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Everything posted by kray

  1. I LOVE my girlfriend, her role in my life and our emotional connection. Nothing will ever change about that. But I do miss the chase of talking and flirting with other woman. I occasionally hit on other woman, make flirty comments here and there behind her back. Again, I am not trying to sleep with these woman, but there is a certain fun in just flirting with other woman, its just really fun. But on the other hand I don't ever see me cheating or breaking up with my girlfriend. Am I being a scumbag?
  2. I think our biases about Islam come from the media, especially if one watches Fox news or conservative leaning media. Islam is not a violent religion, and is no more violent than Christianity and Judaism. It just so happens that in many parts of the Middle East, an Islamic sect known as Wahhabism took place, which is a more dogmatic, authoritarian and radical form of Islam. Prior to the 19th century, the mainstream practice of Islam was Sufism, which was mostly concerned with the mystical aspect of Islam. If you read about Sufism, you will quickly find out that a lot of the practices are about the greater jihad, or finding one self. I also think with Christianity, with the protestant reformation and such, there was a certain cycle of reforming the practices in Christianity, hence making it seem a lot more 'liberal' than Islam. The Islamic practices that we see as 'radical' work for the context of 7th century Arabia, which was a RADICALLY different culture than modern 21st century west. I think if Islam has a reformation movement, similar to how christianity did many centuries ago, we will see a different, more peaceful version of Islam.
  3. I think people in a way are metaphysically and have been metaphysically curious, but in the watered down ways. Many centuries ago it was religion (of course still persists today), but now we have science. Every couple of centuries, humanity finds new "technologies" to help them understand what is the 'source'. Just so happens that most people today, with the exception of a few ignorant people here and there, accept that the scientific method will get us there. In a way, science has done wonders when compared to religion, but it simply isn't enough to experience and look for the source of creation. Unfortunately, it is limited to the physical dimension, and it takes a little bit of being open to the trans-rational paradigm to go beyond the physical, which most people are not open to as of now. Most people live and think in finite, and being metaphysically curious/spiritual means to look in the infinite. That's why those who are open to this possibility tend to be more curious, and make more steps in their so called "spiritual journey".
  4. Under what circumstances should I perform shamanic breathing exercise? Do I have to be on an empty stomach? Do it only in the morning? Avoid doing it after having a filling meal? Can I drink water before, or should should I retain from putting anything inside my body, just like Yoga?
  5. So even if I had a meal earlier in the day, will I still be able to do this say in the evening or afternoon?
  6. This is eerily similar to what the Nazis did in Poland to it's citizens when they invaded...
  7. This guy was basically the black hitler. He initiated a state genocide against South Asians and Europeans living in Uganda, forcing many to flee the country.
  8. I personally thought about the meta perspective too, but I always thought that Russia was much closer to stage orange than say China. Simply put, Russia's government, society and ideals are completely European, and Russia has had that historical relation with other European powers (France, UK, Germany, etc.) going back centuries. If anything, up until the Soviet revolution, the Russian Empire's level of spiral and economic development was at the same level of other European powers at the time. If the red revolution of 1919 never happened, Russia would be more entangled with NATO, the EU, and Europe as a whole. Not trying to show some anti-communist views here, but I personally think when the revolution did happen, it took Russia back into stage red, and ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia was simply trying to rebuild, and naturally from stage red, they went into stage blue.
  9. @Preety_India probably a result of post colonial mindset….remember this is the same culture where we have many woman goddesses
  10. @Leo Gura so Guessing it would be a good idea to pickup a new hobby and be around like minded circles?
  11. I know I just feel like a total scumbag. If I didn't love her I would not care not feel anything about it. But I do, we've been together for 2 years now, and our relationship gets stronger by the day. For me, I've always seen pickup as a tool for social/personal development, and a way to tackle my social anxieties. It's just that she's in nursing school now, and we've pretty much been doing long distance. While most of my social anxiety has been tackled over the past five years since I started college, I still have an urge to develop myself socially. In a way, saying such things allows me to build my own confidence and social intelligence to new levels. I know its scummy, and I would feel deeply hurt if my girlfriend did such a thing too. So I that's why I've been controlling that urge. It doesn't come from a place of wanting to fuck her, but putting myself in a position of high tension. In a way, I like the adrenaline that comes from that, not the result.
  12. Stop overthinking it dude. More action, less thinking. Think of yourself as a Homo Sapien who has got a hard dick and wants to fuck the shit out of that girl. Thats it. Don't give a fuck about rejection.
  13. I've joked to a virgin female that "I'd totally take away your virginity, but I'm taken so you won't get that luxury "
  14. So you grew in a pretty stage red society for a while? And it probably doesn't help that Ukraine is going back into an environment war.
  15. Is Putin actually crazy enough to pull the trigger?
  16. If I'm stoned in public, will people easily notice me being high, even laugh at me, or am I just overthinking?
  17. Don't suppress it, embrace it. I have no right to talk about this subject as I am a straight male, but I've noticed in my bi friends that when they do let loose in both sides of their sexual spectrum, they tend to be happier. And many of my friends are Indian/Asian. You do what makes you happy, and your parents will accept you for who you are because at the end of the day, you are THEIR child, and that unconditional love will be there.
  18. I second this. I got a girlfriend who I can finish 10 times in a session, but sometimes I don't even cum once. If you got a really high sexual tolerance, then yea, jerk off.
  19. You essentially play as a mercenary in a civil war in some unnamed african country. The goal of this game is to simply kill a gun runner, but unlike other games where you are play as a 'hero', in this game you are simply a guy who goes around killing anyone who gets in your way, collecting diamonds, and siding with whatever party that pays you the most. As a player, you won't feel like someone saving the day, but someone trying to survive the rough African terrain. You embody stage red.
  20. But don't some philosophies such as Buddhism preach that ultimate truth is no-self? I know that Advaitha Vendantha preaches true self.
  21. How would you classify NYC? Is it Orange-Green? Or is it more pure Orange?
  22. If god is realizing your are infinite, how can you reach the "Highest awakening" @Leo Gura? You say that no amount of mediation, yoga, kundalini, shamanic breathing will get one to this level, yet you leave out psychedelics. Are you actually fully awake, or could the possibility exist that you simply self-deluded yourself while taking 5 meo, or any drug for that matter? I love your work Leo, but you did come off as an arrogant asshole to me in your last video, and I mean that constructively. Do you know that when you come out with such a claim, that you discount THOUSANDS of years of traditions and practices that were built for the very purpose of reaching this state of "highest" truth. Sure maybe our favorite teachers like the Buddha, Jesus, Sadhguru, etc. may have not reached the level of awakening that you claim to have reached, but those guys went pretty damn far without using any drugs. Also how can there be a "highest awakening", when being itself is an infinite thing? This confuses me. I hope you take my comments as not hating on your work, but rather a genuine expression of how I felt about your last video
  23. I need some insight in life right now, as I feel rather directionless and lost. This feeling has gotten me so messed up that its putting a strain on ALL of my relationships, to the point where I feel like I need to "survive" in this social matrix. For this reason, I've seen myself grow from cool, confident, and having spiritual security to being bitter, angry all the time, having feelings of jealousy and insecurity, and a general lack of stability. I know a lot of people use psychedelics as a means of stimulating their mind to discover "new perspectives", and because of that I have also wanted to try a psychedelics. However, because of my general lack of emotional stability in my life, I decided that I will not be taking a psychedelic anytime soon. Are there any other ways I can get myself to a certain "state" where I can get some of these insights? I know meditation is one way, but I also know that I would have to put in HOURS of meditation each day for many years just to open the door to these insights. Along with meditation, are there any other techniques (breathing or otherwise) that will take me to these mentally stimulated states faster?