding partners is easy, you just gotta go for what you want/like.
  10. No, rehab them or lock them up. Don't murder for murder, that makes no sense. "Let's stop murder by murdering." Like... what?
  11. @Blackhawk Hey dude, sorry I got silenced for a few days and turned off my dm's for some drama that had been going on but it's water under the bridge. I'll turn them back on in a few days, I started that picture for you!
  12. Creating art is the best feeling in the world. It's the only time I really feel at ease in the moment is that breath holding minute when you're making a thin line on the paper with a pen and muscle memory and the line just flows so nicely. That's the best.
  13. I started to work on my old art projects more. I had already been working on them but that speech really gave me the bravery that I needed to be able to follow my dreams. Thank you Leo... I will do my best. Pat speech really saved my heart I was having a really difficult time deciding quite what I should do with myself and I wasn't feeling as though I would ever be able to amount anything and I was worried that I wouldn't have the energy or the ability to be able to get something like that started but now I feel as though I can and I'm going to try anyways even if it fails. And the great part is I feel attached to the process just as much as the end result so I don't really mind if it doesn't go quite the way I want it to. Again, thank you! It was time well spent listening to that speech. It helped me get back up and I hope that you make more of them in the future when you have the extra time because you did a really good job. I'm glad you went back to working on your business and I like your ears.
  14. ? I'm so sorry to hear that. Meds seemed to work well for me, as well as moving out of my old place, maybe you need a new fresh start?
  15. None of it helped? Thanks! Mine is the wolf, with cats and bats both taking second place, I will get started on it tonight!
  16. What is your favorite animal, I would like to draw something for you to cheer you up and it will take me a few weeks to complete. I'm at a standstill with my other projects until I can bring the rest of my equipment over from my old home (moving), but that will be in less than 2 weeks and I have enough supplies here to start a new project but I don't have any inspiration right now and don't know what to draw. I prefer drawing things for other people.
  17. ?⏳✅ I've had a near nde (near near lol), there is an afterlife and the physical body does die, the consciousness goes on, like a bubble in soda pop, that is the soul. Most folks here have not had a brush with real death to really make an appropriate assessment, they are youths who think they will live forever which is one of the follies of youth surprisingly enough. ?
  18. I plan on making a will in the future and because I will have no successors and will be the last one alive in my family most likely I plan to have all of my assets donated to help children and animals in need.
  19. It seems to have some value if you want to understand how you are paying attention to the world and how other people might be paying attention to the world and you can get an idea of what different people value and why and why you value what you do. Mbti has been a very valuable tool in understanding the way other people think and pay attention. Fortunately for me my personality is very stereotypical of the infp and so I didn't have too much trouble in figuring out what type I was, but for someone who has a lot more subtleties it can be a bit difficult and you might need to pay for a quality typing service to get an idea of what your true type is. What I have learned from mbti is that I can pay attention to things in different ways, I like to try to maneuver my senses around to get an idea of what different personality types live through. It's fun! I highly recommend mbti as long as you don't become too rigorous with it or too dogmatic in how you approach it i.e. the n vs s problem. If you use it to learn about different ways of approaching things rather than fitting people into a box of what you expect that personality type to be then you'll have a much broader understanding of how this quality tool can be used for self development purposes.
  20. I don't care to know about nasty breakups, good breakups are fine. If they are bad ones that is a red flag to me, because it takes two to tango. Sexual past doesn't bug me as long as they're clean and not in the like... 30's range of partners. That's another red flag. Never really became a point with my previous relationships to focus on sexual pasts.
  21. I have a lot of these sentiments minus wanting to boil people alive ?. It's really hard to reconcile with evil when you've seen some of the things that people are capable of in the world. As a stage green ?, it will take me many years to come to understand and accept the evils of society. I'll probably always have a bit of sjw in my system, wyd ya know? Being a saint isn't easy that's why the world is like this in the first place.
  22. What steps have you taken so far so we don't offer the same advice again and again? Yeah dude, you're cool. Feel free to message me anytime if you're feeling down. I've been through some pretty tough shit so I get it, hell is not easy to escape.