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Everything posted by Loba

  1. Of course! I do dabs and channel things sometimes. But I like to take breaks. I'll smoke for like a week, and then lay off for two weeks, and then take it up so I don't build tolerance to it. Have a bit of tolerance, and will probably quit for a few months after the New Year. I've experienced a lot of what you talk about, if you write it down as it is happening, you can learn a lot about your subconscious. There is even a spiritual practice that Carl Jung coined "active imagination", where you let it go to different places, and write everything down and you can map your own inner world, the archetypes that are playing out in your thoughts, your beliefs, ect. It can be very helpful. You can also draw in this state, just free flow and let whatever comes to mind show up on the paper; let your subconscious do the work and see what you can make in these creative states. It's called "flow" and feels great; weed really brings out people's creativity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUJP7XtDElg < - Active imagination; all about it. https://creativejuicesarts.com/what-is-intuitive-painting/ < - How to do intuitive painting One thing with weed is that it can be addictive, I experience addiction with it, but have decided if I am to have vices, that weed and coffee are not the worst ones in the world - when I am ready I will kick the habit... or I won't. I accept it, though. Imagination is all there is, you can make a map of it to learn all about how it works just through going within yourself.
  2. Wow this is good...! It has a theatrical sound, like... it belongs in a trailer for a movie. One of those songs that has few views, but you don't understand why because it's just so stunning... "We can ride forever on the horses that will have no name." Sounds like angels singing.
  3. My limited experiences have pointed towards humans having destinies, or pre-programmed stories, that can sometimes deviate. When I do, I experience it as archetypes that move through and influence the human system, through the subconscious via words and stories. Some archetypes are very small and don't influence much, and some are aeonic in size and "gravity" - such as wetiko; culture and the illusion of fear. I feel it as different stories playing out in the "Other" space, like the image below, or like a machine that creates one action after another after another in order to maximize the ability to witness itself in the physical world. To have influence. My first awakening was spontaneous and I was not spiritual and I was told this: that people are chosen to wake up before birth, there is a certain process about it that I don't understand, but I know reincarnation, the wheel of life, archetypes play a role. Some people never wake up, they have to take another ride a few times to get it. Love is the answer to all of it; destiny, everything. It is protection, solution, the teaching and destiny. When I let go, it feels like another consciousness comes in, and sometimes asks to take the wheel. Sometimes it is the higher self, or sometimes an archetype that is playing out, or sometimes a being with a message. When this happens, I can channel it through my artwork or writing. ^ This talks about it. "We stay off the grid, hide between the lines, to them we are only shadows until we meet eventually."
  4. I would see someone to start with, and that's perfectly oaky, a lot of times this happens on the spiritual journey for people and getting a second or third opinion and some support couldn't hurt. @Yarco I agree with this person's advice, and would also get a check up just to make sure you are well - like bloodwork and stuff. Sometimes there can be a physical component. Was there a stressor that you can think of that caused this or did it just turn up over time? Get a list of some questions for your doctor down along with your symptoms and how long they have been going on, and the effect they are having on your life. Do you have family you can turn to for support as well?
  5. I think so. Based on my experiences, consciousness does seem to want to move in the direction of using less animal products, from what spirits have told me. But I do not follow this advice because I find that I have a hard time not eating meat; but would prefer to not eat it at all if I could manage to get through it. I tried a few times as a teen/early 20's adult. Would like to try again sometime soon. I can go veggie but not full vegan. My guide says that animals are lower souls and that we used to be, and still are animals. That we should be treating them as younger siblings and taking from them as little as possible, that we should be helping our own kind and different species gain awareness, that Love teaches them about having a sense of self; but we exploit and eat them instead. Or, just use animals in the wrong ways except for some lucky pets. Love is the answer always. As best as we can. There are some people who need that diet, though and get unhealthy on veggie or vegan and so we need to work on options for everyone. Maybe it starts with how people eat as children? I'm just learning about some of this today, as it piqued my interest.. so just throwing out experiences and suggestions and hoping to learn more about this topic from others. I do think the vegetarians are right, even as a meat eater. What was your LSD experience like, and how did it change your views?
  6. "What do you want on your tombstone?..." "Oookay!... that's it." A machine elf visual with the sound of a heartbeat. "Creator of Worlds" explores chaos and order and creation from nothing. The actual work is a high resolution physical installation about 75 inches across and is embedded in a wall, running in a continuous loop forever. The visual art consists of mathematical fractals that are changing, growing, and being destroyed over time and then recreated from the void. A collaboration with composer Sam Mehrtens (Sam Wave) we started with the concept of a heartbeat - the heartbeat of a mother that an infant hears in the womb. The piece demonstrates how life at all stages and throughout the course of its journey has the influence of both masculine and feminine energy guiding the entities evolution. For us, this work at times reminded us of coral and represented life before personified life. It allows the participant to let go of thoughts and enter a more calm reality. This is the first work in the series made by Trey and Sam
  7. @JuliusCaesar It reads to me like you are good at "keying" your subconscious. If something is not going to be good for you, reality will let you know. Glad to hear that you listen to that part of yourself, some people brush it off as nonsense, but it is actually a very real and valid thing to have events like this happen to let you know something important. So you already have a siddhi, in a way, you can read you inner subconscious that is dictating to your outer world events that take place to tell you messages pertaining to your well being. I would continue to develop upon those skills for sure.
  8. I see, I get it. What kind of dreams have you been having so far? You mention you almost found the spirit of the plant, that must have been pretty cool to experience. There is a lot to be learned about reality from dreaming. I'm super curious to see how you will go about this on your journey, either through dreaming or through the guided meditations. It would be such a quick mind unlock for sure.
  9. @Windappreciator Hahaha, I can tell. Do you have a guide or do they just come and go as they please?
  10. @BenG it comes in through the underside of reality or the flip side of it and you can have these experiences either if you're really sick or if you almost die or if you take a psychedelic, it can alter things and you can learn to do it that way. It's hard to explain if you haven't had an experience but it's something that I believe that anybody can have, learning about afterlife realms and stuff. The beings that I talk to have said that human beings can learn how to do these things by trying different plant medicines, and different ones have different messages in them and they have been left by alien races to share how to live in peace and die in peace; advance our communication and grow with them. So if you wanted a siddhi all you'd have to do is find the plant that calls to you and feels right when you take it and to go in informed. Siddhis come about in such a personal way; a plant would teach better and know more than a human. My words completely butcher the ability to explain any of what I'm talking about I just can't do it, sorry. There are a few spaces I know of you can learn siddhis in: death, astral, dream, psychedelic - all better teachers than humans. Salvia droid art explains my experiences best but they are physical and mental not so much visual. Death or sickness is one of the best ways to get a siddhi and you will hear many people who have had near-death experiences come back with gifts. ^starts out looking like this place, it's like a great big nothing with stars representing consciousnesses aka beings that have no bodies, just hanging out waiting to share stuff with other life forms. Most of them are in feeling, but some people get full visuals of them.
  11. @JuliusCaesar that's good that you're only doing a small dose but I wonder if maybe a plant that you can take a higher dose on and stay safe might be better suited for your purposes. When I experienced my delirium from fever it was very intense with a lot going on with the body as well, I don't think people can get there unless they are either in an extreme predicament or they have taken a plant that can allow their reality to be strongly altered, and if you get the opportunity to have a full-on experience of the other side you will see what I mean by it mean to be an intense experience. The dream world leaks into the real world and in that state you have to play by the plants/afterlife rules. It is hard to explain, I noticed that you mentioned salvia earlier and I am planning on trying it sometime this summer. But if you want death experience, then the salvia trips give me deja vu into my fever experience. It might suit you better. I would just hate to hear that something happened on one of these substances and that you never got to have the full breakthrough experience when there are safer alternatives out there. Let me know what you think.
  12. @Vincent S Thank you! @Windappreciator seems like you've had an experience or two yourself @BenG you can gain paranormal abilities if you are able to learn how to do it by exploring the after life realms. They want to do this. @JuliusCaesar it sounds like you can handle it. Let us know how it goes.
  13. Hello the plant salvia has called to me and I am collecting information on this plant before I decide to use the substance. I plan to wait until I am in the right space mentally to take it. I would love to hear of your experiences taking this plant. I plan to chew it and not smoke, I will be taking small bits and upping the dose slowly. I have been sick with fever in the past that I became delirious from so I am no stranger to the sorts of experiences that a substance like this could provide. I have deja vu from reading trip reports. I feel like I know this place and am being invited to learn. I am in the process of humbling myself before going in.
  14. I talked with my guide a bit more as I happen to be learning about these paranormal things around the same time this thread is open, the channel is open right now. My guide says that these plants are put here by different races to teach their message to humanity. They are our neighbors saying hello. So when you go into this you want to view it as a technology that you are learning from and do not go in with the idea to take from them as this is considered rude. Treat them and these places like visiting a school, church and neighbors house. Beings want to teach, they want your mind ready to learn. And then when you are ready you can gain siddhis. But you must be humble first. All you people can't you see, can't you see How your love's affecting our reality Every time we're down You can make it right And that makes you larger than life All of your time spent keeps us alive Love when going in is very important, think of things you can offer, get a setting ready for yourself and some questions to ask these plants. You'll want one you can get good takeaways from. Energetic dynamics request that you offer something first in order to continue that loop. If you go into the spiritual world with the idea that you can take things or learn something ahead of time, it is considered grave disrespect. There is a reason old cultures emphasize this point. Giving love is the highest offering. It changes reality from the other side for the better. All of the love we generate The only thing that carries me on There's nothing we need that it can't create This is the way to use prima materia. There is so much when it comes to what you can find in the afterlife that I would suggest trying a plant that can offer you a guide that can show you things that you need to know and can keep you safe when you go on these journeys. You don't have to take the most intense thing in order to find out how to gain siddhis.
  15. My guide says that you need a guide to teach you how to do these things and they are not easy to find and don't teach/work with humans very often because the channels are hard to maintain/humans are hard to teach. They say humility and letting go of the ego will likely bring more entities to you wanting to teach than if you go in with any pride then you will attract lower ones. They say that most humans can hardly even understand or escape the wheel of karma let alone be able to do the things that you are hoping to do, they say that there are many dimensions and there are some that are held by being that are outside of normal awareness and will not make their secrets known to you if there is the possibility that the secrets could be used in the wrong way. We can make the world stop. They say. There is a lot of responsibility in what you seek, I know approximately the places you will go through and so please tread very lightly. Butterfly wings. They are like a movie real. Or something that reads us like a flip book, they can enter into any of your timelines. If you mess with something in the universe that you shouldn't they will jam up your radar so that you can't do any damage. Absolute humility is essential if you really want to learn as much as you can I can't stress this enough not only for your safety but also because it will allow you to get much further. The places that you're talking about going are very intense so please be careful... They are the very archetypes that make up the quintessential part of your personality that gives you the desire to take on this quest. They literally build your story from the other side of reality, and manage it in a very perfect and mechanical way. When humans bust into this and they get into the wiring of reality it can cause problems. Similar to a mouse in the pipes. This is why some entities are so strict, depending on the type of plant that you use I imagine that there's knowledge in some of them that needs to be digested very slowly and is not for a average person. My guide says they can bring you into their reality and keep you there forever; that humans need a lot of growth to even get off the wheel.
  16. @JuliusCaesar The slower, with as much respect as you can go into it then they will be able to show you much more, I am under the impression different plants have different spirits. Just be sure you have a guide going in, the rabbit hole involving death and all that goes pretty far and can get kinda strange.
  17. I would, just to start with to get used to the space because some of what it can show you can be - just the way they do it, they don't fully understand how fragile humans are, and these beings can overdo it. It's like working with a virus that you want to mutate to work with you and lay dormant usually, but sometimes they can harm the host. I know this stuff from a disease, getting fever and sickness for a few months, I went through these realms. It can get very dark. So if these plants can help you gain wisdom, take it slow and see which one calls you because the wrong one will mess with you not just high but they can keep at it if you invite the wrong one in, esp w out a guide. I would reach out to the guide and work with it or look for a protective one, like an angel or ancestors and just go slow to learn as much as you can. You'll still get there. It isn't going anywhere.
  18. @JuliusCaesar You have to be very very humble if you meet them. These things can drive you mad, they can literally mess with time itself, do you have a spirit guide you can call on? The after death world needs utmost respect. I'm just looking out cause my experiences with these realms have been very harsh. I would never wish them on anyone, please be careful.
  19. There are powers you can get if you get close to death like that, but they are tricky, and so are the beings you might meet. Do it if you're ready to die for it, but go in prepared. The beings I met regularly change reality around and I notice these changes. If you mess with reality in the wrong way, those beings will mess you up.
  20. I like that he's chill and isn't pissy. Pissy guys are annoying.
  21. @Etherial Cat Good points. Death is complicated. There's a lot going on there with it. I don't think people like that accrue karma either. I think it has to do with emotional state, how you 'let go'. Also if there is more you needed to do, then karma will still be there imo. But someone dying of terminal illness is probably in a different category of karma than say, a young girl who commits suicide because of bullying, or something. There's probably beings who oversee this sort of thing and can sort people with the utmost fairness. A person who is terminal might be ready to let go after a lot of contemplation and will not have karma because of how they approach death openly. They might be at peace and then move onto higher places. I think karma is something the individual knows best as well, where they need to work on or if they are truly ready to leave. We can only speculate, but I have a feeling it is also ultra personal and so impossible to categorize too much on how karma works. I've been reading a lot about the wheel ? though, and how it sorts people for the next life. Like cogs and gears we have free will to open just through self development, more and more is permitted by unlocking reality. I'll bet the process is mechanical and perfect.
  22. I wish I understood better how karma functions, but yes emotional state has a lot to do with it and I don't think it's fair either lol. I like to think the soul's group, or family members would come to get the person and show them how to use their mental/emotional state in the afterlife. Or perhaps the person quickly enters another body out of fear. There is probably, just like on earth a lot of different ways death goes down because different cultures have documented very complex, but unique understandings of the afterlife and how it works. I think it will be primarily benevolent, though, just like life. I don't think death wants to harm, I think it would console, and inform, and show a person how to do better. I think, once the frightened soul is calmed, then they have the option of staying to heal, to contemplate on life and to just be connected with everything. I think only the mind creates hell. I think it will be okay, just like life or a pinball machine, learning the ropes on how to incarnate. We are probably all students. In a loving school, of forgiveness, safety and goodness. I think going in informed is good though, and probably clears a lot of karma. Just my beliefs though.