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About kray

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  1. Ibiza, if you can stand obnoxious British tourists
  2. I’m attempting to desexualize my brain as well and have been noticing some upsides as well. The only downside I have noticed is being on edge or more angsty at times.
  3. Best time to invest in rocket engine manufacturers honestly
  4. Trump just pardoned all the January 6th rioters……
  5. Welp, excited to welcome President Donald J Trump 🫡
  6. Honestly that pain is horrible, honestly in my top 5 things that are the most painful.
  7. If Russia wants to “denazify”, they ought to look within their own border.
  8. How can you be unlimited when you seize to exist?
  9. Any thoughts on the recent uptick in anti Indian racism online? Why are we the most hated group by everyone basically. It’s like people get a free pass to shit on us.
  10. @Leo Gura I do agree that you reached high levels of consciousness, but I think you do have a spiritual ego. You fell into the trap that you reached the highest level of consciousness, which is rather arrogant. If consciousness is infinite, then how did you reach the highest knowing? That tells that consciousness is finite….which it is not. Do you mean that you have reached the highest level of consciousness compared to other humans? Please help me understand.
  11. If we were a European country or old world country whose economy and identity was built on the people native to the lands, I would 100% be for restricting immigration. But the US is not that, as much as racists want believe so. We have always been the country where people immigrated into. I think it’s rather weird that most of these nativist arguments are coming from Jewish Americans, such as Laura loomer. Like don’t they know that most white nationalists want these people dead, and deported to Israel?
  12. I think policies should cater to the average American, who for the most part aren’t in the extreme. The racist maga people are just in the minority, not the majority. Most are just Americans who are desperate, and as a child of Indian immigrants, I do agree that we should invest in our country first. However this country was always built on immigrants coming here, and that’s a legacy we should be proud of, and honestly made our nation great. I think what we need to do is level the playing field for everyone, native born citizens and immigrants, and ensure that we remove shady practices used to exploit immigrants. This is not the first time immigrants got hate in this country, but we need to find a purpose, an aim that unites all Americans together.
  13. And is an extremely prosperous nation. These immigrants are the powerhouse behind some of these tech companies.
  14. Racist maga people just mad that these billionaires depend on these smart immigrants who just happen to be brown. It triggers them like anything.
  15. So like not being a fat with man boobs I guess? Or a guys with muscle and not a guy with skinny fat?