Heinrich Faust

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Everything posted by Heinrich Faust

  1. Alright, thank you! Btw, did you try 2C-B, too?
  2. Hi, everyone! I want to try 2C-B. Unfortunately, I can't get it anywhere. There are just the analogues βk-2C-B and βOH-2C-B. Now, I'm wondering whether these analogues are safe, and whether they have the same effect as 2C-B. Some resources say yes, whereas others seem to be disappointed by βk-2C-B. About βOH-2C-B, there's not much information at all. Please share your experience and insights.
  3. No, it's pretty clear that fascism is stage blue and the Austrian regulations are stage green. Using terms like "fascism" against all non-liberal policies you don't like, is either a non-understanding, a misunderstanding, or a misuse of Spiral Dynamics. And even if you want to say it feels like fascism, you should just watch a good documentary about Mussolini and the Blackshirts. Then, you might get an idea how fascism actually feels like.
  4. Sorry, I didn't read your text carefully. I rather answered the question: "Why do stage blue/orange Americans vote for the Dems (orange/green) rather than for the Reps (blue/orange)?"
  5. I think, that's only true for a small minority. Don't reduce the parties to their economic agendas. If you're a poor, white, stage blue, Christian patriot, you have all reasons to vote Republican except for their economic agenda. While if you're a poor, ethnic, stage blue Muslim, you have no reason to vote Republican, because it's not "your" stage blue.
  6. I read a lot of good stuff about it, too. I might try it one day. It's just a different psychedelic, no 2C-B analogue. At the moment, I'm, primarily interested in the empathogen qualities, and, from what I read, 2C-B is the best candidate for that. (MDMA feels too risky in several aspects.)
  7. Whoever claims "Mandatory vaccination is fascism", should study more spiral dynamics and less "non-mainstream" media.
  8. Fun fact: One and the same stage blue/orange person is even likely to vote for opposite parties in different situations. Immigrants are a good example of this. Here's a study on the voting behaviour of Turks in the Netherlands, with suffrage in both countries: https://academic.oup.com/migration/advance-article/doi/10.1093/migration/mnz034/5543475#185814667
  9. Until stage green, it's very much about personal benefits. So, privileged (rich, male, white, straight, Protestant) people tend to vote conservative. Underprivileged (poor, female, black, gay, Non-Christian) people tend to vote progressive. Some stats: https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2020/06/02/in-changing-u-s-electorate-race-and-education-remain-stark-dividing-lines/ https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/10/26/what-the-2020-electorate-looks-like-by-party-race-and-ethnicity-age-education-and-religion/
  10. Interesting article! It's a good (and by now rare) example of stage green resisting stage yellow. Stage green values direct democracy and (green) ideology, and is triggered by stage yellow being technocratic and non-ideological.
  11. Since 5-MeO-MALT is still legal in most parts of the world, including America, is it forbidden to talk about sourcing anyway? It would be great value if we could, because it's a bloody unicorn. I researched the whole day until I found a somewhat trustworthy source, and it's a pity not being able to share information within the community.
  12. It's probably due to the thread title you copied from the video. In my opinion, this clickbaity title is adequate for Youtube, but not for this forum.
  13. The Charité in Berlin is looking for participants for a clinical study on the long-term effects of psychedelics. You have to be younger than 50 and German native speaker: https://lzesh-studie.info/kontakt/
  14. At the end, that's the only way to discover new psychedelics. Someone has to be the first person testing it.
  15. The list I'm going to share is my personal assessment on the spiral stage of all 40 parties competing in the upcoming federal elections in Germany. If you've got a different opinion, please leave a reply to this topic. I didn't pay the same amount of attention to all parties equally. E.g. Bündnis C is a fundamentalist Christian party, which makes it basically stage blue; probably, nobody in here really cares, whether it's mainly blue or has a fair share of orange as well. I tried to give a more accurate evaluation on higher developed parties, as well as the big parties, of course. Keep in mind that some political terms might have other connotations than in American English. A higher spiral stage is not necessarily always the better choice. Stage green can also be very dogmatic or deluded, even though, it's usually less corrupt. We'll take a closer look at some interesting parties after the list. Also note, that these are the stages of the parties. Depending on the particular party, some politicians may be at different stages than their parties, e.g. Angela Merkel, who is much greener than the overall CDU. Some parties attract many voters of other, usually lower, stages, especially SPD and Die Linke. The parties are listed as they should appear on the ballots. (Each state has their individual lists, so you can't vote for every single party in every state, though.) CDU/CSU: orange-blue-green SPD: green-orange-blue AfD: blue-orange FDP: orange Die Linke: green-blue Die Grünen: green FW: orange-blue Die PARTEI: green-orange Tierschutzpartei (MUT): green NPD: blue-red Piratenpartei: green-orange ÖDP: green-orange-blue V-Partei³: high green DiB: green-yellow BP: blue-orange Tierschutzallianz: green MLPD: blue Gesundheitsforschung: orange Menschliche Welt: green, I'd like to say "wannabe-turquoise" DKP: blue Die Grauen: green-blue-orange BüSo: blue-orange Partei der Humanisten: high orange Gartenpartei: green Die Urbane: green SGP: blue die Basis: green Bündnis C: blue BÜRGERBEWEGUNG: green-orange III. Weg: blue-red Bündnis 21: orange Liebe: green LKR: orange-blue PdF: orange-green-yellow LfK: green SSW: green Todenhöfer: orange UNABHÄNGIGE: green Volt: yellow Stage Yellow Parties The party highest on the spiral seems to be Volt. Demokratie in Bewegung (DiB) is pretty stage yellow, too. Both, politicians and electorate are usually not pure stage yellow, but partly green and orange. One could also detect shades of stage yellow within Pirate Party, ÖDP and Partei des Fortschritts (PdF); however, much of that could just be an orange-green trade-off. I couldn't find any yellow elements within the Green Party or other parties represented in the parliament. Deluded Stage Green Parties There are two green parties which might be appealing to some folks on this forum: the "spiritual" party Menschliche Welt and the alternative medicine party die Basis. Both are very good examples of stage green going bonkers, like falling for conspiracy theories and so forth. See also
  16. Not sure, whether I agree to that. It would be helpful to have an example.
  17. Nobel laureate in economics claims, a stage orange finance minister would be disastrous for Germany, Europe and the world: https://www.zeit.de/politik/deutschland/2021-10/christian-lindner-finance-minister-traffic-light-coalition-koalition-critics-englisch/komplettansicht
  18. Big pharma don't make the laws, not even in America. And if LSD would be legal — guess who would produce it!
  19. If alcohol and tobacco wouldn't have a centuries-old mainstream tradition, they probably would be illegal as well. That's a very valid point. There's nothing deterring some drunk from popping a dozen blotters of LSD at a single blow.
  20. Often times, that includes physical force, so you might be better off by just avoiding them if you don't have the necessary backup, like a gun, a bodyguard, or some police around. I assume, the vast majority on this forum is not interested in getting involved in brawls and stuff, if not absolutely necessary.
  21. I'd say, nihilism emerges from the emptiness one can feel when one is torn out of a collective stage, i.e. mainly at red and orange, but also at yellow in an advanced manner. Classical nihilism (e.g. Friedrich Nietzsche) is stage orange.
  22. Thanks for sharing! This story must have been an emotional challenge for you.
  23. 6th Trip Report (75 µg AL-LAD) — Localising the Ego Setting It's been a while. After the last trip nearly half a year ago, which was a bit, well… bland, I became careful not to force myself to trip. It's probably better, to sharpen my intuition when to trip and when not to. The setting is as usual: 15:48, half a blotter, ginger… Well, this time I swallowed the blotter after some time — couldn't feel any difference. So, next time, I'm going to spit it out again, because it's weird having paper in my stomach. Intention — “Why do I need others' appreciation?” Like many others, I have an urge for appreciation, particularly for female appreciation. And, I really want to get rid of this urge. Last week, a friend and I were trying to get to the bottom of this issue and made good progress. We got stuck at the big why: What's the root of this thirst for appreciation? I wanted to contemplate about that and some supportive AL-LAD might be a good idea… As it turned out, I mainly contemplated this while waiting for the trip to kick in. During the trip, it was too hard to focus. Some insights, I noted: Chasing appreciation is a way to keep myself motivated. Appreciation feels good, because it shows me that I'm on the right track. I was never told how to assess by myself what's the right track. When I was younger, I wanted to be the hero, appreciated by girls. Getting appreciated by girls, I still can feel like a hero. Do I use female appreciation to mark my territory? From Hell to Heaven I felt physically uncomfortable, and I got the idea that I should prepare myself for a rather unpleasant trip. I was totally OK with that. Maybe, that's a good chance to face some fears of mine. I even became a bit cocky, and when the first spooky pictures arose, I just laughed at them. It was even me, who invited more spooky stuff. The creatures became more and more scary, but I just opened my eyes and laughed again. The trip continued, and it was like a lucid nightmare. I could even kind of press a pause button, zoom in and out, and scale the individual elements up and down. I largened myself a lot and made some daemon who was following me around to the size of my right foot. Eventually, I became uncertain, whether fooling about with that was really such a good idea. I found something like a light switch to switch the picture between negative and neutral. Slowly, more and more positive apparitions manifested, and I got back to the usual colourful medley. The Perpetual Déjà Vu I was sure, that I nodded off about one time each during my last trips. During this trip, I definitely did not nod off. However, I woke with a start several times, but not from a dream. It was rather my self coming back to my body. It was my first realisation that ego and body are separate. I tried to get a closer look at each of them individually, but as soon as I noticed that there might be a separation, immediately, they merged. Suddenly, I saw something like a machine putting the ego into the body. It was a déjà vu. My eyes welled up, and my whole body felt that I had been at this very point before. It was a long time ago, maybe even before I was born. And last time, it was a déjà vu, too. Could this really be the very moment before the ego enters the body? Life after life after live… What is me? I'm not the body. I'm something sitting in heaven together with other somethings looking down to the world. I want to get a glimpse of the body, where I usually live in, but as soon, as I think about the body, I merge with it with a start. The Forgotten and the Unforgotten Funny, how I already knew during the trip, which parts I'm bound to remember, and which I'm going to forget. I still remember that I had sex on this trip — with myself… and I was the female! Some weeks ago, I watched a fascinating video on machine elves. Since then, there's this (ego-driven) idea growing in me to communicate with some entity during a trip. At some point in the middle of the trip, I started wondering if there is some more profound entity in my trip. Maybe, there's even something watching me… I just asked something like: “Who's behind all this?” The rainbow muddle disappeared like a curtain, and in the centre of the all remaining black was a lizard-like face with maroon skin and big eyes looking at me. This guy didn't look evil or something. In fact, I couldn't derive any particular emotion from this face. Just the overall situation was spooky. Somehow, I backed down. I feel a bit sorry for that, because I feel impolite. I really don't know who or what this was. But these eyes looking at me are my most adherent memory of this trip. And now, I'm quite sure that I'm not yet ready to communicate with entities. Back to Topic When I was slowly coming off after 3 hours, I tried to get back to the initial question. I saw a sweeping documentation of my urge of appreciation. Suddenly, I got the answer: self-love! I don't really love myself, therefore I'm constantly trying to get love from others. It was four hours now, since I took the blotter. Self-love… I was hungry and totally motivated for something profane, like tidying up my bedroom. Thoughts on the Dosage I was thinking of taking higher dosages. I will do so — someday. At the moment, 75 µg seem to be a good dosage for me. I can control the situation and have profound experiences at the same time. It's like driving school; I'm still learning to handle psychedelic trips. I don't see any reason for rushing things and taking risky dosages. Also, so far, I prefer frequency to depth.
  24. AL-LAD made me start this journal. And in case you wonder about this unusual introduction — I'm just on my way back from my very first trip and this is kind of a placeholder.
  25. In their world, abortions aren't necessary, because women should marry and get pregnant. Everything else disturbs their world-view. They might even see it as punishment for women sleeping around. Plus, modern stage blue people know that they are perceived heartless by stage green people. With the abortion topic they can do something they love: turn the tables and call stage green heartless.