Peter Miklis

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Everything posted by Peter Miklis

  1. Eh. It's hot as shit in my country. 35°C and up. Hate summers. Winter is my shit?
  2. @Javfly33 @John Iverson It basically means all of the factors that are necessary to actually have sex, beside her being attracted to you. A no-brainer, eh? Shit like your time schedules aligning, you having place of your own where no one interupts you, her friends, potential boyfriend (in case we wanna get really unetical with this lol), even simple shit like you having condoms availible.
  3. @somegirl Right? What's the fucking point? Why not just try to make the situation better for oneself, instead of constant bitching about "women are this, women are that, blah blah blah"
  4. My boy Genghis Khan didn't have close rate, more like rape rate? seemed to work for him back in the day
  5. @coca obviously, it wasn't being said by you, what you meant was just having high value qualities, but hey, you wanted an example, so here you go? Listen, you speak about all these qualities: leader, charismatic, dominant, blah blah blah... how the fuck do you wanna learn these personality traits? Out of thin air? You are shooting yourself in the foot with this slut shaming shit. Literaly, it means less sex for you and for everyone. Why would anyone want that? Another thing to consider is this: would you want your girl to be with you out of fear of being called a slut? Or would you want your girl to be with you because you're the best for her and she doesn't need anyone else?
  6. You guys are deeming girls who sleep around unworthy for relationship, and then advising guys to fuck as many women as possible, to not give a fuck about them. So by that retarded logic, YOU should be unworthy for relationship?
  7. No, the man's value increases the more women are interested in him and want to fuck him. Not the same thing. Birds of feather flock together. The value may be low in your eyes, but not in the eyes of a promiscious guy. Promiscious guy doesn't wanna deal with an inexperienced girl and her bullshit, he wants proper blowjobs.
  8. Yeah, I guess you could say that.? I'm bit insecure even, I'd say. Not that I lack in anything, it's just that I like the validation that having a good relationship with one woman brings. Emphasis on "good" though. I don't think it's neccessary to have "I only date virgins" type of standard, obviously most people sleep around a bit, nothing wrong with that. That being said though, I believe there's a point where it becomes too much, like it's clear that he/she is trying to compensate for something and fill a hole, or just has a problem with controling his/her own impulses, or just has nothing else going on in his/her life other than fucking and partying. It's gotta be one of those things, I feel. I noticed all of these things when observing these types of people. Maybe it's better to just let things flow, I don't know? I am a virgin after all, with not much experience, although not really due to being unwanted, but moreso just due to overly filltering and blocking chicks out of my life? so maybe I shouldn't make too many assumptions.
  9. @Etherial Cat You know what, as I'm re-reading my post, I suppose I did slut shame a little bit. However, I just cannot help but feel that any person who's been cassually sleeping with too many people (no matter what gender) is just unfit for any relationship, pretty much pernamently. This is what I believe. This is what I see when I examine people like that. They're mental wrecks inside. So, yeah, I assumed woman who's sleeping around too much has low relationship value. In that way, I slut shamed, I'll admit. But, I think of men the same way.
  10. Don't act like you did not understand what I was trying to say. Sure, I could have said it a little nicer, but nitpicking little details isn't productive at all.
  11. I think even labeling someone a beta male is pretty insulting. I don't like that terminology at all. It's like saying "Yeah, sure, alpha males may get a ton affection from women and a lot of sex, but in the end, beta males win in long term, because they get to be in a relationship with matured women! (*cough cough* after somebody already ran a train on them *cough cough*). So don't worry about being unatractive! Just be you!" Like, that's the type of shit I would probably slap somebody for? Combination of strong (or whatever other quality you link with attractivness) and monogamous is ultimately what every man should be striving for.
  12. It's actually ridicilous how some people don't see that. That guy has a personality of a fucking statue. No way those girls hang out with him for free.
  13. I don't think he was ever black pilled at all. You can believe that looks play a role in attraction, without subscribing to black pill worldview. If you think about it, blackpill comes with a whole bunch of negative nihilism, not just that looks matter.
  14. Personally, as a guy with slight aspherghers, job in a bar/ as a waiter would fucking kill me lol. Not sure if I would ever attempt to do such a thing. But yeah, it sure can be a great way to socialize, sure.
  15. Hahaha that would be fucking hilarious?? almost spit out my beer reading that
  16. @RendHeaven I'm not gonna pretend that my shit doesn't stink, but the kind of stuff she posts sometimes?‍♂️ Makes me wonder if some people take this self-improvement stuff seriously. Like, at all.
  17. I mean, really, what do you expect Leo to say? Leo is also not the best looker, and yet he smashed. So the only question is: why are you being such a lazy sack of shit? If you want to fuck hot girls and you're average looking, you'll need to bust your ass. Otherwise, stick to fucking "3's, 4's and 5's", as you call them.
  18. Love has to be build on something. If there's no attraction, there's no love. Simple. That's how it works in the real world, away from your stupid deluded fantasies. There are a lot of people in a relationships that masturbate. Women have no weak spots? Are you sure??
  19. I simply responded to her. Don't worry, I'll leave you two sweathearts alone??
  20. From what I know, Spanish is actually ranked #2 in the most widely spread, easiest languages category. Just after english? Tbh, I really consider learning Spanish to the level of my English. Knowing Spanish and English pretty much guarantees you communication with anyone in this world. Maybe with the exception of China.
  21. From a male perspective, it seems that way, cuz if some dude's DM's were flooded with chicks ready to fuck, I'd be like "daaaaaaamn what a G I G A C H A D."
  22. You should of ended this post with this, that would be funny as fuck?
  23. @peanutspathtotruth Alright, those are fair points. I'll look deeper into this eventually, but not right now.