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Everything posted by Loba

  1. That's a good description of it. I can't really explain it better than that. If they are interested, I can only offer the route to getting there which is to look at your death accurately. Literally get up close and personal with it as a phenomenon that is right there, waiting, and within it holds the records of the actions that you have taken in life. Depending on the energetic output you get from it, you can make tweaks into how you want your actions to move you. If there is something negative, you can record it in whatever form it takes for you. The thing is, when it comes to karma, just like spirituality, it is individualized, so even how it manifests is going to be symbolically different for each person. The only way to get there, to really get into the underpinnings of karma is to face your actions head on in some form and see what they have to say directly, debate generally won't do anything and it's just more outwards looking processes - totally the wrong alignment for witnessing karma - and it can come about in many ways - entities, energies, signs, a feeling in your gut, etc. It is the same inwards process as remote viewing. Do that, only with your death.
  2. Well, that's not what you said directly, but okay, I'll give it to you as I agree with this statement. They are not the problem and should not be demonized. Well, in some sense it is that. Just with a certain brand of spirituality that everyone here seems to agree on. Alien lemming Buddhism, I suppose. Agree with this. People do think they are owed more than they are, but I do get it as when life gets hard sometimes I get angry, too. The only caveat is that I take the time to introspect on why once I'm calm. That said, though, we should have a system in place for people who can't care for themselves. Most people should not blame others, but someone who is so ill that they can't function in society does deserve to at least get the basics. Although no one is deserved everything, I think the minimum should be the freedom to be safe and out of harms way within a civilized society. It really isn't. It is a manifestation of the actions you have taken in life. Who governs the laws of karma? Not sure, I haven't gotten that far, I just know it when I can feel it in my environment working around me. Does eating pork give you bad karma? I don't know, it depends on how the animal was killed and your level of knowing if eating an animal killed improperly is wrong. Innocence is taken into account, but once you are aware and know, then you are expected to make adjustments. Who decides? Not sure, I just feel it. Who cares and why? You will when you get to the end of the line and can see the evaluation happening all around you. It takes some skill to be able to parse it. Actions have consequences, some foreseen, some not, there's really no way to deny it. It is the realm to many different things. Most of us only use our basic senses. Some people can experience more than that. It isn't a belief, it is something that I feel when I do my work that impacts me in my day to day. Rather than asking me questions about something you don't believe in and are closed minded to, ask yourself why you don't have any understanding in a thing that has been in great detail recorded within human history? You don't need to take my word for it. It doesn't really matter to me, when you experience it at the end of your life, you will know what it is. Until then, live how you want, it isn't my "karma" to try and change your beliefs about something you're shut away from. If you are, there's probably a reason for it. When you see it, it will come into your life in many ways, not just as some "being", but the momentum of activity that your life has created on this earth and the effects that it caused for yourself and others. I don't really need to prove it to you, you'll get there eventually, we all have to face the outcome of our actions.
  3. Eleanor Rigby All the lonely people Where do they all come from? All the lonely people Where do they all belong? Ah, look at all the lonely people! “My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise. ” "I look at all the lonely people.' "Look at you. She who wants Her Lambs, but gets atwix over the Lion."
  4. Well, you're saying that weak people deserve to die. You have a weakness. You don't deserve it, is my point. Weakness comes in all flavours. I'm not talking about Tate, Tate is not a good influence on the world. Obviously. I don't believe in using SD as a way to discuss things with people, I don't think you can really use karma and SD in the same space, as karma is an influence outside of your level of development. It has to do with your actions, cause and effect, feedback loops. These can be good or bad no matter what level of development you are at. I agree with you on the second paragraph, that victim mentality can be bad, but at the same time, letting it out and not sitting with it is also a good thing. It depends on where the person is coming from, are they complaining with a motive to move forward, but are accepting that they have been victimized or is this just another mindless wheel of action to keep from doing the real work? I don't know anything about 4chan, though. So, if people need self empowerment to move forward, then don't you think that telling people that if they are weak that they deserve to die and that only strength should go on - when even this has many facets to it, is the opposite of what you are now writing is a requirement to improve? It can't go both ways, people can't be given the message that they are worthless and deserve to die and then to be expected to feel some level of self empowerment. I don't think a human being can recognize how the whole system of nature works, it's highly complicated, I've been trying for years to scratch the surface. I agree that one's feelings on the matter are not that important, but it's a process to get there, and a messy one at that, to realize that you both matter quite a lot, but also very little and in the ways that you matter are generally not in the ways that you want or expected. I don't agree that SD can explain karma or how nature works, as these are phenomenon that exist outside of human category, they are their own thing. You write as someone who doesn't understand nature. Karma 'is' nature, it is both an internal and external force. You move towards truth or against it and depending on the direction you go, this facilitates the nature and direction of your "soul" or evolutionary path - if you believe in souls, some don't - underneath reality, we are all connected by cords of contract, what we do to others, to ourselves and to the planet comes back in the form of energy that moves like a wave. We have energies that have gained momentum for millennia, and some that are renewed every day and they have their own level of self awareness, depending on how much traction they gain, some can be considered Gods or archetypes. If you have not faced death and gone into it in a genuine fashion, then you probably have not unraveled the anatomy going on behind the scenes. Nature has set in place a system of its own of wrong action and right action, you go against nature and eventually the accumulated pressure will crush you. You can find such systems in Buddhism, the book of the dead, Egyptian mythology and even within just a basic understanding of cause and effect. I don't have, like a PHD on this stuff and I just wake up to bits and pieces of it in my own work, but it's there. "There's just nature". Exactly. Gotcha, thanks for the correction.
  5. @thisintegrated Don't you have a disease of your own that you are contending with? I believe you mentioned this once or twice, but I'm not sure. There is plenty of room for "blue INFP shit" on this forum, I think you're just seriously lost in categorizing people through SD and MBTI and then putting them into personal tier list vaults. As for karma, karma affects people, but not always all at once. If you are sensitive you will feel your karma being brought down through small actions. People that are more dense get the full gamut at the end of their life when they have their life reviews. Life has a lot of differing ways that it views strength. The strength of your spiritual merit is generally the most important as the entire evolutionary process is designed for the universe to wake up to itself, thus a weak man/woman with decent karma or is working towards is generally going to have more merit from a soul/spirit POV than some millionaire who doesn't know himself very well. As for stage blue, a lot of their beliefs - if you can parse the truth in religion, and to work hard and generally build a healthy society through the merit of right action isn't a terrible way to live. You, being an ENTP and not understanding Fi very well, you wouldn't know that reality is based on emotion. If you can abstract using Fi-ne in such a way into your inner psyche then you can generally find a lot of wisdom there over a set period of time, and you'll see how feelings run the world to the level of... well... "Love" is literally all there is. I feel as though you're closed minded, and didn't you mention on another thread that Emerald left for not being interested in "lower tier SD" on this forum, I remember that from a few days ago and thought you were ultimately just talking about yourself and lo and behold, I was not wrong.
  6. Remember me, remember me when you are down Float me on air and lift me up from off the ground Oh baby, I feel lazy So lie here in my arms tonight Would you deny a poor man's cry, a poor man's cry Just when I'm finding it hard to breathe You lift the weight inside of me Oh baby I see the light It's burning bright And we're the stars Oh Annie you save me from the world My head's alive, my head's alive, can't get no peace You're my escape from this heartache, I need release Oh baby, this world's crazy So lie here in my arms tonight You can't deny a poor man's cry, a poor man's cry Stars, please shine for me tonight Tonight
  7. Hey Ges, I read what you wrote and I will get back to you tomorrow morning. Got hit with a bit of inspiration and spent the morning working on things, but I'm all out of energy, just letting you know so you don't think I didn't get your post. Talk to you soon!
  8. "Rites of... "Passage" "The first few minutes will be very disorienting, remember to stay calm and focused."
  9. I think Ges is intp, but my ability to type people isn't so great.
  10. I love Tom's Diner, I forgot all about that song but it was one of my favs growing up... Just wanted to add some perspective on this. I don't have a lot of money, either. Money is good to have, you need it to live the life you want, but the idea that you are good or bad due to money is not true. People can be poor and very decent people or they can be rich and be terrible. Most rich people are quite cruel and forget that they live on the backs of other's labours. When I see you write here, I see someone who is very smart and who has made a lot out of themselves for the circumstances they were given and who doesn't complain a whole lot about it, even when they deserve to have the spotlight to talk about their struggles. You just keep growing, and it is so clear that you are on an up and up spiritually, emotionally, in your maturity, just based on the past year or two that I have known you. You took care of your girlfriend as well as you could, your sister, your brother when they were all going through hardships, you are wanting to forgive people, you understand the importance of family, and you are a work in progress like the rest of us here, but you have a good heart and are able to adapt to things. You are honest and open about yourself within reason. You were kind to me when I was going through the worst crisis in my life and you saw what was happening but either did not judge me or did so minimally, you have a good sense of humour and your English writing is impeccable. The problem with money is that it can cloud over the other traits of people, that there are more good qualities within a person than cashflow. Because money is so wrapped up in survival, that when people don't have it they seek it and they think that their value as a soul is wrapped in this, but it isn't. It's an illusion. Certainly seek it, because you deserve to have a good and comfortable life, but don't let the lack of money make you feel as though you are not good enough.
  11. @KH2 I totally agree. If I ever planned to have kids, I would do this - simply because my genetics suck. There's enough people in the world and people with my genetics don't really need to add to it. But I would make a terrible mother as I don't have motherly instincts to care for a child properly. If I were raised right then it might be a different story. Kids are fragile, they need a lot of support and selflessness and they deserve to live in quality conditions, none of which I could offer. Plus, I don't have patience and I have a hard time remembering to do things, I could imagine being a very frustrated and negligent mother who would over attach to her kids sometimes and then push them away at other times, thus perpetuating the cycle of problematic, broken people. No thank you, I'm not shitty enough to do that to an innocent person who relies on me just to spread my genes. I'm kind to them when I see little ones with their families, I smile and can reflect a very warm personality. I know that when children are in the world they take everything in and small things can mean a lot so I try to be very aware of their needs - that I can do in short bursts. I'm kind of shy around kids. Like, I don't know how to interact with them and I know that they mirror the adult in the situation and I just don't know how to be that would allow a kid to feel safe and secure for a period of time. If you think you would be a good dad, stable, financially secure, good values that you can share, etc - you should go for it! And certainly adopt a child in poor conditions, you are literally saving the life and future of another human being. If I was raised right and stable, then I would adopt, too, that is the ethical thing to do.
  12. A playlist dedicated to the very worst human spawn behaviour. "All the feels". Don't forget, there is an easy solution to the madness. What happens when people en masse don't learn to wrap up their feels in the appropriate packaging. Some examples of the caliber of children the people here could produce. Very consciousness, so spiritual.
  13. I took a look and you're in Seattle, nice, I used to live there a year ago. Hello fellow WA resident! *wave* I was writing this to you, but also for the rest of his audience as well - a reminder for them to stick to their own journey and don't let people coopt it to such a degree that what Leo does for himself even matters. I say this because this will prevent this place from becoming a cult. Cults can't form if people think for themselves and are reminded that this is the work. Just go within. It could be mental illness/schizophrenia. I have bipolar 1 myself. Many of the insights can be similar to awakening, but they often come with an almost occult-like flavour. I think the schizophrenic often opens up not just enlightenment, but what goes on underneath the psyche and at times reality itself. I've spoken to a few of them during hospital stays and their awakenings lend to an almost shamanic perspective that maybe modern society doesn't have the full scope to be able to help them integrate. I have a good eye for what is spiritual and what is delusion, but there just isn't enough that Leo has given me to be able to make an educated guess with his work. I totally understand what you're saying, though, I don't disagree, and these odd awakenings mixed with some of the Instagram posts, some strange posts here lead me to believe that he is going through something, perhaps a mixture of both. It's hard to know. I think someone like him, if he were sick, would try to save face - so we might not know until it hits the fan. I try to keep both perspectives in mind - that something could be wrong and my gut leads me to believe that this could very well be true, and the other is that he is having awakenings leading towards something but that he has not integrated them yet. The thing with Leo is that he does all of this publicly and people follow him, and so I agree and think he needs to take care and work on grounding himself first before sharing these things. Me personally though, I am not interested in enlightenment and don't know much about it so I can't really comment on that. If it happens to me as a side affect of my own work, great, but as far as I know it is one of those things that the moment you start seeking it, it eludes you - so it makes sense to me to keep it as a side-thing that could happen. I tend to do more along the lines of shamanic/occult/magick/death energies for my practice. I think Leo needs to start reading/watching books/material by other "alien/soul" channelers who have very clear descriptions on what he talks about to help guide him, some shamanic perspectives as once you get into these realms it's good to have something to fall back on so you know what to name your experiences, and to be a bit more humble about it.
  14. Maybe, possibly... but I've had similar experiences and they are also recorded in well-known spiritual books if you know where to look. People have channeled this kind of stuff, generally probably much better than Leo can do. The thing with Leo is that he has a malignant arrogance that can't seem to be weeded out, I don't know why... We would have to know what Leo has to say on the matter over a set period of time. "Show your homework" kind of a deal. The thing with these experiences, is that they can be real, they can be delusion or they can be a mixture of the two. A good rule of thumb for doing spiritual work is to go within as much as possible. Literally carve out a path within your own psychology for what is yours to find. There is so much out there, so many ways to wake up, so many other experiences people can have - some that no one has mapped, but most people have some clue into what they're finding. Leo is going to do what Leo is going to do. Rather than people get right on board with him when he is having these manic awakenings, have some common sense, give it a few months to a year to settle and see what he makes of it first. Don't get so into someone else's process that you lose sight of your own. If people knew to simply follow their own journey, and just add and take away what fits and works for them at the time, they would not get so hellbent on following teachers and taking everything they say as gospel. The real teaching here isn't to give people all these unusual experiences, it is to simply redirect them back to looking within. When you do this, your own destiny will unravel. What is for you might very well be completely different than what is for Leo. This is where he gets it wrong, is that Spirit has gifts for each person who makes the journey, you just have to carve them out of yourself. Following what Leo has found doesn't do this. Alien consciousness may not be what another person is supposed to find, or even needs. They might be meant for an entirely different initiation.
  15. From my experience, about 75 percent of the guys that I have been interested in or were interested in me were also interested in other women sexually, but the problem was that they were not honest about this fact and it caused a wedge in my connection with them due to the ways they went about it. My ex cheated on me multiple times, relationships that were just getting started were thrown aside for lesser quality women (instead of breaking it off I was strung along behind my back.), some relationships didn't go anywhere because I was used as an emotional/sexual in-between after a recently failing long-term connection, or I had guys currently in relationships/marriages (one time with kids) or just that they were in a committed partnership still try to flirt with me/connect to me anyways at the expense of their partner's feelings, or I was warming up to one who was a long-time friend and he acted like he was single, I helped him out with psychological issues and a real-world emergency only to find out he was taken, but sending me stuff in the mail and acting like he wanted more, one was a serial rapist, I could go on, you get the point. I think it just comes with the territory of being a guy. It's normal. Most guys are like this. The other 25 percent were honest about it, and I knew what I was getting in to. It was nice to at least know. The truth is, guys are not loyal. Women love this, they want a guy to really be all about them in a permanent fashion, but once the lust and passion wears off it's hard for them not to get wandering eyes. Women are more emotional and bond deeper than a male does and so they, if they think you are an important facet of their life, will remain loyal and only interested in you. Some aren't like this, of course, but a good number are. They will put on blinders to other men. If you're honest and open about it and don't think you will cheat then there's no problem. Being open about your attraction to other women, rather than trying to hide it is a good thing. You can't really just decide one day to not like other women, that's not really how sexuality works, but you can take actions to make your partner feel like she is yours, that she is seen, heard, loved and that you are loyal. If you allow affection for other women to enter into your life, like flirting a lot, getting touchy with them, a woman might allow this, but for most it does over time create some sort of a wedge. That's our psychology. Look but don't touch is a good rule of thumb. By nature, men are not designed to be loyal and sexually ethical. You can have a guy saying the most pro-feminist things he can find, but underneath it all, the same wiring is there.
  16. I've had a similar experience, but not in becoming, only in making contact with one. Try reading Jane Robert's Seth material and the Law of One Ra Material as they discuss alien life in a similar manner. I call them... "nonlocalized personality structures". The first discusses the evolution of the personality and it is described as something that collects multiple lives/faces, and that it can move from one face to the next at will. Like pulling a sling shot back and bringing it forward within reality to see what the personality can make of it's creativity. The entire purpose of the soul is to get to the point where it is able to let go of the constrains of time and space and to move beyond the life/death cycle and create for infinity. It grows with other personalities who are able to do this as well, like a legion they compare and contrast experiences, blending together in order to grow into infinity. The guide that I work with discusses these things as well. I wouldn't say it is new information, you might have just caught onto it a bit later, but it will be interesting to see what you can make of it.
  17. ? ??????? ??? ?????? ???? ?? ?????? ????? ??, ? ??????? ??? ?????? ???? ?? ?????? ???? ??? ??.
  18. This song here... and... everyone at the funeral will be given normally wrapped sweet candies, but when you take off the packaging they're the size of your pinky nail. They all come with a burst of fruit flavour that the moment you taste it - it's gone. Just like life... woOOooo.
  19. This picture illustrates my offering, as well as offers a thought provoking truth into the reality of the human condition. I give up connection from within the wire frame of this human vessel, knowing the light of my inner child will reach out when this life uncoils from it's bondage. I saw the part of you That only when you're older you will see too You will see too I held the better cards But every stroke of luck has got a bleed through It's got a bleed through You held the balance of the time That only blindly I could read you But I could read you It's like you told me Go forward slowly It's not a race to the end Well you look like yourself But you're somebody else Only it ain't on the surface Well you talk like yourself No, I hear someone else though Now you're making me nervous You were the better part Of every bit of beating heart that I had Whatever I had I finally sat alone Pitch black flesh and bone Couldn't believe that you were gone
  20. I've had numerous death experiences over the years from dealing with sickness, and I'll tell you what I have gathered, but the best way to experience this is just to face your own death. Anything I say is here-say and cannot be translated properly unless you go through your own process. On top of this, different insights are tailored to the person's unique psychology, so my visions may not be meant for you, but here goes: You are already formless infinite love forever, just beyond all of this, your soul is resting as a formless ball of consciousness - like a bubble within soda pop. What it feels like is stepping outside of time and space, you can actually feel time and space moving forward but you are no longer a part of it. You will realize that you were always Here and Now, and never moved. Life's actions and visions were moving around you, but you stayed in this one spot forever. You will feel connected to every other living soul who ever was or will be, all existing within the source material/energy. It is like, your body is a vessel to contain this so you can move around, but once it dies, your consciousness is still where it always was. We have soul families/partners/friends that we reunite with that we have been learning lessons with in order to grow. The goal is to realize God's creative potential and to be able to use it. We don't just get that right away, we have to evolve. We do it in groups. Depending on how far you get in understanding virtues like Love, forgiveness, mercy, honesty and so forth determines if you will create a new form or move onto something else entirely. Watch this music video, this is the creative potential and what is underneath the soul's exterior - we are creative masterminds, and when we get to a certain level we get to build and destroy and build again forever: This is what the soul wants to evolve to do - to have creative output of this nature, where our faces are expressions of the environment. We are no longer bodies, but entire ecosystems and atmospheres. Everyone pools this creativity together and we play, like children, bathing in Love and Light. When you die, your soul will leave at the top of your head and you will either be carried into a waiting room which is a black void that will turn into a white light, or moved through a tunnel. You will be visited by whoever is supposed to come for you, an entity, friends, family, God, religious figures and so forth and they will conduct what is called a life review, where you go over what you did right and wrong and you will feel your actions and how it affected others, and what you could have done better or what you did well. Death, like in life is tailored to the person. Look into Egyptian myths, Tibetan and see what you can find there - they have recorded this process very well. If you find yourself in a "bad place" after death - do this - pray and ask for forgiveness and to be rescued and brought into the light. That's all you have to do. Most people don't find themselves here, but some do and those that do, this is how they get out of it.
  21. @Proserpina Posts like these remind me that I am in a good spot for this line of work. I live with family, have no responsibilities and can go deep into it without distractions. No medications, just focusing on the meat and potatoes of the process. Some advice for using psychosis-states to move forward - you can use them if you're in a good spot to be able to decompress. If you're in a spot in life where you can't do that, it will be harder to manage life. When I was on my own and tried this, it did not work. So if I had to be on my own again, I would opt to go on meds and would shut out my channeling completely in order to deal with the real world a little more accurately. If you want to go into these states, there are some things you can do to protect yourself from getting off track - which is to focus on what Truth is. This is Love. Any track you want to take, any deviation, if it gets to Love then it should work. The thing is, Love comes in various forms and flavours, and perhaps not everyone is able to See what those look like/how they manifest. To me, it seemed like you were in a mixture of both mystical state and psychosis, which I tend to get into as well. As long as you can see which is which, then it makes this easier. There is, ultimately, nothing wrong with these states of being and they can bring a person a lot of joy, healing and information into their subconscious. I would look at it from this point of view, if you are able - what goals are you trying to get from it? A sense of resolution with something? Feeling more Love? Right these down and then look for ways to bring that into your environment. If all else fails - just drop it all for a few days and restart your system and just focus on Love. It's okay to reset for a few days and then come back to things. At the end of the day, it is how you feel about your work that matters. It's good to take people's opinions into account, but if you feel that you are getting somewhere with it, remember that this is your journey. You do what feels right for you.