Hen Zuhe

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Everything posted by Hen Zuhe

  1. @justfortoday Simple and complex answer. If we vibrate in a low frecuency we obtain pain, suffering, hate and more. If we vibrate in a high frequency we obtain LOVE... Light it is the reality, intuition, and more. This planet earth is charged by low and high frecuency. A bit of all. We have to be in a high vibration/frecuency to be happy. Bless everyone. NAMASTE.
  2. It was some inconfortable state when i was starting the meditation practicing. Many years ago. Sometime I feel inconfortable it is because my mind have a lot of thinkings that need to be out of the head. I think to liberate this from me and.. it feeling disappear. With some months of practice in this situations we can apply it easily. NAMASTE
  3. @Vision Each person is diferent. To avoid the stopping thinking you have to free you mind about time, not to be thinking, about anything, be quiet, relax, be patience, your heart need to be calmed by your brething, "white mind, soft mind, cotton mind" i say JEJE. You can start with a meditative time around 10 minuts, for a week, then 15 and then 30. You have to take patience about this process. Learn to be patience. NAMASTE.
  4. Hi. I would like to help a lot of people around the world. Im from Venezuela. I practice Meditation & Sungazing. Glad tom meet you @PEACEFUL NAMASTE.
  5. @AskingQuestions105 Great,,, Yes of Course... staying in the present is living Now. with an Alert state, No thinking. It i wonderfull. We can cure progressive our mental illness about the past. YES THATS RIGHT. Greetings. NAMASTE.
  6. WORLD HEALING MEDITATION MARCH 2021 Healing meditation to help raise the vibration to all realms of existence on our beloved Planet Earth. In recent months, our planet earth and humanity have been experiencing events of great commotion, for this reason The CONSULTORIO DE MEDICINA INTEGRAL EQUILIBRIO UNIVERSAL invites a World Healing Meditation starting this Monday, March 1, 2021 at 9: 00 PM (time zone of your respective country). This meditation will last for 21 days, starting on Monday, March 1 and ending on Sunday, March 21, 2021. The duration is 10 minutes, it is suggested to do the meditation in a quiet place, sitting comfortably with the closed eyes. The meditation has two parts, each lasting 5 minutes. The first part visualizing our physical body in an emerald green color and the second part visualizing the green energy throughout the planet earth: 1st part: We begin this meditation by visualizing our body with the healing energy of emerald green light, we visualize the path of this light through all our body systems (bone, muscular, circulatory, nervous, lymphatic). Allowing our entire body to be filled with this healing energy. Part 2: We visualize emerald green energy for healing. The emerald green energy is visualized from the entire human body that expands outward in all directions, enveloping all the kingdoms of nature (mineral, plant, animal, fairies, undines), our mother earth until reaching the center of the planet. Global meditations with loving intentions help to improve the world situation of humanity and our mother earth, in this case the healing emerald green energy. There are millions of people who are praying and meditating around the world of different beliefs, philosophies and religions to create a better world. Join this wonderful experience to collaborate lovingly and thus contribute to your own well-being and that of humanity. NAMASTE
  7. @Michael569 Be carefull only une our after sunrise and one our before sunset. Safe time to practice the sungazing. Althougt we can Practice ti at midday, WARNING only the sun's reflect on a cubet whit fresh watter. I have practiced almost all my sungazing expereince these 3 years. ¡¡¡¡WARNING ¡¡¡¡¡¡ Before practicing read the specific technique: https://solarhealing.com/process/ NAMASTE
  8. @Michael569 Yes, Verry Careful, we could see the Sunlight first hour of sunrise and last our of sunset. Although we could see the sunlight at midday CAREFUL see the reflect image of the sun in a cube with fresh whater. between 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. My sungazing's practice have been in midday. I have been practicing with the reflect image of the sun in a cube with fresh whater. ¡¡¡¡WARNING ¡¡¡¡¡¡ Before practicing read the specific technique: https://solarhealing.com/process/ NAMASTE
  9. ¡¡¡¡WARNING ¡¡¡¡¡¡ Before practicing read the specific technique: https://solarhealing.com/process/ NASA to study man who survives on liquids and sunlight: June 30 2003 An Indian man, who claims to have survived only on liquids and sunlight for eight years, has been invited by NASA to show them how he does it. Hira Ratan Manek - also known as Hirachand - a 64-year-old mechanical engineer who lives in the southern state of Kerala, apparently started disliking food in 1992, the Hindustan Times newspaper reported. In 1995, he went on a pilgrimage to the Himalayas and stopped eating completely on his return. His wife, Vimla, said: "Every evening he looks at the sun for one hour without batting an eyelid. It is his main food. Occasionally he takes coffee, tea or some other liquid." Last June, scientists from the US space agency verified that Manek spent 130 days surviving only on water, the report said. They even named this subsistence on water and solar energy after him: The HRM (Hira Ratan Manek) Phenomenon. Mr. Manek is now in the US to show NASA's scientists how he survives without food. The US space agency hopes to use the technique to solve food storage and preservation problems on its expeditions, the report said. Mr. Manek said he "eats through his eyes" in the evening, when the sun's ultraviolet rays are least harmful. He and his wife claim the technique is totally scientific. However, doctors warn that staring at the sun can make you blind. His wife said: "He has a special taste for sun energy. He believes only 5 per cent of human brain cells are used by most people. The other 95 per cent can be activated through solar energy. DPA Source: http://www.articlesfactory.com/articles/metaphysical/spiritual-science.html NAMASTE.
  10. Canticle of Brother Sun and Sister Moon of St. Francis of Assis "Praised be You my Lord with all Your creatures, especially Sir Brother Sun, Who is the day through whom You give us light. And he is beautiful and radiant with great splendour, Of You Most High, he bears the likeness." Here the Book of Sungazing: Living on Sunlight (2004) http://www.fourwinds10.com/resources/uploads/pdf/Hira Ratan Manek - Living on Sunlight.pdf NAMASTE
  11. Bring the solar Power to your body. Clear Karma, illness, and bad energy. Bring the light to you life... NAMASTE
  12. @Gesundheit It Depends. Some People need to READ something to believe. Some People need to HEAR to someone to believe. Some People need to FEEL something to believe. Those people sometimes need a RELIGION to believe, I think that some people need to START in an religion to begin to believe.. and after of being a time in religion... is necesary get out of any RELIGION. and Follow, discover, practice the TRUE LOVE. NAMASTE.
  13. @Carl-Richard Many people around the world since 2000 year in sungazing forums have no report any damage, aproximatelly more than 10.000 have been practicing sungazing. If were retinal damage A lot of people publiced this advertsment A medic check will seccure your heal vision.
  14. @Carl-Richard Then of 3 years of sungazing practice. My vision has been better. Miopy 3 years ago was 3.5 now is 3.0. ¡¡¡¡WARNING ¡¡¡¡¡¡ Before practicing read the specific technique: https://solarhealing.com/process/
  15. I am pleased to share my experience of practicing the Sungazing technique, in which already after these years it has been a great, memorable and transcendental experience to name a few adjectives that really fall short. PRACTICE TIME: I started on January 1, 2018 and finished the technique on April 15, 2020 (45 mints). Motivated by my life dynamics, it was difficult for me to do it every day. I am currently doing the maintenance phase. I started decreasing from 45 minutes to 38 minutes. Day by day it decreased by a minute. However, the dazzling sunlight has hit me a lot for 2 days, for that reason I am starting to do only 15 minutes of the required maintenance. More Information:
  16. @herghly You can continue days before with direct sunlight (REMEMBER, in safe time sunlight), until weeks, without stop increasing the time, you dont have to restart the singazing practice. ¡¡¡¡WARNING ¡¡¡¡¡¡ Before practicing read the specific technique: https://solarhealing.com/process/
  17. 5 - 15 mints to get sun at morning 7 - 9 am. stand up or sit. Benefits: - It increase production of D Vitamin. - Reduce Depress. and more...
  18. The story of a rodent's unrelenting quest for happiness and fulfillment.
  19. LYRIC "Here To Love" By Lenny Kravitz We must all unite for we are one creation We must join the fight, together we are strong We must do what's right in every situation Love each other's lives as you would do your own Just think twice Before you cast your stone at someone's soul It's their life So the choice is theirs and theirs alone We're not here to judge We are here to love There's no room for hate We are just one human race We must rise above We are here to love There's no time to waste anymore We must all unite, there's no more segregation When you've seen the light there's nowhere else to go And with peace in sight no walls could separate us We would be as one because this earth's our home Just think twice Before you cast your stone at someone's soul It's their life So the choice is theirs and theirs alone We're not here to judge We are here to love There's no room to hate We are just one human race We must rise above We are here to love There's no time to waste anymore Will we learn from our past? Our clock is running fast We're not here to judge We are here to love There's no room for hate There is just one human race We must rise above We are here to love There's no time to waste anymore We're not here to judge We are here to love There's no room for hate We are just one human race We must rise above We are here to love There's no time to waste anymore NAMASTE
  20. Our children, our brothers, our friends, even ourselves ... We must be vigilant before this fulfilled prophecy. NAMASTE
  21. 11 Recomendations to control and apasiguate your emotional problems - Hear soft & relaxing music. . Hear meditative/mantra music. - Practice Excercises Slow and deep Breathing, ( 2 - 5 mints). - Contemplation NOW around you: hear, watch, feel (feel the touch of skin), prove (mouth flavor) and smell, 5 senses at same time, breath deep and slowly. - Practice HOPONOPONO. - Practice Mindfullnes. - Ask deep help inside your heart, in silence with eyes close. Sincerely Deep Ask. Take three deep breaths. - Ask deep help inside your DEEP BEING, in silence, with eyes close. Sincerely Deep Ask. Take three deep breaths. - Sit in a tree an watch the nature, take deep breaths. - See the Clouds. - Take a Shower. I reccomend to practice only one at time. Here there are some "GENERAL" recommendations that helps you for some time to be more controlled. If you want more recommendations about any specific case write below comments
  22. I started the sungazing practice January 1th 2018. I Finished 45 mints April 2020. Im still practicing actually, 15 mints daily. Benefits: MENTAL: anxiety, worries and anguish disappeared. PHISICAL: bruxism, intestinal pains and flu disappeared. SPIRITUAL: Premonition, Intuition. GREAT SPERIENCE NAMASTE.