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Everything posted by Loba

  1. I'm the opposite, for some reason my arms and legs grow more darker hair, so I use something called a epilator and it pulls the hair by the root, then it doesn't grow back for a couple weeks and when it does it is light and very easy to go over with the machine. Only the first few times hurt, and then if you let it grow out fully, but if you find shaving to be a waste of time, I recommend using these, they save sooo much time in the shower.
  2. @hoodrow trillson Yep. @Preety_India You're welcome. Love what he is saying, I hope he can get it all done.
  3. @hoodrow trillson Sad. I hate it, because awakening feels so unified, warm, illuminating, and interconnected, loving and safe - and my story is not that.. but maybe someday it could be. Awakening is just such an amazing thing, it feels like becoming something "lesser" almost...to have to step out of it.
  4. I have the same problem and the only thing I have found to work is meditation.
  5. @lostingenosmaze Haha, np, I never use my phone so I forgot - when I went to check this page yesterday on my phone it crashed the page. I just found a treasure trove of amazing music and got a bit overzealous. It doesn't end, one song gets a chain of just more and more amazing music.
  6. I hate the thread getting too long and I can't be assured it isn't messing w/ ppls phones so what I am going to do is once a day offer a chain of good music and leave it up for 24 hours and then cut the rest out sans the best song in the list so that there isn't this huge wall of unloaded videos. I feel that is a good compromise. I can share music and not take up too much space. Check out this band, they're great!
  7. @Preety_India Thanks for this. I guess it's true. I'll pray for a better outcome for the people of Ukraine and Russia. And for us, if we end up having to get involved, and for the world, if he stupidly decides to use nukes.
  8. Maybe. If they weren't so connected via genetics and history, and he wanted the land that bad - I think he would be more likely to. If I knew more about what was happening I could give you a better answer - I'm going to have to really sit down for a few weeks and look into all of this, write notes, ect to get a better understanding. I just don't see Russian citizens standing for it. I don't think that Russia as a collective wants this. Maybe all of this will spur Russia to become more progressive? Idk, I need to read up on Russian history first to understand why they are so conservative.
  9. Well I certainly hope so. No amount of land is worth nuking and killing a bunch of people for. The fact that he put nuclear forces in a special regime of combat duty is suspicious, though... I hope this all ends up with Putin looking foolish, getting ousted by his peers, and his country turning against him.
  10. @PurpleTree Yeah. A lot of Russians have family in the Ukraine, I think they would be pissed with him if he nuked their family members. If Ukraine is a jewel for the Russian people, why would Putin tarnish it?' Could you explain? I am not well versed with history/the world, this war is my first history lesson and understanding of how different countries operate.
  11. I don't think it will happen, because a lot of Russians have family there - I think the Russian people would stand up if he threatened to nuke their families. He wants Ukraine, so why would he damage the land he wants so much? Just my 2c.
  12. @Bow24 Where would a person without much knowledge on geopolitics start? It's such a vast topic.
  13. I was going to suggest both, but that seems to be the consensus here. Sometimes when working on myself, I follow how I feel and it leads to a sense of identity discovery, while other times I know who I am based on certain feelings. I'm not having the easiest time describing it.. Following the feeling down to an identity discovery is my preferred way..
  14. Take what I say with a grain of salt, I'm just guessing. I think that the world will continue to get worse until people are forced to confront themselves - and that we will do this as a collective, people will find their own truths and what it means for them in the midst of the chaos. Religion will become very popular. If we can get to a certain level where more people are aware that God exists, more people will have faith and will look. Either through religion or self discovery. We will have to evolve. Or we will collapse. Will it happen collectively? ...I don't know. I feel hopeful, but skeptical...
  15. 1/2 or one tab. My first and only lsd experience was 1 tab and totally manageable.
  16. Art is memetic, so it has a lot of value, you can exchange feelings, ideas, and time periods through artwork as well as God, awakenings, and political views. We used art like maps in the stone age to show where animals were grazing so we could hunt them. There are so many different forms of art, from writing, drawing, painting, music, dancing, architecture, ect - it transfers from one person to the other what it means to be alive. God told me that in an ideal world humans would create more art because it helps to awaken the mind and allow creative thought. A lot of scientific discoveries come from the same intuitive place that art does, which is why they complement each other and are not at odds with one another. Art develops your soul. It is essential and on the same level. Just my 2c.
  17. We had a point system years ago, but it was removed. I try to offer pretty decent responses, I'll try to do even better. That's probably the best you can ask for is individuals taking the extra time to make decent replies/threads/ect. The forum will get better with time, we already have a lot of very smart people here.
  18. @Batman Of course there is. There's bubbles, like ingredients in a soup. If you go through death you'll experience them.
  19. @michaelcycle00 I'm not triggered by it, you're projecting. You can doubt it. I think... you are... how shall I say, trying to trigger, but it isn't gunna work, kid. Gl.
  20. I've experienced other bubbles, and mine as well, you can experience other's minds/souls..