Peter Miklis
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Everything posted by Peter Miklis
Believe it or not, there are girls out there, who will sleep around no matter how attractive their guy is. You can be 10/10 on everything, but that doesn't guarantee a person will stay with you. Plus, no one can be attractive 100% of the time. There will be times when your specific flaws and unatractive quirks will show up, no matter how hard you try to hide them. Which is why most relationships are destined to fail, because people can't accept their partner's real self, only the shiny self covered in gold.
I'll have admit guys, this chit-chat of yours is pretty entertaining. Sometimes, when I'm bored and have nothing to do, I log on actualized.org just to see what's new in this journal?@Zeroguy @Hulia
You don't wanna get too fancy when it comes to defending yourself. Some people may argue with me, but most Chinese martial arts were not meant for fighting, but more as a means to stay fit, as lifestyle or philosophy. Obviously, boxing should be number one. And it's really all you need. You can also do Muay Thai if you wanna learn how to kick, but kicks are pretty slow. Punches are the way to go.
That's sad. Sorry for your friend.
You mean his hands were directly on the junk, or that he had his hands in the pockets and was touching his junk throught them? Either way, what a weirdo lol. A lot of twisted, perverted MFs out there.
If your motivation for training martial arts is keeping your gf, then you're already in a veeery wrong mindset? It's not important at all, unless it gives you some sense of confidence and security. If that's the case, then do it.
Society can certainly try to educate, but if you're the type of guy that puts his hands on a sleeping women, chances are you probably wouldn't give a shit.
@Etherial Cat What are you even talking about? I said his perspective includes yours, which means he's not justifying rape or sexual harrasement, all he's trying to do is raise awareness about general mindset of most men, and that if most men could have their way with you, they would. Which you already know, but if you knew that when you were younger, you wouldn't be putting yourself in risky situation. What he said vs. what ya'll said is not mutually exclusive, you can educate men about taking responsibility of their sexuality (which I doubt will help, but that's besides the point) AND tell women to be more carefull than they already were, even around male friends. If you can't see this, then I have nothing else to say to you.
@MatteO22 Naah dude, we are Chads, we don't get offended. We simply smash gash and obliterate vulva?
@integral Honestly, you have some valid points. I don't know why everyone keeps bitching about your perspective.? I mean, your perspective includes theirs, so I don't know what's the problem really. Also, pretty interesting experience regarding those sex dreams. Maybe you can even experience that conciously if you know how to get lucid dreams.
Do you even have a harem bro???
@John Iverson Definitely don't be persistent lol. This is some bullshit advice that Leo gives tbh. If a girl is not interested in you now, chances are she'll be never interested in you. That's the mindset you should have, and it will ultimately serve you better, because you'll be able to move on onto another girl. I'd rather play numbers game, than trying to get that one girl to like me like a buffoon. But, what Leo also most likely meant was that you should not give up due to obstacles, like her being with friends, her having something else planned, etc. There should always be some effort from your part. But if she straight up says no, then just move on, you're wasting your time.
Clearly, somewhere between being a rapist and being a pussy, there's a sweet spot that we as men need to figure out. Which is different for each woman. Here on this forum, there seems to be a lot of trauma going on, so clearly a lot of verbal consent is needed, however I know women in real life who wanted me to take innitiative, and be dominant, without the need to ask anything. But ofc, that's because they were strongly attracted to me in the first place. Reading the body language and situation is critical, if you want to make some bold move.
Wow, what a sleazy thing to do. Trying to get something throught friendship. Pretty disguisting. Your stories are pretty eye opening also.
@MatteO22 These ones are a lot better than that College humor crap?
@Mason Riggle That " 'till death do us part" is exactly what's wrong with marriage. It's just not realistic at all. It doesn't take into account the dynamic nature of life, and that people change. It's not wrong to be with a person 10, 20 years, or even a lifetime, but people shouldn't have to suffer any consequences if they, or their partner decide to leave.
@bejapuskas I still see no argument from your side on why should men get officially married nowadays. Also, you're ignoring incompatibility here, and that sometimes, couples were simply never meant to be together. Do you want them to find that out once they're already married and have kids? Just because you have 100% control of almost everything in your life, doesn't mean mistakes cannot be made. And mistake in choosing a partner for marriage can cost you a lot, especially as a man. Very simplistic of you. You just looked at the big picture and said "Animals endangered, hoomans not!" Yeah, of course that's true, but what's also true is that society has to have some minimal birth rate in order to function. Otherwise, the population will start to get older and older, and there will not be enough young people that can take care of old people. Do you want to die alone in some retirement home, having noone to take care of you?
@Parththakkar12 He does have control over it though. He has an option to make himself more attractive and likeable, thus minimizing the chance of rejection. The rejection will always be there of course, some women will just never like you no matter what. That's woman's side of responsibility in this situation.
@Parththakkar12 I mean, in an ideal society, everyone takes 100% responsibility of everything they can control. So in this scenario, both woman and man would be held accountable for the rejection.
@Terell Kirby @Mason Riggle An ideal version of marriage would be an unofficial one, where you just have the ceremony, give each other kiss, and tadaaa. You're married. With no contract from the state. If you're really about commitement, this is the way to go.
I think marriage is a bullshit concept, but having kids is not benefitial for society, it's literaly necessary lol. Society slowly dies if it's birth rate is below 2. However, from an individual, selfish perspective, I'd say it's better to not have kids. You can't really work on yourself and reach your full potential, if you got a couple of kids running around, bills to pay, and wife/girlfriend (who's hopefully supportive, and not a bitch, I mean you're really playing russian rullete with that one?) all at the same time. It's not only financially, but psychologically draining. Having family is not for everyone.
Right, I wasn't talking about legitimacy of feminism or MRA/MGTOW though, just that they are trying to achieve similiar things, but for opposite genders. I'd say feminism as an ideology makes sense if not taken to an extreme, like being concerned about manspreading or some ridicilous bullshit like that. MRA's have a few points here and there, but like you said it's mostly an overreaction to feminism. MGTOW shouldn't even be mentioned tbh? some of the most unaware people in that group, maybe even more unaware than extreme feminists.
@Harlen Kelly Why not? Seems to me like MRA and feminism are 2 sides of the same coin. Both of them are trying to selfishly get as many rights as they can, and neither of them are really concerned with dating strategies.
This is very true. That's why giving advice such as "don't put xyz on a pedestal" is very half-ass and incomplete, because even mentioning pedestals means that you believe there is one. So it's clearly comming from a place of resentment, anger and frustration. More complete advice would be "stop hating men/women and accept them for who they are, and challenge your negative beliefs about them.
@StarStruck Feminism is equivalent to MRA or MGTOW. Not really redpill related.