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Posts posted by Miguel1

  1. On 1/30/2024 at 5:40 PM, TheGod said:

    Since I realised that I'm God and I don't need anything or anyone (because I'm everyone and everything) I started questioning my need for relationship with women. I mean I had romantic relationship throughout my life. It all starts with some sort of excitement that slowly disappears and after each break up this question comes back to me : "What was the point?"

    I also noticed that the true reason why I start a relationship is my desire to hide from life's challenges in companionship and sex. If I didn't have sexual needs in the first place I would never pursue intimate relationship with women. True intimacy not necessarily requires sexual attraction or desire. I have friends and my mother is one of my best friends. I'm able to be happy on my own, so basically the only thing that I can't do without someone is sex. 

    But approaching girls just for that sounds like too much for me. Making all the effort for what? Just for sex? If all I need just sex what's wrong with prostitutes? 

    Since you realized that you are God, why do you even need to cling to life?

    Because it's an enjoyable journey. Enjoy the ride.

    You say ''I also noticed that the true reason why I start a relationship is my desire to hide from life's challenges in companionship and sex.''

    Learning how to be an attractive and charismatic man IS life's challenge as a man.

    Approaching girls is not just for getting sex. It is mainly to learn how to be a MAN.

    Be careful of making this a one step deeper / layer of an excuse to face life's challenges. 

  2. On 1/15/2024 at 9:18 AM, Hardkill said:

    Instead of trying to play games with a girl to try to get into her pants, why can't I just screen for girls who are down to have sex with me by getting sexual right at the beginning of my approach?

    Here's the mindset: "Talk to the girl and touch the girl in a sexually explicitly manner as soon as you first meet her. Is she in or is she out? If she's out then move on to the next girl and try it with her. If not her either then keep it moving and try it on the next girl and see if she wants to sleep with me. I keep trying it on however many girls I am attracted to until one of them wants to fuck me."

    Sounds good?

    Terrible idea.

    If you take this idea to its extreme, it would be like going up to a girl and immediately asking ''do you wanna fuck?''

    If you do this to 1000 girls, perhaps 1 will agree, most of them will either look at you fucking weird or straight up tell you to get the fuck off their face.

  3. Amazing! Keep going.

    Trust me, once you hit the 500-1000 range, it will become like eating a piece of cake - especially when you approach an attractive girl that you connect with! Easy and Delicious!

    At my peak, I was approaching at least 100 girls a week. Went out like 5-7 times + during the day.

    Didn't have a single worry about my finances back when I was younger lol.

  4. 4 hours ago, Yimpa said:

    Interesting, wasn’t expecting this response! I imagine our younger experiences must have been very different. I was raised in a very strict environment, but later on discovered that I need to be much gentler and kinder to myself. Maybe the opposite is true for you.

    I learned game when I was 17 due to being very jealous in my first relationship. Around the same time I started reading about Osho extensively to the point his teachings were almost the only thing I could talk about to anyone.

    Broke up at 18, had massive heart break. And I wasn’t fully loved by my mom in my childhood.

    This combination got me to crave female intimacy more than anything.

    And so, with the craving + what Osho taught me about courage and no-ego, at 19 I probably had my first 1000 approaches.

    Big grown up men these days cries about approaching 10 girls.

  5. 9 hours ago, Yimpa said:

    @Miguel1 You give great advice from personal experience and all the work you’ve done. I’d just recommend treating your “bros” on a level playing field like you do with women. You can use the social skills you’ve learned from pickup to expand and improve how you relate to other people as well.

    Visualize communicating to your younger, less developed self. How would you approach talking to him?

    What comment are you referring to?

    If you are referring to the comments I made to SeaMonster… Are you kidding me?

    I would go even harder than that to my younger self. Much harder.

  6. Energy helps a ton, but you still gotta have the masculine & proactive energy leading you to take action, approach, flirt, lead.

    If passive energy was enough, Eckhart Tolle, Rupert Spira, Leo… would be drowning in pussies by just walking in the streets ;)

    I have personally tested this a lot. I can approach and open girls in a club with my energy alone, without saying anything and create attraction - but I still need to be doing the proactive approaching and communicating with my body language.

    In daygame, this wouldn’t work.

    But even in nightgame, I’ve tested many times, if I just bask in my energy and don’t approach anyone, rarely someone approaches me.

    In fact, I’ve gotten better results to just go full on meditation (terraces), if you wanna play this game. I’ve gotten quite many approaches by girls this way.

    Nonetheless, you still need to proactively flirt, connect and lead her to bed.

  7. Very good!

    Another one is starting a podcast for yourself. Just keep it private but make a podcast every week.

    Pros and cons to both. A podcast will be easier to start with, so you can just focus on your speaking and no need to focus on your facial expressions yet.

    Also, with a camera, if you dont know how to work it properly + the lightning, you can come off looking very bad, which can be demotivating.

  8. @Jason Actualization @Leo Gura

    So I use these ones with a silicone protective layer.

    Pretty durable, I’ve dropped a few times and hasn’t broken. But this one is only 1L. If I were to get a bigger one, probably would break easier.

    The good thing with the glass breaking in this bottle is that the silicone layer would probably keep all or most of the glass within its ”bag”, so it would be easy to clean.

    It would just come down to how much water was in the bottle, at what spot does the bottle crack, and how big of a crack.


  9. 1 hour ago, ivankiss said:

    I don't think that's what I worry about... more like some nasty triangulation, if anything. 

    To be honest, it simply feels like cheating to me. 

    Unless that's kind of the agreement from the get go, I'm not cool with it. Once I truly commit, I see one person and one person only. I have no need for anyone else. And to see my partner having those desires, makes me think that she is far less serious, committed or in love. 

    Here's the thing.

    You are going to have to sit her down and have a serious talk with her, but in a loving tone.

    Don't guilt-trip her or manipulate her to stay together with you, while not being with other girls, if that's not what she wants to.

    If you do, it will lead to long-term resentment that builds up over time, which will leads to a lot of toxicity.

    So really, try to hear her out lovingly. If she really needs the female sexuality in her sexuality, then it is probably best to let her go, since it doesn't seem like you are okay with it - and that's fine too.

    There are plenty of girls who will be very satisfied with being just with you.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Ash55 said:

    if a girl asked me what is my age and she was texting me also laughing with me  at my jokes yet her relationship status is in a relationship what does it mean if a girl asked me about my age, and what if she found out am younger than her by 4 years (ofc i told her my real  age), i dont wanna destroy her relationship with her partner i just got curious to ask her a questions then we had a long conversation, i was quite surprised that she likes me and found me funny i totally didn't expect that, and she ask me what is my age after a long conversation, am not talking to her now but i wanna understand women better

    It means nothing. You are way overthinking this due to scarcity.

    Go out and meet new women. Are you currently meeting new women actively?

  11. 18 hours ago, ivankiss said:

    Why would it be completely fine for her to hit on girls in front of me or behind my back, but totally wrong if she was to entertain other dudes the same way? Isn't it kind of same - same?

    I would say that there is a difference.

    And the difference is that you are not a girl and will never be. So there is no way you can satisfy that part of her needs and you don’t have to.

    But you are a man and if you are not enough for her as a man, then there is certainly a problem. Because then you will feel not enough. But that doesn’t seem to be the case here.

    All that being said, if you are worried she might fall in love with one of these girls and dump you for them, then that’s another story.

  12. 3 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

    I’ve had plenty of seemingly positive reactions from girls, (although you can never be fully sure if a girl’s reaction is genuinely positive because they often pretend to play along because they feel pressured to) after a certain point, positive reactions alone aren’t good enough because they aren’t leading anywhere (hookups) After my very first few approaches with decent reactions I felt on top of the world having just done that, but I never feel that way anymore no matter the reaction unless I can somehow steer it all the way to the bedroom 

    Very good. Then from there, the next step is to learn some flirting skills and you will be very far already.

    Obviously if you don't flirt and make it man to woman, they will friendzone you and it won't lead anywhere.

  13. I used to date a bi girl and we went to hit on girls together all the time. It was lots of fun.

    I didn’t view her less of a partner at all. If anything, I saw her more as my partner. Maybe because I am quite social myself and love to meet new girls.

    My ENFJ personality type probably has a lot to do with all that.

    If you can’t satisfy her need for pussy and feminine energy, I would say it would be a loving act from you to allow her to be with girls.

    What makes you view her less of a partner if she does that? People have different sexual needs.

    Analyze out-loud for us a bit deeper. What are you afraid of when she is with other girls? Especially if you join her?

  14. 9 hours ago, Display_Name said:

    Dropping ego and pride and going for more difficult approaches even if the chance of blowout or looking bad is higher (at the moment my approaches tend to focus more on girls that have already given me eye contact and attention, or I'm already standing next to them, etc. it's easier)

    Approaching a bit more. Of course I have standards but I think your approach and mindset of just talking to everyone is superior. I need to start getting really warm and social and flowy again.

    Lowering inhibition, being less tense and staying more relaxed in set.

    I see. Definitely build up your macro momentum first, and then slowly start doing harder approaches. More challenging approaches.

    One of my favourite things in game is doing more and more challenging things and slowly building it up. 

    I remember my first time challenging myself to go open a group of 10 people sitting in a table, at the beginning of the night, as my first approach of the night. That was freaking awesome. But I had to build myself upto that slowly throughout months and years.

    Nowadays I don't have much stuff I haven't challenged myself to do anymore.


    As far as micro momentum and my mindset of just talking to everyone being superior - this is one of the biggest things that grew my game. There are quite a few but this one is def one of them. I used to actually have an ego about it.

    ''I don't talk to guys or unattractive girls because it's a waste of time. I will just go talk to the hot girls''

    And don't get me wrong, sometimes I do this. But I def won't be nearly as in a social and fun energy as when I am being social with everyone and drop my judgmental mind.

    Try it. Try talking to everyone and give yourself time to warm up where you don't necessarily need to be hitting on anyone... see how your mind relaxes and expands, your creativity increases, your confidence increases, your flow increases...

    And suddenly those challenging approaches don't feel nearly as challenging. If anything, they feel freaking exciting.

  15. 1 hour ago, Majed said:

    even if you don't get laid, just seeing girls reacting to your approaches positively will change your mindset. 

    With his emotional negativity and attitude atm, he will most likely just get negative reactions and hard blowouts by girls. Which leads to even worse negativity.

    It's a self-fulfilling prophecy and a negative loop.

    He needs to work a bit on his negativity first before going out, because otherwise it will be a nightmare with his negativity. Why would girls want to be around such energy?

  16. 1 hour ago, Display_Name said:

    Where are you based?

    Do you often go out alone to approach, during night?

    Finland, Helsinki. Planning on traveling around Europe here at some point. And at some point, the world. Would love to meet ya'll.

    Most of the nights I go out alone. And yes of course, I approach alone. I make friends on the spot in the club. If I want to, by the end of the night, I know a ton of people in the club.

    Where are you based? We can go out clubbing if I ever come to your city.