Hen Zuhe

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Everything posted by Hen Zuhe

  1. This is very important to understand. In a DEEP comprehension... Opposite poles bind, as well as similar energies as well. This works with most human relationships, both situations help to understand what we want from the other, and what we must move forward. Many times this type of attraction happens, and when we begin to analyze the characteristics and attributes (good or bad) (of the person who is next to us or ourselves) of the people who are next to us, we observe that we must overcome them. somehow, accepting the other, helping him to see his failure, or simply freeing himself from that relationship that does not advance. They are very specific decisions. This matter must be very clear, so that we can be happy in our relationships. Always aiming to be better in our love relationships, family, friends and more. The search for the truth is elementary in EVERY RELATIONSHIP, in being better every DAY. In that walk it will be light, full of joy and enjoyment as time passes. NAMASTE
  2. @bejapuskas There are characteristics and attributes that are very similar or very opposite, which are manifested in the course of the relationship, this is motivated by the Universal Law of Cause and Effect. They must be treated with great wisdom, intuition and compassion, by at least one of the parties in the relationship must take on these capabilities.
  3. @Leo Gura Due to the fact that some other measurements were not considered adecuted, I do not think these studies should be discredited. I suggest that you inquire about the studies of Dr David Hawkins. This is just the beginning, it is the beginning of measuring at a certain level the advances in actions, thoughts, books, personalities to achieve ENLIGHTENMENT. In a few years it will be possible to obtain better and more precise measurement mechanisms. "Measurement" sounds very "basic" very absolute ... however it is a way of guiding us to understand this 3rd and 4th dimension in which we live, other higher dimensions as well ... and where we are going. Path - path to enlightenment. NAMASTE
  4. With these simple suggestions you will get very good results: - You can take sun bath. - Deep Breaths while day. - Practice Sungazing (When the sun goes out, of course). - Practice Meditation (hear it from youtube). - Hear some relaxing music to reduce stress, anxiety and panic, on web you can obtain a lot of it. Those actions help you to obtain a quiet mind to make your better decisions, you will feel better and your family will be better too. NAMASTE
  5. We have many life purposes: - Be an Human being. - Health emotions. - Be happy. - To vibrate with LOVE (Truly LOVE). - To Live NOW. Material, Economic, Academy porpuses it depends of your vibrations, environments, thougths, social, political, economics circunstances, Karma, many variables, and you have to be QUIET MIND and SOUL to obtein you Life Purpouse"S". MANY PURPOSES WE HAVE ON LIFE. ATENTION We have to be on a PEACE and QUIET MIND to obtain the messages to do, to BE. There we will have all purposes to our lives. Meditation show us the messages what to do, or not to do. Many People have obtain information in this state of quiet mind. Prove it. Meditation in lotto position, watching birds, dreams, visions, mindfullnes, and more. In quiet mind we obtain information all messages we need to get action, our purposes of life. Be Quiet, be patience. You will obtain that nessesary information. NAMASTE
  6. Sunlight and darkness trigger the release of hormones in your brain. Exposure to sunlight is thought to increase the brain’s release of a hormone called serotonin. Serotonin is associated with boosting mood and helping a person feel calm and focused. At night, darker lighting triggers the brain to make another hormone called melatonin. This hormone is responsible for helping you sleep. Decreased sun exposure has been associated with a drop in your serotonin levels, which can lead to major depression with seasonal pattern. The light-induced effects of serotonin are triggered by sunlight that goes in through the eye. Sunlight cues special areas in the retina, which triggers the release of serotonin. So, you’re more likely to experience this type of depression in the winter time, when the days are shorter. Building strong bones Cancer prevention Healing skin conditions Read more: https://www.healthline.com/health/depression/benefits-sunlight#outlook
  7. You can practice SUNGAZING, it will help you to minimize anxiety. I minimize it at all. GREAT experience. Prove it. You feel the results after 3 - 6 monts practicing it. NAMASTE https://www.actualized.org/forum/topic/61719-sungazing-free-healing-100-phisical-mental-and-spirituality/
  8. @saif2 Make your Thoughts reality.... Read some books from: Jiddu Krishnamurti. Eckhart Tolle, Depack Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Joe Dispenza. Searcho on web the titles of tem books and download what you want. Great writters. NAMASTE
  9. @saif2 To change.... Write all things you want to change from you. And priorize that list. Each one write 2 or 3 options of action to transform you. Try to do it with each one. 2 weeks later evaluate your actions that you have done. Then you can write to this message to continue helping you. Blesses. NAMASTE.
  10. We can Feel i we are in low vibrations, sometimes we feel stressed, fear deep feelings, hungry, depressed, sad, and more. For minutes, hours, or days. Low vibrations. High vibrations, peace, love, compassion, quietly, JOY, happines, and more.. ., .. you can feel it and detect it. and we have to work in it. NAMASTE.
  11. Spirituality (Religion) and Conventional Science, both in differents dimentions/plans. They´re complementary. In few next years we will prove that. SOON. Verry Soon. NAMASTE.
  12. Spirituality (Religion) and Conventional Science, both in differents dimentions/plans. They´re complementary. In few next years we will proove thaat. SOON. NAMASTE.
  13. @Leo Gura A lot of sacred text have some coincidence with things that had hapeened aroud the world. History. Aztecas, Mayas, Incas, Induism, General Astrology. Canalization, Mediums have informations about those ages and many of that have coincidence. Lemuria, Atantis, and many of those civilizations have been in that Yugas, in Dark Yugas. Coincidende in Ages and Civilizations.. an more. We have to remember that our "Soul" in a way to describe this sutil body have a lot of lives before and we need to proyect our futures lives, society, humanity to Clean our Body and our actual Society, our humanity. Clean Mind and Soul in this present live, and proyecting in our future, next future or long future, see the tree at the forest and the forest too. Live NOW transform our lives NOW¡¡ it will transform the future. Interesting information about AGES, YUGAS, ASTROLOGY CICLES, GENERATIONS (some years in our society), and more. Many information we have to ubicate us in ths GREAT actual universe an exsistence. Past, present and future..... An MANY MORE (Phisical, Astral, Causal dimensions - for hindu knowledge - "Meditation" can take you to some dimensions). Blesses to all... NAMASTE
  14. YUGAS: ❇️ Kali Yuga: 1.200 years. Materialist Age. ( 500 - 1700 A.C) ❇️ Dwapara Yuga: 2.400 years. Electric or Atomic Age. ( 1700 - 4100 A.C.) WE ARE HERE... 2021 A.C ❇️ Treta Yuga: 3.600 years. Mental Age. ( 4100 - 7700 A.C.) ❇️ Satya Yuga: 4.800 True Age. (7700 - 12500 A.C) Paramahansa Yoganada - The Cosmic Lover. NAMASTE.
  15. Kriya Yoga Meditation: Inner Energy Control Technology - Sw Suddhananda -YSS Founded by P. Yogananda NAMASTE.
  16. @levani Kriya Yoga Meditation: Inner Energy Control Technology - Sw Suddhananda -YSS Founded by P. Yogananda NAMASTE
  17. @VeganAwake There is a PEACE Inside Us ALL. Our real peacefull place at home. Inside us ALL. Real Love . Live - Joy. In our Heart. PD : - In this life-plane of existence. In others planes this is different. ( - It sounds like a song. NAMASTE.
  18. Sungazing can be complement with: - Take sun Bath. - Drink solarized Water. - Practice meditations. It will make better benefits NAMASTE.
  19. @AdamR95 Yes, thats right, it will apear the consciousness making change the human thinking and action, step by step. Awakening is apearing progressibly. Global Re-Evolutive Human System Change GREAT... NAMASTE
  20. @Breakingthewall Great advice, I agree with you. I add to this advice: patience, constance, and preseverance in meditation each day to obtain control the addiction. Then make it necessary to totally eradicate your addictions. Step by Step. Namaste
  21. @Soul_Guy yes, this will make you lower the energetic vibration. Any source that generate fear it influence you in a low way. But we dont have to be puritan people to see this movies, proove yourself. I have seen some terror movies in this last years, but only to study the way the system is trying to get low vibrations to the people. NAMASTE
  22. We often hear about the risks of getting too much sun. While it’s true that sunburns and skin cancer are very real threats and that SPF is essential, there are also positive effects of sun exposure. The sun is much more than its potential pitfalls and can do plenty of good things for your body — soaking up some sunlight can do wonders for your mind, bones, and more. When you give your skin access to a healthy dose of the sun’s rays, you are likely to experience some tangible benefits immediately. Here are five ways the sun can affect your mental and physical health. 1. Increased Vitamin D 2. Improved Mood 3. Higher Quality Sleep 4. Stronger Bones 5. Lower Blood Pressure The sun can be your body’s best friend. It not only boosts your mood and can be an effective part of treatment for depression and SAD, but its rays have tangible benefits for our physical well-being. Stuck under cloudy conditions for a week or more? Consider a light therapy lamp, which can be installed in any room and provide a temporary alternative to the sun. More Information: https://www.tricitymed.org/2018/08/5-ways-the-sun-impacts-your-mental-and-physical-health/