Peter Miklis
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Everything posted by Peter Miklis
@Preety_India Just let the things develop naturally. Let the stones fall where they may. If it doesn't work out, no big deal, I'm pretty sure there will be another guy waiting for you. But, just to be safe, don't ever say you'd die for a guy. It's not good for you, him or your potential relationship.
Just keep improving yourself in every aspect, and throw away your insecurities. Easier said than done though. Personally, the only things I feel insecure about are related to personality, since I have nothing else to be insecure about? shyness fucked me over more times than I can count.
Fascinating indeed. Good for them I guess.
@RendHeaven All these terms are being defined so loosely and confusingly lol. Better to just not define them at all tbh, and come to your own conclusions throught real life experience.
Not all women get less attractive with age, and not all men get better with age though. This doesn't always apply. You also underestimate men's thirstiness. Even women in her 50's can literaly have hundreds of options if she's at least semi-attractive, even though in her eyes it's maybe 5-10. Can the same be said for most men? I don't think so.
@integral Idk why you people keep posting these low quality videos. Is you bullshit detector turned off? All of these "walk for 10 hours" videos could be easily made up in order to fit some narrative. How do you know they actually walked for 10 hours, or that the reactions of "strangers" weren't planned ahead? Not saying women or men aren't being harrased, not at all, but at least post some good video.
Sex is never really casual tbh
@mivafofa Putting as little effort into their sentence structure as possible lol typical
@mivafofa Being needy can definitely make person's life a lot worse, regardless of the gender. I think everyone should be honest about their intentions from the get go, and if it doesn't work out, well big deal, move on. I remember couple years ago, I was talking to one girl, with "I don't give a fuck", easy going mindset, and she liked that. Then I did a bunch of shit that she, I guess, interpreted as me being needy (even though I really wasn't), so, once she came to me and said "we're friends, right?" and I said yeah, sure. Did not care that much tbh. And guess what, at the end, it was her who ended up chasing me (not trying to flex, just stating facts). So yeah, it's important to keep your ego in check if you want to have any kind of success in life in general, not just in dating. Honestly, all the guys in those examples were better off just saying "Hey, I wanna fuck, you down?" At least they'd be rejected right away, instead if getting rejected trying to sleaze their way throught friendship.
@Zeroguy @Hulia True, but she still makes some valid points in her videos. Even though she has her flaws.
Interesting. Do you think that casual sex is not natural for most women, and that they mostly do it out of lack of self esteem? Or, are there women who genuinely enjoy it?
@Hulia Yeah, obviously for women there's a factor of having children, so they can't just have sex with anyone willy nilly. There needs to be some sort of trust and connection, otherwise it's rape. Having said that, I just find this solipsistic approach of "take care of me, I'm a little innocent princess" a little disguisting. And it's surprising when it's comming from women on this forum, who are supposed to be more conscious. It's almost like light form of gold digging, except the person doesn't admit it, but instead makes up some theory about masculinity and femininity, and how it's supposed to be this way.
@Hulia Tbh, I subscribed to Teal Swan, just for shits and giggles. And watched that masculine containment video, just to see if there was anything valuable there at all. At first she seemed to make good points, I was like ok, maybe I can incorporate that somehow into my life. But then she started to list examples of masculine containment. And I couldn't make it to the end? like, sister, you are delusional if you think any man should do this bucket list of yours on a daily basis. Does she really expect bussy, high value men have time for that shit?? it's like.... wake the fuck up lol. I remember what one woman on this forum said specifically when talking about spliting, or not spliting the bill. One of her arguments for men paying for everything was "let's face it, some men have only a few women interested in them, whereas woman on a date has mostly 50+ guys interested in her. So, why should woman pay her half? He's lower value than her, he should pay for everything." There you go, that right there tells me everything about their mentality. Me, me, me.
@Hulia I think it's bastardization of concept of femininity. Feminine= fragile, emotional, feels the need to be protected and dominated by the masculine, takes care and nurishes new life. That, however, doesn't mean a man is supposed to be your personal utility and credit card. Man is not supposed to be your daddy. Regarding the fascination, hehehe I don't know honestly. But I can understand why women would addopt this as their strategy, that's pretty understandable for me. The thing is, women almost always have choices and options, regardless of how good, or shit their personalities are. So, for a woman that's somewhat attractive and already in her 30's/40's, it's very easy to make a simple calculation of 2+2=4. Hey, I can make my standards very high, and simultaneously not lose any options. Seems like win-win. And then when you ask them what exactly do they bring to the table, the answer is ussually me, my great personality, and sex. Ehm, ok. I guess I'll turn down 20 year old who's giving me "I want to fuck you" eyes, just so I can become credit card to a 40 year old. Sounds like a great deal.
@Hulia I think that fundamental problem with Teal Swan, is the problem of having too many requirements of how should relationships work, to the point where it becomes too perfect. I think there's something to be said about standards that are set too high. For both men and women. It almost seems like you are some sort of prize, and other people should fit your standards to get you. It's like an invisible, egoistic barier. But, if we are being honest here, when we take into account what we as men generally like, is Teal Swan really high value and sought after? Can she really consider herself to be a prize, when she's already visibly aging? I think not. From my observation, the most attractive women are the ones who are fun, friendly, uninhibited, young, physically attractive, who are comfortable with expressing their sexuality, and have standards but simultaneously not too high standards, it doesn't feel like you're dealing with a queen who you need to bow before lol. How many of those things Teal Swan posseses? Maybe two?? of course I'm talking about sexual attraction here, not so much about relationship value, with which women on this forum seem to obsess about.
@Javfly33 What do you want to achieve by making this topic? The way you framed it, we can either: a) agree that you are fundamentally unnatractive, therefore you should just wallow in self pitty, b) agree that you being unatractive is simply due to your behavour, and that you can change your situation. But either way, what's that gonna help? Who cares what some members of the forum think? They mean nothing to your real life experience. So, what you should do is just go out, be social and try to make yourself attractive. Even if it doesn't work out, it's still better than asking meaningless questions to a bunch of strangers who don't know your exact situation.
Wow, I didn't even know such a thing existed. Water fasting? That seems a little extreme.
@Chew211 That's nicely explained. Seems like a lot of societal problems nowadays have to do with survival of capitalism.
I'd say casual sex is fine, as long as you don't overdo it. In my observation, women, but also men who have had many sex partners were trying to fill some sort of hole inside of themselves. It's ironic, but especially women were trying to find love throught casual sex. Which of course, doesn't make sense, but it doesn't have to. It's fine, as long you treat it as new experience. But once it becomes your source of happiness, that's when it becomes problematic.
Right. Of course. We should teach body language and non verbal cues, instead of this retarded consent bullshit. Just don't be douchebag and don't be retarded, and you won't rape. Simple. Right. But this is more of a relationship thing. If it's just a quick hookup and girl is horny af, she ussually just wants you to f her hard, expecting you know what you're doing. Not asking like a clueless boy. Nice way to not adress my point at all. Which is pretty common for you anyways.
@Etherial Cat I don't necessarilly have a problem with that definition, except the "ongoing" part. Which is just fucking ridicilous lol. You really expect men to ask for consent all the time? That's like the ultimate mood killer for women.
Yes before what? Before a kiss? And how many times should a guy ask for consent? Is it just a one time thing, or is it "ok, can I touch your boobs now?" This shit truly fascinates me? on one hand, you are told to always ask for consent, on the other hand you are shamed for being a pussy if you do so. I guess you just can't win, can you? Lol
@Andrew John Should all fear be transcended? It is what keeps us all alive after all.
@Raf_vd well, then we have backed ourselves into a corner, haven't we? You clearly only have 2 options: leave relationship or try to work on your cravings. That however, is problematic because in order for a need to dissapear, generally you need to try to fulfill it first. Only once you've fully realized your need, can you begin to cleanse yourself off it. But you clearly deep inside feel like you've cheated yourself from opportunities with more women by being in long term relationship. The reason you have limited options is because your partner is insecure. Maybe you should talk to her anyways. It's still probably the best option you got. You also have the option to cheat, but that would be cowardly. I believe you can do better than that.
How about communicating it to your girlfriend? I know that's a very uncomfortable thing to do, but maybe she'll be open minded enough to entertain that idea. Trying to supress that craving won't make it go away. It's a lot better option than cheating.