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Posts posted by Miguel1

  1. 32 minutes ago, gettoefl said:

    yet means effort means commitment means relationship means a shot at love

    sure the casual sex is good for me every time, she is the one who suffers when treated like a toy


    1. That has nothing to do with love. I’ve had amazing friends with benefits and there was no human-love involved.

    2. No one suffers and no one is treated like a toy when having sex with me.

    Stop this crap.

  2. On 28/12/2023 at 11:57 PM, Breakingthewall said:

    Saying that Leo is in my mind is the same as saying that it is real, everything is. reality is made of reality. Nothing is unreal, everything exists, that is inevitable, there being no limits. understanding how this is structured, I don't think it's possible in the current configuration, being what I am now, but who knows

    Are you sure he said? I must have missed this too.

  3. 11 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

    For some of us, not caring what people think can be counterproductive. When I don’t give a single fuck what people think, some people think the authenticity is awesome and wanna be around it, but the majority who don’t start bitching to authority figures about me bothering people and it actually causes problems. 

    Could it be said that it’s important to not care what people think of you but only within certain guidelines? Like you can’t just run around saying filthy sexual stuff to everyone, but if we truly didn’t care at all what others think of us, a lot of us would be doing just that.

    Of course social calibration is key.

    Not caring about what people think of you simply means here that you are not afraid of rejections. You are proactive. You approach people.

    But don’t be an idiot.

  4. On 12/27/2023 at 2:49 AM, Thought Art said:

    How do you folks go about persisting towards actualizing a life purpose? 

    I have everything else I want in life, except a fulfilling career that is successful (yet).

    I get a lot of joy (and get into flow often) from my work and I have beautiful visions for the future that sometimes makes me cry due to how beautiful it is.

    The work is also the most meaningful job I can possibly do.

  5. 20 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

    I fundamentally disagree. If it was that easy, sixty percent of young men wouldn’t be hard stuck singles. Consider the sheer power of the male sex drive; you know things are really bad when that many of us are giving up on dating despite being so gaht dang horny.

    Part of the issue is social media and smart phones are sucking peoples souls out through their eyeballs leaving us with robotic, unfriendly versions of the vibrant, free spirited human beings they’re meant to be. 

    Social skills itself is not the problem.

    The problem is the HUGE PILES AND LAYERS of self-defeating idealogies and beliefs + the endless approval and validation seeking and the caring of what people think of them. Aka, inner game.

    If you fix this, most of your problems will be gone when socializing.

    When I socialize, I am not doing anything fancy. For real, it’s like I am talking to my 10 year old sister. It’s a joke.

    My social success is mostly all just how grounded and positive my energy is.

    I am talking from experience on both ends.

  6. 7 hours ago, Yimpa said:

    The type of people you found attractive 10 years ago can be significantly different compared to now, especially if you’ve done the work to broaden your life experiences and values. 

    This is not merely about age or race, but also personality, life experiences, values…. (wait I’m just talking about myself now lol)

    Yes of course. But a girl with perfect boobs is still gonna have amazing boobs 10 years later no matter how much you grow up

  7. 7 hours ago, Yimpa said:

    Think of someone who mastered a video game. Do you really, really think that this person was able to master the game all on their own, or did they also have someone else guiding them and helping them work on their blind spots?  Yes, even masters have blind spots, no matter how small they are.

    Social skills is not rocket science. It's not some hard technical thing like building a video game.

  8. 1 hour ago, BlessedLion said:

    More about both. I have a high sex drive though. Would prefer to have sex every other day 

    I see. Well, then you definitely need to cold approach. Relying on spiritual girls in a spiritual community for a very high sex drive can become very devilish.

    But as Leo said, you can develop your personality to become more energetic that fits the club environment more.

    It's crazy tho. You say you have a high sex drive. I don't know if I have a SUPER high then or am I just a sex addict, but during my off seasons from my work, I would probably prefer to have sex 1-3 times a day.

    I've had 4 long-term gfs and none has been able to keep up with the drive, I don't think even close. Sex quantity-wise, I am most satisfied when I am single and I'm seeing a ton of girls (just not leading anyone on). But the quality of the sex is not nearly as satisfying as in a long-term monogamous + it takes me a shit ton of time to maintain this lifestyle.

    As far as my career and work, I am extremely ambitious. So that is probably directly correlated with my testosterone level and libido.


    What is stopping you from learning to cold approach better?

  9. 20 hours ago, UnbornTao said:

    @Miguel1 As everyone else with their family. Conflict seems to arise in every relationship as it is a function of opposing self-agendas.

    No one said it has to be easy. Maybe use it as a training ground for increasing consciousness in this domain. Communicate, etc. 

    Of course. There is a limit to everything tho. Communication only works with people who speak the same language as you. You can make compromises but only for so much.

    But I understand your point. In fact, I have addressed them quite a bit above, I believe.


    20 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

    Are you currently an entrepreneur or just planning to become one? May I ask how old you are?

    Yes I am and 29. Intriguing. Why do you want to know?

  10. 1 hour ago, Carl-Richard said:

    just because you're slightly annoyed by some of their character flaws

    In my case, it is not that simple. Obviously, if it was just a ''slight annoyment'', it wouldn't be a problem.

    There are huge expectations. Not only belief and idealogy wise, but also career wise. Being an entrepreneur is absolutely no, and school is the only way to succeed.

    People are built differently. So are families. People also have very different personality types and traits. Some people need more socializing, others less. Some people have good supporting families, others have very toxic families.

    Families can seem very unconditional on the surface but they can be deep down much more conditional and demanding than many friends.

    You mention things like ''basic mental health (and general safety)'' and ''you're evolutionarily built to be in close contact with an entire clan/tribe, not just a few people''. These are things that can be transcended as you develop psychologically and especially spiritually. We of all people, should know.


    27 minutes ago, UnbornTao said:

    You can be autonomous from your family and enjoy it at the same time, so no dilemma.

    Except when your family keeps asking about your career and pressuring you to do school instead of whatever you truly want to strive for. Inevitably, conversations tend to lead to conflicts, which becomes hella annoying after a while.

    It is like every time you go see your parents and they keep pressuring and asking you indirectly and directly ''so have you found anyone yet?'', ''why don't you find a girlfriend?'', ''why do you keep being single?'', ''so when are you going to have children?''

    ''So, when will you become the son we always wanted you to become?''

  11. 19 hours ago, Nilsi said:

    I’m just the one that stopped attempting to make this work altogether.

    I have no problem calibrating to social contexts and playing a role — in fact I’m extremely good at it (working in sales, that’s basically my job).

    I see.

    I have no problem calibrating to social contexts in general but imagine calibrating to some tribal social context (extreme example to make a point).

    At some point, you ask yourself: why bother? There are bigger fishes to fry. Bigger, more meaningful stuff to spend your time on.

  12. 6 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

    Why are you so averse to behaving according to some standard at a dinner party?

    The deeper question to that is:

    Why should I even attend such party?

    Why should one attend to a sports event if one is not interested in it?

    On top of that, one currently has huge stuff one needs to focus on and attend to. Family, relatives, friends and socialization can be a huge distraction.

    Should one be interested in biz, marketing and sales if one is far beyond financial survival already.

    You pointed out some reason-questions to contemplate and I have contemplated then for god knows how many hours. I have almost come to final conclusion. The point of sharing this opener is so people share their experiences in case I have missed something, a blindspot.