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Everything posted by Noahsteelers34

  1. I try and look at a person from a birds-eye view instead of letting my emotions get in the way. By this I mean not allowing my infactuation to distort my perception. How do they treat others, how do they talk about others. Do they talk shit on people behind their back. Another telling thing is their relationship with their family. Obviously some people have very shitty situations that don't allow them to have good relations with parents, but in general the way she treat her family, is similar to how she will treat you. I like to adopt the mindset of "do I like her" instead of "does she like me". I ask questions to try and get a sense of who she is. Everyone is different for what they will allow, and obviously you will have to make compromises. Dont get sucked into the mindset of "all girls are_____". Trust me when I say there are exceptions to any rule you come up with, and reality will reflect back to you whatever you think is true. My ex girlfriend was the sweetest, and kindest girl I've met, and she actually loved me for who I was. Do the following exercise: set a timer for 5 minutes and Complete the following sentences with the first thought that comes in your mind All women are_____ ex hores, immature....etc I cant get women because____ I'm too skinny, I'm ugly... etc This should show you how your subconscious thinks. If you think all women are hores, your mind will find evidence of that The last thing I will say is that after you get clear on the qualities you want in a women, let that go and start focusing on becoming the ideal man. If you want your ideal women, you will have to become the best version of yourself. The right women will come automatically as a result of that.
  2. @assx95 @Sleyker They worked well. They take you out in public and make you do a bunch of social freedom exercises, then on the second day is all approaching. Then you work with their models and they correct your energy. They record you and make you watch it in front of everyone. In terms of attraction, they have some of the best stuff out there. I ended up getting laid the same night during one of the workshops even though I had almost no experience. This just goes t show you it's not about how many approaches you've done. Spontaneous shenanigans happen when you're in courage, this means you're showing up fully and you want to be there because you're enjoying yourself. The goal of your approach shouldn't be getting laid or getting a girl but enjoying it as an end in of itself. How can you turn approaching as something you enjoy doing, something that excites you, not as a chore you have to do to hit a certain number of approaches? Also, throw out the word approaching. You are not approaching or doing pickup... You are being social. And stop listening to everyone here trying to convince you that its super difficult or terrible. You could literally meet a girl today and have her turn into your girlfriend. You are already good enough you just need to get out of your own way.
  3. @Sleyker I can tell you watch fearless man… I did a few workshops with them. Their great
  4. I have previously taken shrooms 5 times, but have never taken more than 1.75 grams. I have never experienced anything too intense or any visuals. I am approaching on my 21st birthday and feel that its time to go a little bit deeper. I have a week between the end of my semester and my summer job and feel that it would be a good opportunity to do so. My roommates also take shrooms and one of them wants to take them with me. Do you feel like it is a good idea to take them with others? I feel like it may help me have a good trip and keep me from going to a bad place, but at the same time there are certain drawbacks to taking it with others. Taking into account my past experiences, what would be a good dose? Most of my friends take a full 8th (3.5g), and they think I should just send it, but at the same time, I'm scared to have a real deep trip.
  5. I can relate to this. I eat eggs on a regular basis but can just tell that they do not sit well, even though I can tolerate eating them.
  6. I remember when I was 16 searching up “what is reality” because I was innately curious. Your video popped up and totally blew my mind. your video changed the trajectory of my life, and led to me improving my social life, curing my addiction, learning guitar, and being a person who is disciplined and passion about life.
  7. This post is very vulnerable and embarrassing for me to share. In December I fasted for 21 days eating no food and drinking over a gallon of water per day with no supplements or electrolytes. I did this through Loren Lockmen at the Tanglewood wellness center. They guided me through zoom and monitored my vitals. It all started when I fell into the raw vegan ideology, and believed fasting and eating raw was the magical solution, and would bring me perfect health and vitality. naturally being very driven towards personal growth I risked everything for it---All my savings, going against my family, friends, and girlfriend, and spent my entire winter break from college in pure hell. The fast was pure torture. I was encouraged to not distract myself with reading, writing, talking, or technology... so basically stared at a wall with my mind. I ended my fast at 6ft 122 pounds, with an extremely low body temp, zero sex drive, weak, and cold. Refeeding was even worse. I was promised that by the end of the week of refeeding, I would feel superhuman, yet after 8 days of refeeding, I was up all night, vomiting continuously, unable to fall asleep because I was so nauseous... A level of suffering I have never experienced before. I continued to lose weight, and felt depressed and terrible yet was told it was critical to continue eating nothing but fruit. I got skin rashes, and was told by Loren "it's just your body detoxifying", and "everything you're going through is normal". There was one night when I lied in bed all night unable to fall asleep. I felt an incredible surge of energy I had never felt before and became convinced god was sending me messages, and had what I would call a total psychotic episode. I lost complete touch with reality... when I'm normally very grounded. after 2 weeks of eating raw vegan, I didn't feel any better than I did before the fast, and all of Loren Lockmen's promises were empty. My back pain wasn't gone, and I felt more depressed than ever. on top of this, I felt like a fraction of myself... I felt totally isolated, unable to feel emotions and be in a relationship. This ultimately led to the destruction of my relationship. Me and my girlfriend then separated as a result of the fast. It's now almost 2 months after the fast and I have had the strongest "ego backlash" going from 122 to 154. I dropped raw vegan and went 180 degrees. I binge eat like crazy. I feel like I have no self-control with food. When I eat I feel like I don't want to stop. I'm like a ravenous animal. I will eat until I feel sick every week... As I said this post is hard for me to share. Initially, I was prepared to give up everything to be a raw vegan, then after seeing it wasn't the answer, I ate all the junk foods I had been craving and pretty much went into a "fuck it" mentality. After being so disillusioned I felt a sense of giving up. I am now trying to bounce back from this... Trying to get back to a state of having an incredible relationship with food. I want to be healthy again, but its hard when I emotionally binge eat every night after this traumatic experience. All and all I'm still glad I did it because I feel like I can endure anything... when I put my mind to it I can do incredible things. ps. thanks for reading and I included a pic from the end of my fast
  8. my ex girlfriend would tell me "your the most masculine when your not trying to be"
  9. I am a sophomore at Penn State right now and although I understand where your coming from I just can't relate. I love college and see it as a gift to participate in that a lot of people could only wish to have. The way you are writing reminds me of myself a few years ago, heck not even that long ago. I used to think I was more developed than others because I was reading all these books, eating healthy, doing philosophy etc. I wouldn't take advice from anyone because I thought I knew more than them. Then god humbled the shit out of me, and showed me I was completely and utterly full of shit. Im not saying this is you, I wasn't as developed as I thought I was. All of a sudden there's no such thing as a "less developed", or a "low-quality person", and being extremely humble feels so much better. You are not more developed, or more high quality than anyone. I don't care what kind of dumb shit they say or what they do. There is no such thing as a "low quality person" You could be in a room full of people doing heroin, and you still feel love for them and dont judge them because you have compassion... compassion means you see how others suffer deeply and you understand that they have suffered because you have suffered.
  10. The problem most likeley wasnt the electrolytes as I had already been eating for over a week when I experienced all the strange things I talked about. It was most likely from when I switched off the raw food diet back to eating normal food. I don't want to demonize long term fasts here. I think I could have even possibly seen amazing results if I would have stuck with it, but I just don't think I was mentally prepared for what it meant to fast for 21 days and what that meant for my life. I didn't realize that it isn't over after the 28 day fasting and refeeding process... but that you are committed to months of integration and I was not prepared for this. Really what I wanted was my comfortable life back. On top of everything, I had to start school again before the refeeding was even over, and I realized I was in no way shape or form ready for this (this was because loren told me I would feel super human and have no problem going back to school). I got back to school still in a complete state of shock. This should have been done at tanglewood. Doing this by yourself is 10x as hard... instead of being surrounded by people fasting, in nature, with 24/7 guidance... I was surrounded by people eating wendy's who were alarmed I was loosing weight. My guidance through Tanglewood was done after 28 days, but the problem was I was in no way back to normal after that so I felt like I needed continued guidance. like I mentioned.... on night 27 I was continuously vomiting and than basically left on my own after that. I had contact with them through email and was frantically emailing them, but no one responded that night... stressing my point I shouldn't have done this on my own. all of these factors were what I think contributed to it not being a great experience for me, and caused the episode i was talking about. Fasting will give you a sense of self-trust and self-discipline you never thought you were capable of. It will erase years of self-doubt and low self-integrity. I never felt more in control of my actions and myself than after fasting.
  11. Sometimes it's nice to get a good dose of harsh truth or a wake-up call. For that reason, I am not complaining. I feel it's exactly what I need to hear. It really humbles me and for that I am grateful. This message of "the truth doesn't care about your feelings" is an amazing lesson and I feel people here are too busy focusing on pointing fingers to focus on the fact he is trying to jolt you out of your human bullshit. This being said... It would be nice if people welcomed a sense of belonging and acceptance here.
  12. Incel stems from an obsession, and a pedestalizing of hot women. Guys sees hot girls, wishes he could have sex and relationship, but is forever miserable and depressed because he cant get it. He blames the world for this Everything would change if he realizes -> your happiness in life is not dependent on women If I gave him all the sex and relationships he wanted he would still be miserable. guys are so obsessed with sex and women that they cannot enjoy their own life.
  13. If I understand what your saying then I relate very much. When you have all these deep insights and it consumes your life it feels like you just want to talk about it and share it, but others don't reciprocate or understand. I would start talking about it and people would think I'm crazy. I went thru a phase of "no one will ever understand me"... it doesn't have to be that way bro. You wouldn't talk to an 8 year old about calculus, but that doesn't stop you from feeling connected with them. It was huge when I learned to meet people where they are at. I started to treat my exploration of consciousness and god as sacred, while at the same time being shameless about sharing who I am. for example I can tell someone "yeah I'm very philosophical, it always fascinates me how its even possible that we exist". I can sprinkle that in and share who I really am without people needing to understand my thoughts about god, or go into deep philosophical talks because I already know they wouldn't understand. The purpose of human connection is not for them to validate your spiritual and philosophical explorations (ego), but rather to share positive emotions and love with others. I had to teach myself to just be humorful, not take life so seriously, and above all else be interested in others more than needing them to understand my philosophies... they never will. At the same time, you can meet people who will resonate with you more, but they still won't understand all your insights. why is it you need them to? if you are honest it comes from satisfying your ego. Im not sure if I understood what you were saying but I hope that helps.
  14. I attend one of the world's biggest college campuses with thousands of gorgeous women all around me. I want to talk to them so badly but there is so much resistance to it. I create so many excuses and stories for not talking to them, to the point where it stresses me out all the time because I know I want to but I just hesitate so much. The reason it drives me crazy is because I know I have natural talents when it comes to approaching. When I visited LA I slept with one of the first girls I talked to the same night after talking to her in the mall, and this was as a complete beginner. I've done multiple approaching workshops, and tons of other social freedom exercises on my own. it seems like I've done anything but actually talk to beautiful women.
  15. @PenguinPablo Thanks man
  16. @aurum I would tend to agree, except for the fact that I already have a pretty good social circle and I'm not getting laid. My main goal is to get better at talking to women so my only option is to stop avoiding talking to new women. @PenguinPablo so how did you overcome this dipping your feet in the water approach? I feel like I'm so so close yet so so far from being the confident guy I want to be. this is an incredible analogy, I went out and met a bunch of new people on campus the other day and this is exactly what it felt like. I was just in this state where there was no separation between my intention and my action. My problem is I can get into this state, but then always run back to my comfortable shell and just dread being social. And then I shame myself for being introverted and not talking to pretty girls and literally end up thinking about it all day in this internal battle with myself cuz part of me wants to and part of me doesn't want to.
  17. After you said the solution is "just do it" I saw a cute girl sitting next to me in the library, and just leaned over and started talking to her. It was a bit awkward and didn't go anywhere but just shows how much easier things are when we don't think and just act.
  18. @NoSelfSelf my mind is protecting me from the emotions and sensations that I have experienced previously, like awkwardness and embarrassment. So in a sense, I care more about that than I do about talking to her so in that sense I don't want to talk to her otherwise I would have.
  19. I'm curious what your guy's opinion is on creatine. I am taking the HCL version and it tastes like straight-up acid. Apparently its healthy but it tastes like poison.
  20. stop referring to women as "females", trust me if you ever say that in front of a women she will think its odd. Its like women are an alien species to you and you refer to them as "females". I'm 20 so I'm around your age, and I remember being your age and letting my mind be filled up with so many ideas about women from dating coaches, and online sources. Ive spent the last year detoxifying my brain from alot of the negative beliefs I picked up from the internet. I picked up the belief that women were whores, and alot of the toxic worldviews pushed on the internet. Now I'm dating a girl who was a virgin when I met her, and she's very loyal. stop expecting women to have something useful to show you, you will never find someone who lives up to that standard, you just have to appreciate people for where they are at. best of luck to you bro!
  21. I have been contemplating doing a 5-day meditation retreat at the end of this summer before my school year starts to reset my body and mind and get clearer on my life. The whole process of preparing food for 5 days is a little challenging because I will be staying at a camp sign with no access to a way to heat up or refrigerate food. Because of this, the idea of water fasting was appealing to me. My only concern is that I'm already rather skinny. I'm 6 ft tall and I weigh 145 lb. I think I would be fine, but I was just wondering if anyone here has any knowledge of water fasting. How much muscle mass would I lose in the long run? after the initial loss of weight would I be able to put it back on rather quickly after I start eating again? Any other advice on water fasting?
  22. @aurum I get wanting to take certain electro lights and minerals, I guess they call it snake juice. This guy is saying however that your body cannot truly fast when you are drinking this snake juice.
  23. @Flowerfaeiry great recource thanks @Yarco yeah I 100% will bring my own water @Realms of Wonder just curious, how much weight did you loose doing a 6 day fast
  24. I am contemplating a very pivotal moment in my life. I just finished my freshman year at college studying engineering, but I have been contemplating becoming a therapist. I don't care about calculus. I don't care about physics. I don't care about CAD and 3d design. some of the engineering classes Ive taken have been dreadful. the idea struck me of becoming a therapist because I am interested in psychology, I am interested on optimising ones health mentally, physically and just being all-around happy in life. The idea of being about to impact someone's life and improve their life is something that I would like. I originally decided on engineering after I took the purpose course because I liked creating things. Like as a kid I would play with legos and create things, but the more I think about it I realize that's not really what I would be doing as an engineer. Part of me did it because I would make a lot of money. I don't want to make a quick rash decision and switch to therapy because I have been a quick rash person in the past. The only issue is I would pretty much have is to restart school. I would have to do 6 years instead of 4. and I wouldn't make nearly as much money. Currently, in engineering, I feel no sense if passion or purpose and I don't know if that's because I haven't developed the skills or if it just isn't right for me. what are your guy's thoughts on therapy as a career?
  25. I recently posted about how me and this girl won’t see each other for 4 months because of summer break. I asked advice about if I should date this girl. Leo said I was behind too meek with her and If I wanted her I needed to claim her. Long story short we took shrooms together, she admitted she loved me. I told her I wanted her to be my girlfriend. After this she said she still wants to see other men. I told her that’s fine but that we are done. She says fine but 10 minutes later she says we will se how it goes and can be exclusive for now, and if she has interest in other guys she will let me know and we will end it. She wants to be my girlfriend but she is just indecisive and unclear. Should I make her make a decision? Should I just play it cool for now? I don’t wanna waste my time just for her to leave me for someone else. I want to gain the upper hand and not feel like I’m chasing her while at the same time not letting her keep seeing me on these wierd terms The thing is when we’re together she’s all over me. The problem is she’s never been with another man before so she has nothing to compare it to. She’s just curious what other men are like.