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@Carl-Richard I thought it was an open question since it wasn't directed at anyone. I thought you were trying to get the forum to think about the times they were misunderstood as a way to try to understand how Nahm might be feeling.
@Carl-Richard Quite often because my path is more paranormal and mystical, a lot of my posts are purple-yellow in nature - so I don't really fit in, but it doesn't bother me much tbh.
@Raptorsin7 Interesting. So I guess it really has been a problem for people. I suppose now would be the best time for him to contemplate on how he wants to do his teachings in the future - there's good advice and feedback here, if he wishes to improve his style. I would try following along with your current teachers, and then when you are in a better place - to attempt to understand what Nahm was saying and see if it sticks. If not, then perhaps he does need to think of how to reword what he's saying. The money thing is sus imo, but it was your choice, and you did learn some things from it. But just because of how much you spent, and got no benefit - if I were the teacher I would be wondering why my student is not progressing - and would discuss this with them, especially if they were paying me so much, I would really want to make sure they were healed asap. If I wanted to use the term healer, I would want to make sure that I was doing my job correctly - and if I needed to learn to communicate on a lower level for people, I would, I guess learn how to do that. It's annoying - like realizing you have to go back to school to learn a new skill, but it could be a helpful and fun project if Nahm wants to do that. Think of it like, being on the high level of a house, and your students are at the bottom of the stairs. The middle of the stairs are gone, so they can't walk up - you have to build those stairs in the middle so they can walk up to meet you on the second floor. It could be turned into a new project! Honestly, learning that one might need to learn a new skill is very exciting, it means that the world is even more complex and beautiful than it was before - you can make some really baller stairs - paint them, add designs, put down some carpeting, or different types of hardwood; the whole works.
@Raptorsin7 I guess I would have to know what he was teaching you to know if he was a bad teacher or if the lessons just didn't click at the right time, but you should also have been allowed to make the boundary when it came to the money when you mentioned how you felt - if you felt that you had spent too much and were not getting out of it what you hoped. What was it that wasn't helpful, was it just too advanced, and there were not steps to get to what he was saying, or did you not understand him? What was it about his style that didn't help, and what is it about your current teachers that you find more helpful?
@Raptorsin7 Did you ever mention how you felt to him personally after he taught you?
@Raptorsin7 Yeah that is sus, I can't deny that. Don't donate money like that to people anymore, it never works out. Weird. I do remember you having a hard time for a while and then reached out, I was always under the impression that you got a lot of benefit from it. I guess not. Glad to hear you did finally find some people that resonate with you, that's always good.
@Preety_India I didn't get that impression from him, I got use out of some of what he wrote, and some of what he wrote I did not get use out of - it depended on how long I took to mull it over and if it was the right advice for me at the time - I don't expect that everyone is going to have exactly what I need when I ask a question - so I cobble together different perspectives to create some form of answer for myself. He was part of the crowd, just doing his own thing in his own way - but there are so many other teachers and knowledgeable students that it's really just like having a fruit basket you can pick from. Even though the fruits he offered were one's that people weren't quite sure of the flavour of, they were still good fruits and we should leave them in the basket - when we take something away, it makes the basket more bland - and for people who could benefit from his work, he won't be able to share anymore. Sometimes some of his posts would get more to the heart of the issue as well - I had asked something on forgiveness a year ago, and I don't remember quite what he said, but I read it a few times and it was accurate. When I understood it, it helped a lot. This feels like, when you had decided to take a break and people ganged up on you in your post, or that time years ago when John Flores had a mental breakdown and he was banned and Leo made a thread on it and people just used it as a way to dump what they were too chicken to say in the moment - like they held those opinions in, instead of saying something. You at least said something about it. I don't disagree that he could make his posts easier to understand for people - but that is also a process of learning how to be a teacher. I just, I guess I don't understand when people hold it all in and then wait until moments like this - often times - to say something, it's like, they feel safe to say it because they are in a group. It just seems like... we can all agree Nahm is a great guy and he has a lot of wisdom to offer, that he does his best to help when and where he can and has reached out to people who are in crisis mode to help them, which most people here don't do - they just give a back pat and call that good, and Nahm would actually go out of his way to reach out and teach people who needed help 'now'. He was also very fair when moderating, and if he needed clarification for something he would talk to the person before making a mod decision, which is great! He wasn't unfair about it - and he thinks for himself and we need that. @mandyjw Yeah, he has a good balanced energy.
@Preety_India No, I found his posts to be as helpful as what I could get from them, sometimes more, sometimes less - I figured I could just reread a few times to meet him where he was at - I guess I just don't have a problem doing that for people, or at least, I attempt to, for sure. All he has to do is change his writing style to be a bit easier to understand - that's just something that will take a bit of practice. It is clear he isn't the easiest teacher to understand, but that doesn't mean we should knock him down, either - as he's done his best to be helpful and polite and was always a good mod and people are kind of just using this thread to shit on him a bit. It feels disloyal.
@mandyjw I agree, this is pot calling kettle black dude, you don't relate to your audience that well at times and your posts about women leave a bit to be desired for sure. And people have mentioned that to you and there isn't much change on your end that I can see. We all have areas in communication we need to work on. Heck, I am quite a fighty person by nature and have had to learn to tone it down the best I can - and it's going well. I think that he did a fine job as a mod - so maybe he needs to make his posts a little easier to understand for us normies, I don't see why he should be demoted. People change, they grow, give him a chance.
Awww, sorry to hear that Nahm. Love you, dude. We all do, Leo, don't get rid of him from the forum - his advice has been helpful to me at times, when I can understand what he says. IDK if I agree with demoting him. As a mod, he did his job well.
All good, a lot of female vocals for this batch.
I don't think solipsism is real, because from my end, I do exist - and why would people be fighting over if their awareness is the correct one? When I see this, it looks like people are saying they are the ones who exist, yet not me, but from my angle, I am very much here... typing... to you. One... two... three. I can feel my fingers touch the keyboard. There will be a delay when you read this, and perhaps the person you imagine in your mind is not real, but a few minutes prior, I did indeed write this up for you. I subscribe to the essence of God having a lot of different bubbles or partitions in it, because that has been what is true in my direct experience. But all those bubbles are One and unified, connected together. The universe is aware of itself even when I am not, like it collects and stores wisdom for later - so that when the pieces all fit there is that wonderful "aha!" moment. We can choose to make our own way spiritually, there is no reason to follow Leo - just keep following what is in your direct experience, and if it is not true for you, then it is not true and that is perfectly okay. My train of thought will be as follows: I don't have experience of solipsism, but I do of other things and those things claim authority, yet I will set aside practice and space to be wrong for solipsism, provided that during an awakening experience, something can create the actual experience of solipsism, and not just thoughts about what it is - because I already know that speculation isn't it. If it were solipsism, it would just be me - creating an unimaginable amount of detail, but nothing has shown me in my case that I am the "super special actual conscious one and everyone else is fake." When I see people claiming that they are the one's - and I am not - it looks delusional, and I have a feeling that it is. Because here I am, with my own awareness. I wouldn't kill off the perceptions and experiences of other people if I were God - if I could create everything, I would partition it, like bubbles or a grape vine or something, all connected to me, but not aware of it. I would give you your own perceptions and life, that would be the gift. So, assuming I am the "only one" and no one else exists, if I can do anything, and imagine it in any way - then this is what I give to others, is their own perceptions and experiences of life. I worry that with material like this, I feel like just through introspection that I could generate an awakening once a month because I had no preconceived ideas about what it was - and that the constant listening to teachers and talk actually takes away what it could be for me. I think it will be individualized, too, how each person uncovers their own divinity - they have to become their own archeologist and did deep. What if it isn't even solipsism, but it is hand crafted just for you? That awakening to solipsism may be for some, but for others it will go a different route - and each awakening is just as legitimate as the other? So if I awake to souls, bubbles and whatnot, if that is the most true and direct thing I have ever experienced in my life, the sweetest, most connected form of Love I have ever experienced - this is more true than anything that I have felt from Leo's teachings. I'm skeptical. Prove to me, though some sort of feedback loop that wakes me up to this, that I am the "One". I'm not. I couldn't be. Because I am no better than anyone else, and neither are my experiences and perceptions of the level of divinity that I could even call myself purified enough to create an entire world. But maybe waking up in a way, allows you to make the next world? You die into your own dreams. I'm just spitballing different ideas... *big shrug* Solipsism, I don't know.
It can be a good model for understanding how you use your attention, I have found that it has helped me understand my strengths and weaknesses much easier, and helps me to understand somewhat how other people use their attentional habits - I'm an infp, one of the more common personality types found online.
All good! <3
Okay, I can understand this. I can get into "absolute truth", and then out of it. It is just the being-ness. Okay, cool, I have been and this has been working out. I am just concerned that there might be a unique way for me to get to what is true for me, but that I need to follow that innermost intuition to get there - and that it might be different from what is being taught. There is a "You are God" quality to it, co-mingled with like, a chameleon. Hard to explain. Not yet, but each time I let go, I get another chunk of wisdom that does explain it a but better. I did feel them, I could simply follow the same path I took before to feel them again? So what when I am, should I post here then and then ask you, when the experience is more direct/easy to interpret? I can get back to that state, but it might take a few months of shadow work/karma work to clear myself enough to do so. I can become conscious of that, that I dreamed up the Bible. I have before. It just doesn't stick for too long. I mean, I could use any holy book and find something enlightening in it, not just the Bible. But yeah, I can see how there is the ego, and then just the screen of awareness. It is like when I dream and there is a backstory for it, an entire world, and I know my place and how to operate within it, and I am someone or something completely different, and each night that whole world goes away. But each night, me and those dream characters chip away like I do in this world, to find the truth. They look for it, too. Not just me, and they offer wisdom I can apply on "this side" of reality. I get that this is a story, that there is just the screen - because when it is revealed, everything is more crisp and clear. I feel like I have been close, or "been there", but am not there now, so I know how this is just a dream on some levels because I can "snap out of it", and then another story bleeds through. It is kind of semi-psychotic like that, but each layer that is removed gets me closer to just Be-ing. Have you only had the God experiences, or anything biblical or paranormal before? Because they give the same message, and come in through a similar process of changing lenses, or disidentification, as a God realization, so there might be aspects to this that you have not been privy to yet - same as me, I just haven't gotten quite there yet, but can intuit that there is a lot more. Or "nothing", but a deeper understanding of what that means. I know it is all a dream, but my experiences were direct, like the same path to get to solipsism. Go through death, let go, be in the moment and appreciate, and it becomes a unifying Love field. And just... Now. And done. Now. And done. Now. And done. And from there, comes in paranormal. I "now and done" until the world becomes even more complex. It's just... very hard for me to combine your experience and mine, when I know in my deepest heart that there are souls. I felt my "family" guiding me. I will ask again these questions while I am experiencing them and see what I can learn from you then because the mind will be open in a way that can really "download" a lot of new ways of understanding the world that are completely alien as of this point. Thanks for the reply.
@Leo Gura How do you know your perspective is absolute? I've had awakenings where it feels just as final. Why should I follow you over what God has told me? Not asking in a persnickety way, I am curious. What makes your awakenings more absolute than mine - when mine seem to have a biblical aspect to them, and there seem to be a lot of similar cosmologies out there, including souls. Partitions. Bubbles. I felt them, for sure. I think you're wrong for now, but also am open to being wrong.
@Preety_India That would be the other side of it if she is true, and we can't determine this based on the amount of info he has given, but in my experience, giving out money ended up with me getting emotionally scammed. Let's see what OP has to say, maybe there is more to the story.
I agree with Roy and Yarco, I have helped people in situations in the past and they became very dependent on it, and I did it out of care/concern for them and it was not ever paid back/ I was still not treated well/ no gratitude for my efforts. You could get scammed easily, too, in these situations. Just be careful. Don't keep offering her money all the time - and do it when you feel like you want to, not because you feel pressured.
My family is indoctrinated into the "scientific" way of discovering things; so my "religion" is viewed the way religious people often view non-religious people. Telling them I was into spirituality and that I found God - they thought it was insanity, the same way religious people think those who are not are going to hell. I just don't talk about it much anymore because they refuse to be open minded to the idea.
Loba replied to CuriousityIsKey's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
How true did it feel for you? Idea - write it all out, save it somewhere and then don't write or talk about it again - (Why? It keeps the experience fresh and prevents the ego from co-opting it that can happen when you mull it over too much - so now I just write it out once and let it go...) Instead, live out and act accordingly with what the experience taught you - and if you are moved towards a better way of living and relating with your world, then it is truth. A lot of times, lessons from spiritual experiences need to be test run by you first to determine if they are true. We can only determine so much with awakenings that aren't our own, because they are so personal to the individual and awakenings happen in so many different ways. What if it is truth for you, but not for someone else? That's why you have to test out the lessons and apply them, and then see how they work in your life. Gl!