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Everything posted by Loba

  1. I agree with this, there can be pressure here for some people to take them, but your psychological state needs to be taken into account first. A person should be sound of health, for the most part, and have a nice space set up that reflects their best qualities as a person imo - something that can bring you back from a bad trip, remind you of good things. People who take drugs for PTSD, depression, ect - should do it with a professional as well, that's the difference. The doctor guides your trip for you. In that case, it would be totally beneficial. I found that mushrooms cleared up my autism quite a lot, from a trip about 12 years ago - have not done them since. But I did notice a complete change in perception - more normal and uncluttered. So there's that, I guess each person knows deep down if they are ready. I've heard the plants have spirits - some of them, that can call you to them when the time is right, or it could just be intuition, who knows?
  2. Marriage isn't my cup of tea.
  3. I don't know, I've questioned this... I had some friends in the past with this orientation - one was a non offender and one was and offender of adult women. The offender should have been reprimanded, the other person did nothing and had no plans to. If someone is born that way and doesn't do anything, why strike first? Wait until they do something then send them to prison, and also therapy. The more we demonize the harder it will be for people like that to come forward for treatment. You don't want to normalize it, but you do want to make it safe for a non offender to seek help in a safe place.
  4. I would try... paleo. Meat, veg, fruit, nuts, no dairy or grains.
  5. That's why the dark beings cut you off... They're not evil, they keep track of people who use powers wrongly.
  6. I don't know what to say during times like these; I'm sorry to hear that he passed away. I always think of this song when a forum member dies.
  7. I've experienced being on the karmic wheel and could feel everyone and everything else alive in existence on that wheel-like thing. Felt like I was always there and time was just going on without me, like I was stuck in the eternal present with everyone else, and we just moved closer or farther from the center.
  8. Has anyone else here experienced something like this?
  9. https://www.attachmentproject.com/attachment-result/?token=b6922f6e474b5353f5b8ad8647200009 Disorganized / Fearful-Avoidant
  10. Maybe he doesn't have all the answers to it yet and is collecting insights to share a few years down the road?
  11. Started flossing daily after this thread and have continued to do so, gums stopped bleeding pretty early on. I keep the floss by my bed so I don't forget and just do it right before I go to sleep. Cheers to better habits.
  12. @RMQualtrough Sounds like what happened during my manic bipolar phase. I thought people were gunna shoot me. It was a very weird experience, like all the "signs" lined up. Someone did end up following me to the hospital and threatened to shoot me, there was a hostage negotiator and everything - it was like a strange premonition that ended up coming true. Like that kind of deja vu? Good to know, I don't want to make a lot of noise, we live in a nice quiet neighborhood. Thanks for the heads up.
  13. Yes, it's very annoying. One of the reasons I journal is to get good and accurate recommendations and it used to be more reliable, but I've been in a YouTube bubble for a few weeks now, with some small signs of getting out of it. Hope for new info soon, it could be that what I'm looking for is too niche as well.
  14. @RMQualtrough I guess my question is, does it seem realer? Or more fakery?
  15. @Ulax How does it work that we are all God, do you know???
  16. @RMQualtrough You're awesome, thanks so much for all the advice. Jeeze, the this is, salvia sounds like my auto-immune fever dreams so I almost want to check it out. I am an artist. No artistic inspiration from it?
  17. @RMQualtrough I have heard they don't like to be smoked but chewed and absorbed instead and white folks f*ck this up, is that for changa or just salvia?
  18. I am a "meh" embodiment of God - where is my eternal "room", with a pack of likeminded flying wolves, traversing a snowy mountainside, only feeding on Love to keep going? And we just enjoy and live free forever? If there's a cliff, so what, we can fucking fly? I'm not embodying God perfected, my "high up; looking over" dreams remind me of more. Of who I am supposed to be. I am more. You can be less, feel free.
  19. Younger women can fall prey unless they have a good mum and dad to tell them otherwise, and older women are savvy. The act only works for so long.
  20. IDK, age gap can be okay in some ways IF you CARE about the person. I am in my mid 30's and like guys in their mid 40's-50's. I like age gap, it's... how to say... natural. You just have to be... guiding. If you are older. So... be kind. Be good. Be peaceful. Be present. Teacher/student type relationships are the most beneficial and normal btw....
  21. I have experienced the bubbles, and will get back to you on this tomorrow night with a detailed responce. I have a few I need to go through; there are bubbles. It is like bubbles in carbonation. All the same soda, but with popping bubbles within.