Peter Miklis

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Everything posted by Peter Miklis

  1. And yet she had the fucking audacity to label me and couple other guys undesirable on the Why men cheat thread, when we explained reasons for men cheating. Good riddance lol
  2. People that were born in more uncivilized parts of this world don't take insults lightly. Especially not from middle aged man.
  3. That thread was actually made by a dude, but I see what you're trying to say. I don't see them much anymore, but there used to be a lot of threads of women bitching about men, mostly made by preety? but to be fair, that part about trying to find problems where there are none seems oddly specific for your girlfriend. I mean, most women are pretty emotional, but not all of them are drama queens.
  4. @Axiomatic hahaha good luck man, have fun. Btw, from reading your posts I get the feeling you're living in some ghetto area, is that the case?
  5. @Axiomatic Lmao not gonna lie, that one cracked me up. No offense.
  6. @Windappreciator Expecting guys to not want to have their dick sucked is even bigger mental acrobatics than judging women for being sluts. For white to exist, there has to be black. For goodness there has to be evil. For commited people there have to be promiscuous ones. Ying and Yang. The way it should be.
  7. Leo: there are some very sexually promiscious women Developed, enlightened lvl 176 people: why do you have such a low opinion of women? Also developed, enlightened lvl 176 people: (Wait... have I just slut shamed someone?)
  8. I'm not very experienced, but even I know that's bullshit?
  9. Idk man, I could be wrong, I've just never seen them. I can't be right all the time can I? Yoga = spirituality?? since when? Yoga in western culture is just stretching.
  10. @Windappreciator Don't take me as an authority lol looks scale is very subjective thing. But for me, 10/10 would be a woman with basically pornstar figure. Like Lana Rhoades, Elsa Jean etc. Again, someone might find other women figures much more attractive, but for me these are 10/10's.
  11. You know what, I think you're onto something here. I've legit never saw a 10/10 in looks that would be interested in spirituality. Like, not even close.
  12. @Windappreciator I didn't really mean specific forms of this dynamic, but yeah, you're right. You have to admit though that the undlerlying principles are the same, regardless of societal development. I mean, you are partially right. Girls don't tend to go anywhere expecting to fuck a complete stranger. However, what happened in Vegas, stays in Vegas, am I right??
  13. Apart from his bad habit of rambling too much and taking eternity to finally get to the point, coupled with somewhat mediocre advice, he seems fine. But there's one other thing that's problematic about him, and that is that he doesn't give a shit about how people interpret his opinions. He's simply sharing things and it's sort of up to you what you take from it. Which is normally not a bad thing, but given that he talks about a lot of very sensitive topics and subjects, and his viewers tend to be normal people mixed with actual incels, well...
  14. @Tangerinedream I don't think "given the chance" is enough, people are not that weak. More like "given enough pressure and temptation", that would be more accurate. Like, for example, being in a long distance relationship. There's only a small ammount of people that manage to pull that off. Why do you think that is? Because, there's always if's and why's in every relationship. I love him/her, but if he/she does *blank*, then I'll leave him/her. I am with this person because *blank*. See what I'm saying?
  15. @Tangerinedream First of all, you don't know shit about me. So stop talking about projection. Second of all, you can call it however you want, leaving, cheating, I don't care. The end result is that you're leaving the previous person to move on to the next. The only difference is that one is more painfull than the other, maybe even more cowardly. You're just nitpicking in insignificant details at this point. You guys are quick to talk about someone else's integrity, but the most honest thing you can do is own your dark side and realize that it's there. From my experience, it's the guys that say "I would never cheat on you" that are first to fucking cheat. So don't tell me shit about cheating. If there was no internal reward of patting yourself on the back how much of a virtuous person you are, I bet you'd cheat in a second.
  16. @Windappreciator All of this are just shoulds man. Men should do this, women should do that. But they won't. This dynamic is never going to change. Do you see some radical changes in a way men and women interact? I don't.
  17. @Hardkill Just rub one out using your imagination. And then focus on important things. Nofap should be the least of your concerns.
  18. All the fools who dissagree with this are gonna have to learn the hard way lol
  19. One thing, regarding the general topic of cheating just came up to my mind, that I feel like sharing. It's that, at the end of the day, every single person on this planet, if put in right circumstances, would cheat. Without exception. Even so called "high integrity" guys and girls. And that's because your willpower is not endless. We are only humans after all. If the temptation is 10x stronger than your current relationship, you'll cheat. This is what I think. That's why it's useless to even think about your partner cheating, because you'll never be able to eliminate that chance completely. You can only reduce it to minimum. It's much more benefitial to enjoy other's company, than worry about them leaving.
  20. @hoodrow trillson yeah you're right, was pretty ignorant of me lol. I mean, not everybody's learning curve is the same.
  21. @Applegarden8 Sorry if I offended you or anyone else, of course if being overly agreeable is big issue stemming from some sort of trauma, then fair enough. Just seems to me like it's too much of a recurring pattern to see guys post about nice guy syndrome. Fortunatelly, I've had a decent parents, but I understand not everybody is that fortunate. Point zero, meaning you can't really even think about achieving anything of significance in life. How are you going to do it if someone's opinion will stop you?
  22. @hoodrow trillson @Applegarden8 is it that much of a problem to not be a push over? Seems like pretty basic shit to me. Failing at that is literaly like failing at point zero. It hasn't even begun for you lol
  23. @Arcangelo I don't think that's true for all men, it's mostly true for young men, and men who don't care about their relationships very much. I mean, if you really like your girl and you both are honestly communicating about everything you're doing and thinking, cheating won't be a problem 9/10. As a young man though, it's best to get some experience first, which is what I'm looking to do. Regardless of someone's opinion that it "mAkEs Me UnDeSiRaBlE" in the eyes of women lol. That was pretty cringe
  24. @flowboy Problem is, if you don't get started with your life purphose young, you may get stuck being a wage slave. This is what I'm struggling with nowadays tbh: how I am going to balance going out and working. Both are pretty important at 21.