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Posts posted by Miguel1

  1. Thought of sharing a clip of me dancing freestyle. It's short due to the forum's uploading limit but it drives the point of me knowing what I am talking about.

    The biggest key of my freestyling is just letting the music take me over. But I need to enjoy the music for it to happen. As you can see, you can hear me expressing the music very clearly if you properly listen to the music.

    Allowing the music to take over my body and mind is the way to let go and dance.



    Edit: ahh I thought the video would be uploaded here and you can just watch it here through the forum's own integrated videoplayer but seems like clicking that link will download the video to you computer.

  2. I love dancing. Have freestyle danced for 20 years now. Started with Hip Hop but have developed my own style throughout the years.

    By far, my most favourite hobby, since it also scratches my creative itch too.

    Personally 2 things have helped me the most.

    1. Self-love work, inner-work, confidence work.

    2. Dancing to music that naturally inspires me to dance. Music that I love.

  3. Tbh, you sound depressed. Have you looked into this?

    I can almost guarantee you, that if you just go out to socialize, and take small steps (30-60 mins per night at first), you will slowly learn to enjoy socializing a lot. It will get to a point where it gives you a ton of joy.

    Most of my nights are so fun that a lot of times, I would rather take the 3 hours of fun socializing vs going home with a girl and having sex with her for 30 minutes.

    Now of course, if you live in a small populated area (which I know you do), then you are fairly limited. But even, then you can put yourself out there and learn to enjoy socializing. Also, you can work on moving to a bigger populated area.

    This is very learnable and doable, but of course it requires work. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

    The problem is much more directly related to height than it being an insecurity issue. There are SOME girls out there who can overlook a guy’s shortness, but by and large they tend to be disgusted by it. Here’s a challenge: Go out into a crowded space and count how many decent looking chicks you can find with shorter guys who you know are their partners (if you’re not sure just ask them) Then come back here and tally the score 

    If height isn’t that big of a deal to them, but rather confidence is the main factor, you should be able to find plenty of examples of shorter guys with gfs.

    See, most guys who are short are insecure, hence you don’t see them with gfs. So you are putting the cart before the horse with this logic.

    I am short myself and I get plenty of girls.

    And not only am I short. I am also Vietnamese (bad stereotype in the west) living in Finland, which is as white / west of a country as it gets.

    And not only that, Finnish girls are one of the tallest girls in any country.

  5. Girls give out numbers and IG information all the time to avoid the guy turning aggressive from rejection, especially if she was alone when you approached her.

    So chances are, you turned her off with your interaction with her in real life and she was just being polite. Or perhaps, you didn’t do anything wrong (unlikely based on your scarcity), but she just wasn’t interested.

    Also, something on your IG profile might have turned her down very badly.

    Overall, your biggest issue is not knowng how to cold approach, and this having deep scarcity that you start stalking one girl you talk to, because you are so thirsty for female attention.

    Imagine having 5 beautiful women constantly talking to you, wanting to hang out with you… Now you wouldn’t naturally be so thirsty and desperate, right?

  6. 1 hour ago, NoSelfSelf said:

    That's fine what i was saying is that if you looking to connect with a woman that's not game if you want to connect to a woman that's fine but actually not in your best benefit=her best benefit

    Game has allowed me to connect with a woman much faster and on a deeper level.

    And I’ve found it very beneficial to make talking to women so enjoyable, due to the connection.

    If it was all dry without connection, it would be very boring. So to me, connecting with a woman is definitely in my best benefit.

  7. 52 minutes ago, SeaMonster said:

    "Practicing facing fear" is a bullshit cope from the pickup community.  Talking to a hot girl isn't some monumental accomplishment.  

    The difference between talking to a hot girl and finding a hot girl worth talking to, then actually becoming romantically involved with her is huge.  

    This thread is full of guys with low self-esteem, parroting 20 year old Mystery propaganda even if they don't realize it.  Mystery had terrible self-esteem.  His one way of assuaging it was to "Get 10s" (he couldn't keep them, but he got them.)  

    Think about it -- an integral part of Mystery Method is FAKE SCREENING.  It's a tactic, not genuine screening of a girl to see if you want to be with her.  It is assumed if she is hot you want to be with her.

    The problem with the pickup community is that it always paid lip service to Inner Game, but was never actually serious about it.  Too difficult, and most guys don't want to make difficult changes in their lives.

    Oh my fucking God.

  8. 13 hours ago, SeaMonster said:

    Imagine doing cold approach just to meet women.  This seems like one massive way to avoid self-improvement, actually making friends and networking.

    Imagine thinking most gorgeous women are actually worth your time just by virtue of their being gorgeous.

    Not pickup doctrine/brainwashing at all.

    Imagine not having the balls to cold approach women and thus, having to make yourself feel better by rationalizing that the best way (cold approach) to build a strong, grounded and masculine character is ”avoiding the growth”.

    Seriously, I would be extremely ashamed of such escapism and rationalizations. This is so fucking weak. Pure weakness. Wake the fuck up.

    ”Imagine thinking most gorgeous women are actually worth your time just by virtue of their being gorgeous.”

    You are fucking running away from growth like a wimp here bro.

  9. On 29/12/2023 at 6:57 AM, Emotionalmosquito said:

    I have 10 and 12 year old nieces that I am good friends with. When I approach a normal woman of whom I wish I could sleep with, she cannot and will not vibe with me on the same level as the nieces because she’s a completely different person, is smarter, is not a family member and doesn’t even know me. That’s why the outer game is equally important, because it shows you the technicalities of the right and wrong ways of interacting with new women.

    Also speaking from experience. Sometimes when I approach someone with that energy of we’re already best friends and we’ve known each other forever, they’ll get the most disturbed, weirded out look on their face leaving me no other option but to either walk away or the situation escalates negatively. Or they’ll pretend to be receptive and cool with it because they think I’m some unhinged psycho who will lash out if they make me feel unwelcome.

    You are overthinking it.

    The point is not to put the girl on a pedestal, and instead, treat the conversation ligthly. Crack jokes, self-amuse and have a positive vibe around them. Nothing serious and heavy. There is no need to prove and qualify yourself.

  10. On 30/12/2023 at 5:29 PM, Leo Gura said:

    The biggest mistake Owen made in his work is to completely neglect the issue of ethics. That's the real truth that isn't being discussed in the pickup community. Because if PUAs seriously confronted that issue they would have an existential crisis.

    Btw Leo,

    Do you have a comprehensive list of the unethical stuff of PUA and game somewhere?

    Maybe your old video about pickup? Maybe in one episode of the more recent 3-part how to get laid series? Maybe a blogpost?

    I have reflected a ton on the ethics of my own game throughout the years but chances are there are stuff I have missed, so I would want to reflect on your points.

    Especially since your analysis on the ethics of game would probably be the best out of all there is, due to your deep experience both in consciousness work and also in game.

  11. 5 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

    But its about her getting emotionally connected to you, not you getting connected to her- that's not game...

    If I emotionally connect to with girl, even better because then I enjoy it much more.

    Which in turn makes everything easier and smoother because there are just natural joyful and meaningful topics to talk about + ”inside jokes”.

    But yes, I can seduce a girl to connect with me even when I am not necessarily connecting with her as much.

  12. 17 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

    Personally I don't have time to approach that many. I don't live in a big city. I'm doing a sniper riffle approach. Yesterday I was on a market and I applied what Owen was teaching. 

    Owen's approach is the opposite of the sniper approach.

    How do you even mass approach like Owen in a market?

    12 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

    You don't even need to approach and do a song and dance. The approach is already pre verbal.

    I have no idea what you are trying to say here. Good luck trying the route of not approaching. I wonder how's that going for 80% of guys out there.

    12 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

    So it is kind of weird to count and brag about 5-10k approaches.

    To be honest, just the fact you took my estimated 5-10k approaches as a brag is already a sign you are not very experienced, so this is a pointless talk if your premise is that you know what you are talking about.

    5-10k approaches is not even that much. And the fact that I said a number with relatively such a big gap, means I'm just completely estimating. I have no idea how much I've really approached.

    And the whole point of throwing that number out is to communicate that I've done this for a LONG time, and NOT to brag about it.

    My goodness.

    And I have no idea what you are even trying to conversate about anymore anyways. We can end our conversation here.

  13. 24 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

    So to see if it is a numbers game for you or you have skill. If you approach that many girls you don't even need a game. The only thing you need is to not stay stupid shit, not act creepy or too beta and clingy, and she will put out like it is all you can eat.


    This has been what I've said this whole damn thread. I've been saying to just approach, socialize with everyone, have fun, and don't overthink.

    What are you on to?

    In fact, 200 posts out of my 240 posts on this forum have been just telling guys to go out to socialize, let go, and have fun.

    And trying to figure out whether someone is good in game with their lay % is a sign you don't know what good game is, for the reasons mentioned above in another comment.

  14. 1 hour ago, StarStruck said:

    What is your approx lay %?

    This is a pointless question.

    1. Whatever answer I give you, can only either demotivate you or set too high expectations for yourself, which leads to demotivation.

    2. I am probably somewhat of a natural and my personality type is ENFJ, which is like the most ideal or at the very least, top 3 for game and socialization. I am also gifted with pretty good looks.

    3. I have no clue how many girls I have even approached, hence I wrote such a big gapped number, 5-10k. I never counted. I was approaching girls for years before even knowing that people counted approaches, or even wrote infields.

    And even if I had counted, say I approach a group of 10 girls, is that 1 girl or 10 girls approached?

    4. Most of my lays came after a long period of not much results. Extremely steep learning curve.

    So the lay % of my last year compared to my first year(s) is day and night. Why does counting the average % in this case even matter?

  15. @Squeekytoy


    Besides, women have ”nut needs” too. They get very horny, especially during ovulation.

    Also, if you are a man who is getting lots of sex… I find that oftentimes I am being sexualized and ”used” as a sex object by the girls I meet and approach. At the very least, happens to me more often than I do to girls.

    In fact, I never even use girls as a sperm dump because I don’t have to due to abundance. I treat them with respect.

  16. 1 hour ago, mr_engineer said:

    Sounds good in theory. 

    If you don't care about your impact on the other person, though, wouldn't the energy of your approach be one of a taker? 

    I'd prefer to focus on what I have to offer to others before putting a price-tag on it. 

    What you give the other is a fun time.

    That is completely different than all these provider stuff that frankly, just comes across compensative and needy in the beginning.

    They come across like you have something to prove to the girls. And this is the opposite of fun.

  17. 20 minutes ago, Shahin Ezzine said:

    @Miguel1Is it genuinely worthwhile? For me, a 'warm approach,' such as striking up a conversation with a girl at a yoga class or at a Taylor Swift concert, seems to be more effective

    Of course it is worthwhile. How is it not?

    How is approaching in a concert where you go fairly rarely more effective? Or even a yoga class where you can't really hit on that many girls because you will build a reputation there then. Especially since you can't fuck-up your social calibrations as you can in a club.

    If I go out a weekend and approach 10-50 girls, I can convert that to so many dates for the next week that I don't even have time for. On top of pulling girls home the same night oftentimes.

    If I started from zero, I would say that in a month or two, I would have so many girls that I'm seeing regularly (once every week or every other week), that I wouldn't even have time to go on dates with new girls.

    How the hell is cold approaching not 100x more effective? Not only that, but it develops you as a man, as a strong charismatic character.

  18. 1 hour ago, gettoefl said:

    i am advising you to give her the decency to let her know where she stands on day 1 rather than fixating on your nut needs

    Girls do not expect anything serious if you do not lead them on when you meet them / are on a date with them.

    You don't need to explicitly talk about it.

    Unless you have serious experience in this, at least have the decency to not talk like you are an expert.

  19. 17 minutes ago, mr_engineer said:

    He does say that 'this is not a hill that I want to die on, we don't gain much from fucking around all the time'. True. What we do gain from, as a society, is having relationships work out. So, it is important to do the needful to have that happen. 

    All this is just avoiding the thing you need to do the most. Just focus on even getting sex first before you push for the stuff that comes afterwards.

    If you need money to survive, you don’t focus on what is the best for humanity in the big picture.