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Everything posted by Snt_lk

  1. I can't seem to shake the idea that others don't exist. After watching Leo's "Guided Exercise for Realizing You Are God", I had a moment in which I felt that everyone I knew was a projection, but soon after I found myself asking "But how could they not exist." Every time I saw another person, I questioned whether they were just a part of my imagination or if they are actually having a conscious experience. For example, anyone that replies to this thread could say "others don't exist", maybe evening having the thought that the person who wrote this was a projection of their own imagination, but I on the other side of this thread know that I in fact am not a projection because I am aware as I write this and have consciousness. Perhaps the higher the degree of consciousness, the closer to Nonduality someone gets? Even then, if there are other autonomous units of consciousness, regardless of the degree to which they are conscious, how is it possible that they don't exist altogether? I'm aware that my ego will fill in what I have conceptually striped away and that the more real I believe the Self to be the more real others will be, but then how do I practically experience ongoing Nonduality . I truly do enjoy the concept of nonduality but I'm having some trouble putting it in to practice. Any insights?
  2. @Javfly33 In Solipsism, all do not exist except the Self. From my understanding now, In Oneness, even the Self is transcended. There is only the Oneness. The degree to which others exist is the degree to which the Self exist.
  3. @Ry4n Let's give it a go, and see what happens. Ty for sharing that.
  4. @m0hsen This makes a lot of sense. What would I expect someone in a dream to say? probably exactly what I would expect them to say. Thanks.
  5. @Nahm Thank you for your insights. I appreciate it.
  6. @OctagonOctopus Thank you for your insights. I found them very useful.
  7. @Nahm So (unreal) is only a thought, that which I am experiencing. and seeking is illusory. What is that which is "already?" for example, you mentioned already duality, already apparent and already the case? Thanks
  8. @Nahm My natural reaction is to seek to be "un-real" then, but by seeking I believe I would then be creating separation. Is it true there is nothing to get/do? if so, how in this state of not doing and not getting does someone become aware of the Non-dual? Thanks