Peter Miklis
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Everything posted by Peter Miklis
@RendHeaven I'm kinda tired of constantly debunking the same arguments when it comes to this topic. Oh well, I'm gonna do it anyway. Yes, your friends game sucked, that's how he lost his gfs. No shit. I never said looks are the only thing that matters. I just said they matter the most. The fact that he had negative game and still pulled 2 women should really tell you something. No? Looks basically give you 1 main perk: the better you look, the less you have to try. The worse you look, the more work is required. This doesn't apply always, but mostly. If you don't meet the minimum looks criteria (as it was said by probably the only honest women here@Eternity ), it's over. It doesn't matter what you do. No ammount of game will save a guy who is bellow average. Having badboy game doesn't neccessarily mean soaked panties. Looks hovewer, do the job, given that your personality is not shit and you have some minimal social skills.
@7thLetter honestly, I don't think it's possible. I'm in kind of a similiar situation as you right now, except it's not that much of a problem for me to attract, since I'm OK looking, more like actually talk to them and just take them with me. I'm also working on my stuff just like you, hoping I'll make it. It seems that lack of socializing is a big hurdle to overcome. Even if you are attractive, things just flow more naturaly if you have social circle and things in common that you can talk about. I don't even enjoy talking to most people, so it's gonna be challenging for sure. @EnlightenmentBlog even introverted girls like to be social every once in a while, so it's really not that much of a relief.
@Rilles For many guys, "being yourself" or just "being male" doesn't cut it. Stop saying this. If a guy has to swing his pendulum to overly masculine in order to attract women and have success in general, let him do it. If he has to integrate feminine to live happier, let him do it. "Being yourself", in most cases, is being underdeveloped. That's not good.
What you said about milenials is a big generalisation, and a popular right-wing argument. However, with rest I agree. Young men shouldn't really think too much about masculine-feminine hogwash and just go interact with women and people, see what works and doesn't work.
@Eternity finally a woman who knows what's up lol. Women are primarily attracted to looks.
The only reason you rejected her is because you are used to fucking hot girls. So yes, dude, you ARE shallow, lol. Your pride didn't let you be with her. Uglier girls can be good tool for gaining experience, so you actually shot yourself in the foot. Of course, if you are only looking for relationships, that's another thing, but you could've just fucked her and gain experience? just sayin'
@Preety_India I see. So in this case, it probably was an actual psychopath/sociopath/narcisist. We, as self actualizers, have to develop 6th sense for spotting these kind of people. I don't really know any psychopath or sociopath personally (maybe 1), but I've met plenty of narcisists. And they tend to do this hot-cold strategy; they are very nice to you and over-invest in the beginning, but that's only because they want your attention, or something else from you, and that's how they learned to get it. Once they get what they want, they dissapear or hurt their victim. They probably don't even think they hurt someone, this is just natural for them. Also, what I forgot to mention is that they make everything about themselves. Literaly every conversation with a narcisist, regardless of topic, will end up talking about them.
@Eternity friend that used her didn't necessarily have to be a sociopath or psychopath, but even if it was, it is mostly you allowing that person to use you. @Preety_India I don't think you should be overly protective of your self and fear people because of this hurt, but don't be too eager to help or heal someone like the last time. A good rule of thumb is to invest the same ammount of energy into the person, as he/she's investing back. That way, you probably won't get used.
That is hard one to answer. It depends on what level you currently are at understanding self development. For enlightened, fully integrated people, psychology as a concept ceases to exist. For them, being trully happy means becoming fully aware of one's own nature. So, I guess, the ultimate guide to most healthy psychology is to stop existing and become God?
I may be biased right now, since I'm doing Leo's LP course, but I think this attachment of yours can be solved in a way you wouldn't expect. What do you want out of life? Like, what do you REALLY want? What meaningfull things could you pursue? What are your top 10 values? I think once you really figure this out, you are not going to have this problem with assigning too much meaning to one women ever again. You literaly won't let yourself do that, because that would mean betraying your values, all of which are infinitely more meaningful.
Well, meditation certainly helps you to relax and calm your monkey mind, and that in and of itself can be enough. Sometimes, you just need to get out of your damn head and live in the moment. About concept of game, I don't know how effective game really is. I think game is more about things you shouldn't do than what you should do.
@Karmadhi that junk food analogy is pretty accurate.
@At awe I'd like to know who exactly is this "tier 2 women", or just tier 2 person in general. Does that mean that the person stays with you no matter what? Wouldn't that mean less polarity between man and a woman, thus less sexual charge? Carefull what you wish for, cuz you might actually get it. Maybe it's a sign of love to let other person leave once you don't serve their fundamental needs. That goes for both men and women.
Are you sure? If noone was judging them, why would they have to rationalize liking "nice guys" and hide their inclinations towards "bad boys"? I'm pretty sure there's an army of people ready to judge, so keep that in mind. Besides, I'm not really fond of this dichotomy between "nice" and "bad", there's a plenty of grey area in between. It's better to be balanced human being than to fit into stereotype.
All humans have irrational, emotional side to them, even men. Women just tend to lean into it much more. I tend to notice it all the time, even on this forum, when I look into some of the women's journals. It's that chaotic energy. Their thoughts seem all over the place. And yet, you can't say such type of thinking is useless. For example, having a passion is one of the most usefull things in life, if you can harness it and use it to fuel you. Rationality itself cannot be completely separated from emotions.
I think women understand men, to a limited degree. Like, they know what type of guy they'd like to be with, generally. But, how a man is supposed to behave, that's for him to figure out.
I am not a woman, but there are some things apart from looking beautiful that woman can do. For example, if she wants the guy to notice her, she has to give him choosing signals (like hair twirling, looking at him while smiling, trying to get close to him for no reason). Sometimes, if she likes the guy a lot, she can even approach him (happened to me once. When girl does this, it's mostly pretty half-assed approach, she's just trying to get finally noticed). Maybe she can drop subtle hints (like, her parents aren't home, asking what are you doing on weekend, stuff like that). Everything else has to be done by a man. So, probably like 95%. Just my estimation.
Are you really sure you are over this whole Ego thing? Because if you were, you wouldn't mind being alone, at all. Judging by the way you still want sex and companionship, you don't strike me as someone who doesn't need anything and is happy as he is. One important thing I realized (which was confirmed in one of the Leo's videos) is that you can't surpass underdeveloped Ego. First thing you have to do is get a healthy Ego instead of shitty one, and THEN you can transcend it. Sure, you can go from point A to point Z, but that's very very challenging. Have you done enough approaching those few years ago? Were you working on your life purphose long enough? If not, then you should probably do that first, while also mantaining some spiritual practices.
You basically answered yourself. No, there isn't. Think about how many of the male PUA's are actually scammers that won't teach you anything. You think there's a chance woman PUA could teach you something that she hasn't experienced in her life? Like, approaching, chatting up, escalating, getting woman in bed? Even if she was bisexual, it's very unlikely she knows any of these things.
@datamonster if you really think that by creating AI generated pedo porn, pedophiles sexual drives would decrease, you'd be in for a rude awakening. In fact, they would probably increase. You see it everywhere with other sexual fetishes, they don't just dissapear once they find an outlet. That's not how it works. Unless we discover technology needed to perform structural transformation inside the brain, the only sensible solution for now is to put them in jail, for the good of rest of society.
I wouldn't really listen to her if I was you. The girl has a lot of mental problems and traumas (which she admited herself), and they create this overly anti-women bias. Either that, or she's doing it for male attention, I mean, just look at her comment section under her videos. MRA's gravitate towards this type of stuff, because it tells them everything they want to hear, from women's POV.
Aaaaand it's still going. Wow
@Preety_India isn't it pretty obvious though that "nice guys" are manipulators? I mean, all you have to do is type "niceguy" on youtube and hundreds of videos will appear with some dude reading nice guys creepy comments lol. It's not a rocket science to figure that out.
I see. I didn't know. Gotta check that out.