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Everything posted by Loba

  1. If you're actually a creative... what do you even make...? Or do?... Calling yourself a creative to fix add is not fixing add....
  2. @Ulax "I see!" Says the blind man, as he picked up his hammer and saw.
  3. @Ulax Says the blind man as he picked up his hammer and saw.
  4. @Ulax It is when someone stands on a soap box - American analogy - to say, "I have something to say, listen listen listen.."
  5. @Vision 10 months, I started in May and it took about 1 month to stabilize and 3-4 months to actually see a difference, and then just recently I felt well enough to start taking care of myself again and have the energy and upbeat attitude for it.
  6. @Breakingthewall True, my mom has bpd but she actually has empathy and can love people, it's just the controlling aspect that I have a hard time with and she was violent when I was little until my teens, and grew out of it. It messed me up, but not like a narc, I've never met a genuine narcissist in my life before, not a real one - only people labeled as it by begrudged peeps. But the actual disorder sounds like hell; no empathy and needing to be "witnessed" to feel one is alive does sound horrible. I feel bad for narcs, mostly because I have not had to be around them, I've just heard of the symptoms and when they say it can't be cured, I feel bad for them - a terminal mental illness. On that note, I might have bpd in relation to relationships, but not affecting friendships or acquaintances. I'm not sure because I've only had one long term relationship and the other person was very unhealthy so I don't know if he just made all my future interactions this kind of "split behaviour", but I see my mom's behaviour in myself when it comes to men. I'm working on it, it seems to be going away. Hmmmn.... What was it like for you growing up with one and how did you know you were dealing with a narcissist? I've heard it's like, really weird, to put it mildly.
  7. I thought China condemned what Russia was doing claiming that they viewed Taiwan as sovereign? .. and would not be doing the same sorts of things? Where was it mentioned that China/Russia are building an alliance? I missed that.
  8. I've imagined the greatest fear, homelessness, and then went through it and had an awakening to Love. Go through your fears and you will find Love on the other side! <3 As it is, I don't worry anymore for my future. I will do my best to handle it. I'll follow whatever God has planned for me.
  9. @Forza21 Sometimes I post music in the music section. I have so much music I have collected that I'm trying to cut back actually, it's kind of an addiction, I love to share music with people.
  10. @Forza21 You're welcome, even if we all have different pieces of the puzzle, Love seems to be a unifying factor, so if it is causing you fear or taking your love away, I would certainly look into it because if that universal Love is not connecting you to your outer environment - it will feel like the inside connects completely to the outside - and that this connection is Love. I wouldn't even say 'wrong', I would just say that there is a component missing. Rather than view it as right or wrong, view it as a puzzle that has many parts to it that you are collecting. So you found some, and have a few more, but that doesn't mean your picture is wrong, either. Try this video, and then this song and see what you get: Look into their eyes - that's Love - that is what connects us all together, that is the unified field!
  11. Revenge never works out... I've tried it, sometimes I get caught in it... When you feel the need for revenge, try writing out how you really feel and what you want to do to that person on paper, and then rip up or throw the paper away. This allows you to use that vengeful energy, but also get some distance from it. Sometimes when we are mad, we just have to get it out, and that is okay. You can also break old dishes, or if you have furniture you don't want anymore, take it out with a bat and break it up. Revenge adds to your karma, but using that energy to understand yourself takes away from that karma. It's like a fire alarm going off, telling you that you need to work on something. The fact that you are aware of it is already taking it away from your karma. You just have to remember to stop and get some distance before you act out of revenge. That's the biggest step. The next time you feel it, go for a walk first and then write the letter. Do whatever you can to get the energy out in a healthy way. You can do it! Remind yourself that you are a good person for noticing this and wanting to change it, and that you are already halfway there to changing this. Revenge in larger context creates war between people. You can see it play out all around you. So when you take the steps to change it within yourself, you are actually changing the face of humanity for the better. You are not alone in feelings of revenge, we all get these emotions from time to time and part of being a human is learning to work through it. You can also try this if you are caught up in revenge, this takes like... a minute to do and you do it when your emotions are not positive and are not bringing you the results you want. So here's an idea: *dickweed does something to you and you need to get revenge... STOP!* Do this hand exercise, then go for a walk, then write down how you feel and throw the letter away - and see how it gets rid of the need for revenge. It should work if you do it.
  12. They're not empty suits, they are souls in a soup. Universal love should ideally connect people to this truth. You should be able to feel every living thing that ever was and will be, together, with you, in unison. The "all is you", is the field of consciousness that we all inhabit. If you are struggling with solipsism, I highly recommend listening to Sri Aurobindo's lectures. He is a stage turquoise/coral mystic who can help you find your soul - as in you will feel it - as well as other's, if God permits it. If a realization is taking away your Love, keep looking, there are more answers to be found. All souls that are united on this level of consciousness, "sing" in unison, their praises. Listen. <3 We are all in this together.
  13. @Zeroguy Aww thanks man! <3 That's great to to hear, yeah it is a lifelong journey but in a way we luck out being the blacksheep because we can see the truth and we are given the option to heal, whereas narcs, sadly, they can't heal. My mom isn't a narc, she has bpd so she is kinder than a narc, would not wish a narc parent on my worst enemy.
  14. What about when you do this to your followers who have had awakenings that you have not had yet? You think you're the arbiter of determining that stuff over the internet with such a small amount of information generally that people give you. And when someone contradicts you, you demote them or try to fluff it off like you know better than they do while simultaneously telling us to do our own research? And what if it goes against your agenda? What then? I've seen you add stuff, go back on stuff, ect, you're still learning, just like we are don't forget that dude. I don't think you have experienced the highest truths; I think that if you had, it would of changed you in a way that would be reflective in how you address your audience here; and even in that video that you took down - I can tell that you just don't... respect people in some ways. Like, you preach love, but can't even love your fellow man unless you bypass with some of that universal crap. You can't love at the level of just normal everyday people, and then at other times claim that you have this great love within you... You can't have awakenings just on your own, even... Without the use of an aid. And when teachers mention that people come back from these experiences and paint them with their level of understanding, and I see some of the comments that you make - I can 'tell' that you're not genuinely integrating these experiences. You seem to have a distrust of other teachers and their methods because you think you have figured it all out. I would legitimately suggest stopping the psychedelic use altogether and integrating what you already 'know'... supposedly... just for everyday use. Learn to love like a normie. Humility is the name of the game if you want to wake up without using nonsense substances. You're a student. And will be for life. You've overfocused on this, at the detriment of other areas, such as treating your followers with empathy, respect, understanding, ect. That's one of the reasons why you have people making these articles and videos about you, is because your actions don't match up with your supposed level of awakening, and you just gaslight people who try to determine where you are at... genuinely. I think people tend to assume they are farther along than they really are, and I don't think that you are an exception to this rule. I've been following you for a long time, and way back when, you were more genuine - even if you weren't more awake - this stuff... how to explain... Mmmph... you don't treat your friends very nicely. When their paths are different from yours, or you determine yourself more "awake" then them - you don't treat their teachings with respect. I'm not an idiot, I can see when someone's behaviour is not in line with what they say... You have to learn to treat your followers with more respect, instead of assuming you know best. You don't dude. They do. Each of your followers has within them everything they need to learn to wake up - they just need to learn to trust themselves and to follow their compass - their heart, their truth - they don't need to be doing drugs to get there, this is not true. That said, I do respect your work and I respect you, and don't wish for anything unfortunate to happen - and so... you must... take these words with some degree of seriousness, and do your best to relate to people where they are at... instead of telling other people to do that and then not doing it yourself. I genuinely suggest talk therapy with someone who is on your level, that you can trust - because there are shadows that are clear from my end that you could work on in that setting - depth psychology - and that could transmute some of this that I've discussed. Listen to your students a bit more - we aren't "normies"; we're just people... on the same path trying to find answers to life because that's what life is about. All the best.
  15. @Zeroguy I am! I'm treating my small self with the love and attention she needed, as well as my body with the daily care it needs, and journaling to understand my emotions, with that, medication, meditation, healthy food and exercise, and everything is getting better. Thanks dude, you went through that process, too, huh?
  16. @SQAAD I used to use that guy's advice when working through PTSD and he's legit, he gives good advice and has a very good understanding of the human mind. I'll make notes for people on Monday when I have some free time so if they don't go through the vid, they can at least catch an idea of what he was trying to say. I do believe that Putin has some sort of power-hungry disorder. You can see it in his eyes; the eyes are the windows to the soul. There's very little soul in there, it looks closed off - he looks like someone who uses their mind too much, and doesn't feel enough. This is however speculation, but I can read eyes pretty well. How this war plays out will determine a lot in understanding this dude's mental state, we are all, mostly speculating at this point - but it's been a trend, you know... that people who engage in warfare are kinda nuts. A lot of dictators ended up being mentally not very leveled out. So it makes sense to predict that he wouldn't be the exception to the rule.
  17. @Gabith Hi Gabith! It can take some time, or happen right away! I am still working on this myself, if you can't feel it quite yet, you can take actions towards self love, such as doing things daily that reflect self love. Sometimes when I don't love myself, I look at pictures of when I was a small child and offer love to that small child that I was; we are still the same person, just grown. What are some specific issues you are facing with self love? Maybe I can help.
  18. @Vision Yes, I can honesty say they gave me my life back.
  19. Well, my parents own their own home and plan to give it to me when they pass so I don't have to worry too much about wage slavery. I plan to start an AKC dog breeding hobby in ten years and if I can sell quality puppies, then they go for about 2-3k a pup. If I have 12 small dogs, and 1 is a very lucky male, the rest female, roughly 2-5 pups in a litter, one litter a year per dog to keep 'em healthy, that's enough to live off of, still run it ethically if I invest 1k into each litter, for shots, health checks, akc registration - and keep 5-10k aside for any potential vet emergencies. It's all a matter of saving for the first ten years so I have a lot to work with to start out. I used to work night shift at a dog daycare, so I know how to care for packs of dogs, it's pretty easy once you have them all on a schedule, and they'll be small dogs. Wage slavery, fortunately for me, is never something I will have to worry about - instead I worry about the state of the world and hope that everyone gets the chance to lead a good life and all I see is the opposite happening for so many people. Sorry slaves... here's a song for you: Thank you, slaves.
  20. @TruthSoldier You're welcome, I found some more material that explains the different stages as well:
  21. After doing some more research on turquoise and coral, I have found a video and channel that has some teachings that explain the stages very well. I was under the impression initially that coral was similar to red, albeit on a much larger scale, but after watching a really great video that summed up what it was all about - they also used a teacher that I am familiar with and think that his words could provide another route towards understanding these stages properly. I resonate with him more than the SD model - if these help any of you, too, then I am glad. Have a good day!
  22. If this is something that is important to you, I would suggest deleting the videos and don't allow any wiggle room with it. If you fall off the horse, just get back up the next day and try again - and don't feel any shame for it, but once you start adding on things you can get away with, while working on an addiction, that is like the addiction coming back up again but with a different justification. Like an alcoholic who only thinks he needs "one beer"... and that one beer brings him right back to where he was. Rather than looking for ways around your addiction, just face it head on with honesty: "I fell of the horse today, and that sucks, but I am human and I'll do better tomorrow." And then do it. And if it happens again, do the same thing - just keep on with that. I get it, I have a weed addiction and I will probably buy some in a few days because I want to have "pretty insights" that make me happy, but it isn't good for my lungs and I get less done. Addiction is hard to manage sometimes.