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Everything posted by Loba

  1. No. That's not narcissism, on both sides.
  2. I think he should be de-platformed, when saying stuff like this in the public eye... rude words, conspiracy theories... for sure. He has gone backwards, I doubt it will get better... he has a huge fanbase and needs to be cautious. But he won't. And that's why he should be let go. If he isn't - this will get worse - so... people will take his place, maybe someone 'better'.
  3. I don't know, maybe there is one? What if there is? What then? Just questioning, idk the answer.
  4. When I was little, about 6 to 9 I abused some of my pets by chasing them around or hitting them - the reason was because of a very unstable upbringing where it was being done to me, I emulated it in my play, as children mirror what happens to them. I grew out of it and now adore animals and would not harm them. I could bring a hand down and they would not flinch, just sniff my hand, no pets of mine are ever hit or chased. I think people who don't outgrow it don't because they don't have empathy, and so I don't personally know why they are acting from good intentions. I developed empathy where I learned that my actions have consequences i.e., the pet would no longer come over to me anymore. If you see little kids doing things like that, look at the home life of the child, often they are being abused themselves. If you see an adult doing it, they are responsible for their actions and should be held accountable.
  5. All good stuff.
  6. Sure you can. I don't plan on having kids, either - just not something I want to invest my time in and there are already so many people on the planet more qualified than I to raise a child. I plan to breed chihuahua puppies instead in the future, that calls to me... Do things that call to you, if you don't feel that parenting in a good fit for your personality, then listen to it. It isn't about you being happy when it comes to kids, it is about what makes them happy and you have to sacrifice a lot for them. If that isn't you, don't stress it. There are plenty of other people in the world having kids. The world does not need more kids, and it doesn't need more parents who don't fully want them, either. What it needs are people who are smart enough to follow what they feel is best for them. And things can change, too. You are a man, yes? You have time. Pick up a few books on raising children and see if it calls to you, that's what I did - and having kids did not make sense to me. I am happy. I have all the time in the world to do what I like to do, and don't have to answer to anyone and am responsible only for myself and my pets. I am free, not enslaved by family obligations, and it feels great. I love it.
  7. @How to be wise A safe space for people to turn to for help? There isn't anywhere else on the net for people to turn to who are into spirituality and suicidal, it is also a common problem in spirituality - not only because it attracts people seeking an ending to suffering, but because of the things in can bring up. We just have to expect this and seek to offer appropriate advice/emotional support to the best of our ability as a community with this in mind. It's not a forum problem, it is a life problem. People live complicated lives - don't reduce their experience down to "what this forum is turning into".
  8. @Tyler Durden Says Leo, doesn't say any of my authentic awakening experiences from near death and NOT on drugs, but from acutally letting go getting to live. Souls are a thing. I guess you just don't get blessed with that knowledge when you put a drug up your butt. You get solipsism.
  9. No, they will cry and you will be another statistic and their lives will be ruined. Why are you feeling this way and what is causing it? We are souls, not "just" all one, but together in unison. When you cut yourself out of it prematurely, everyone who is attached to you or knows you will have to adjust. Even people here.
  10. @Husseinisdoingfine If the planet can even hold out for that long.
  11. @Baum If you encounter it again, try sending Love towards it - and see if that does not lessen it's grip. It will either run, feed on the Love, or try and manipulate you into feeling afraid, don't let it cause fear. Fear is the illusion they feed from. Sometimes when you start to increase your consciousness, you will feel the astral beings feeding on your energy, that kept you in lower states, this is normal. I don't trip personally, but I have heard of a lot of people finally seeing them in their trips because of the consciousness upgrade. Also, in the future, try clearing the space out for yourself - set aside a very sacred, special space that you can use, and use incence, palo santo or sage to clear your energy. The setting and space is also important because you are opening a portal to other places with psychedelics, you want it to represent itself how you need it to - so include things in your space that feel the most "you". Depending on what type of being this is, you can convert it to Light by talking to it - and telling it it will be forever hungry if it does not convert hate to love, that love is an energy that lasts forever and creates itself - the being would not need to take energy from others - all beings that do this do it out of lack of Love. If it does not convert, you can banish it with various baths, spells, and prayers oritented towards universal Love. You can also do nothing and just explore this space the next time it happens - ask it questions and see what answers it gives you. Sometimes the being itself will have the cure.
  12. If you don't get along with someone and you feel like it is a trauma bond and not an authentic connection based on mutual respect then I would cut it off and move on, there are a lot of people in the world. You can make better friends.
  13. I've worked with negative beings before - you can explore this part of how energy works - the darker side and learn from it in the same way as how Light teaches you - once you get over your fear. Love is a powerful ally, keep Loving no matter what. If you manage to find positively oriented beings on future journeys, you can ask them for advice on what to do about this or they even might remove it for you. You can also remove them yourself through Love and Willful prayer. Some of these beings can be converted into Light, but it's on a case by case basis.
  14. Curious to know too, although I don't watch his content too much anymore, his absence has been noticed. What's up, Leo?
  15. Meditating, Being, Learning, Growing, Understanding myself... mmm... healing.
  16. Pretty eye opening. Check it out. Designer Sally Woellner takes us into a world of Dark Patterns, highlighting how the websites and apps we use daily have very specific, and sometimes dangerous, intentions brought to life through UX/UI and graphic design. During this insightful talk, Sally advocates for design to be more transparent in hopes of designing a better world. Sally Woellner is currently a Product Design Group Lead at Canva. She is an experienced creative leader and designer, who loves working in product design, branding, advertising, and a huge range of digital media—and has been recently recognised as one of the Women Leading Tech by B&T and Google and is one of Australia's leading experts in creative technologies. She previously led the design direction of a campaign for World Vision that garnered worldwide attention and eventually led to all 119 children on Nauru to be relocated within 6 months of the campaign going live, which solved a 5 year problem.