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Posts posted by Miguel1

  1. 3 hours ago, BlessedLion said:

    Great points. 

    1- I’ve actually met women on meditation retreats, you wait until it’s over and just talk to them. You don’t have to “hit” on them, and they usually have a lot to share and obviously you have similar values 

    2- if you really want to meet spiritual women, it’s VERY easy, you just find places that have a spiritual vibe or community. Tons of this in Costa Rica, Austin, Mexico, Bali, India, Thailand. These places swarm with women, ratio is usually much more on female, and they are starving for conscious men. Work remote if you must, these places are also great for your mental health and support your practice. 

    3- true but you can have a life purpose more or less aligned with serving truth or healing


    4- you’re right about the financial freedom thing, that’s a definite barrier, but you can still bring mindfulness into your day job. I was lucky enough to break free from work. If you’re serious enough, you can volunteer and do karma yoga work at ashrams and yoga schools. You live and eat for work, and are surrounded by community and yoga girls. 

    5- for sure. That’s one reason I’m hesitant to teach, but I’ve heard it’s a massive catapult for your practice 

    Great points, thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    I wonder though, I have a strong feeling those places you mentioned for meeting spiritual women… Are we talking about green hippies?

    I am starving for a tier 2 conscious woman. Or women.


    For point 3. - Of course.

    For point 4. - Just out of curioisity, what did you do to break free from wage slavery?

    For point 5. - That would make sense. But in order to avoid the baggage, it would be best to teach from a place of financial freedom, like Leo does. The less income you need from your teachings, the purer and less twisting it has.

  2. 11 hours ago, BlessedLion said:

    funnily enough I have tons of sex with God realized gorgeous women, my finances are stable and I’ve found my life purpose, which is to teach God realization. It all ties together. They don’t have to be exclusive. 

    dating? Meet spiritual women who enhance your practice

    life purpose? Serve God 

    Sounds good in theory but in practice, how do you meet deeply spiritual people? Hitting on women in meditation retreats is creepy.

    Anything you choose as your life purpise is serving God.

    + If you haven’t noticed for some weird reason, it is impossible to fully focus on spiritual practices, unless you are financially free.

    Even teaching spirituality for a living comes with its baggage, mind games, twisting things and agendas. Less of course.

  3. 50 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

    I also studied a lot of theory and tried diagnosing my own sticking points for years as well but that didn't work either. 

    It ultimately took me a number of years cold and warm approaching and online dating to finally get one girlfriend.

    Tbh, reading this forum makes me think that I'm a natural. Somewhat at least. I never struggled nearly as much as most guys here.

    I did do a shit ton of approaches in the beginning tho. If anything helped me, maybe it was the little bit of naturalness that gave me enough results to keep me in momentum which spiraled upwards, rather than quitting.

    Crazy to think that if I didn't have that little bit of naturalness + looks, I would have probably quitted because it was so damn brutal.

  4. 17 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

    Be careful with stereotyping relationships.

    Be careful avoiding truths by calling them stereotypes. Matter of fact is that, if you don't socialize and live in a cave, you don't get distracted by human drama and pettiness. And relationships tend to bring more of that because it is simply more of it and a deeper layer of that. Obviously, if you are dating extremely conscious people, then maybe not (don't have personal experience and I am also not close to being completely absent of human drama and pettiness), but where are they again?

    And even if you find them, don't forget that they have to be attractive to you (and not some 50-60-year-old very mature and conscious person but not attractive physically at all) and have somewhat similar sex drive, otherwise there will be sexual frustration, for example, if they want sex once a month and you want a few times a week - this is too big of a gap (obviously expecting perfect symmetry in libido is unrealistic since there are so many other variables that need to also work out together in a relationship).


    21 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

    Relationships can certainly teach you a lot about yourself

    Yes, of course. But this wasn't the conversation here.

    21 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

    especially when you stop having a rigid idea of what a relationship even is.

    Maybe I have a rigid idea of what a relationship is. Maybe I don't. Maybe you do. Who knows.

  5. On 11/12/2023 at 9:55 PM, omfar001 said:

    I have been in a relationship for 2.5 years and recently we broke up, because of the unending argument about what she can wear and what she can post on Instagram and about having too close male friends. 

    If you had the ability to quite effortlessly and easily get a similar girlfriend or even better, how strict would your rules be?

  6. 5 minutes ago, Spiritual Warrior said:

    I appreciate that man, I think there's a lot that I need to work on and Im sure you could help me out, just not sure where to start.. maybe I'll send you a message when I'm ready to talk about it. 

    Yeah, feel free to whenever.

    I'm done here with this guy. Wasting time on such a case is just sheer stupidity. I had hoped it was just a troll. But 800 posts here and hasn't been kicked out? Probably not.

  7. Jesus Christ indeed. Is this really the best we get on an arguably the most conscious self-development and spiritual public forum? I get that it is an online forum but jeez. Is this normal here? @Leo Gura @Osaid @UnbornTao and the rest of mods

    Amazing how you can misunderstand and project literally everything you are accusing onto us. But then again, I've seen this so many times that it is not really anything new. I guess I just have to accept that this level of crap also happens here on the Actualized.org forum!

    Look, I have not read all the posts here but at least @Spiritual Warrior has been trying to help you and give you practical advice. I was trying to get you to change your mindset to a more positive, uplifting, and productive one. But I guess it is easier to keep basking in victimhood, blaming, projecting, and gaslighting. This way you don't have to do the hard work of changing yourself.

    But what the hell are you doing on a self-development forum then?


  8. On 11/15/2023 at 5:33 PM, The0Self said:

    The reason they don’t have hot gfs is because they aren’t able to keep such women — it simply requires skill that they don’t have.

    Look, I have been in game MUCH less than Owen. Probably 15 years less, if not 20. I have had plenty of hot gfs, both short-term and long-term. And I am not even a dating coach studying and teaching this full-time.

    Here's the thing, not everyone wants to have a girlfriend because it takes A LOT out of you. Case in point, Leo. I'm sure he could get a girlfriend if he wanted to and maybe he does now. But he was single for quite a long time. Why is that? Because he is on a mission and having a girlfriend distracts you a lot with all sorts of nonsense and drama.

    Consider this: Owen has a flock of girls (both very good-looking and less good-looking) coming into his life on a consistent basis and wanting to have intimacy and sex with him. He is also on a mission like Leo + I would argue he is much more energetic, healthy, and even ambitious than Leo.

    Why would he settle down with a girl and deal with all the nonsense when he is getting sex and intimacy needs met actively without doing so?

    Know also, that girls are on their best behavior (AKA no drama and bullshit) during the early stages & honeymoon phase. So you can be on a honeymoon phase with one or multiple girls at once (as long as you don't lead her on to believe you are settling down with her) and once it is over, you drop them. Or if that isn't a very conscious thing to do, don't even get into the honeymoon phase.

    Also, consider that perhaps he has burned through his sexual desires so much that it isn't THAT important to him anymore.

    Now, what exactly is the need to maintain a hot gf?

  9. 15 minutes ago, Spiritual Warrior said:

    You are not frustrated and angry at women, you are frustrated and angry that you are unable to attract women and get laid .. 

    I am the same .. I have never had sex.. I am also frustrated and ashamed of the situation that I am in.

    The difference between you and me is that I am trying to solve this problem head on.. you are running from it.. and you can run as long as you want.. but you will get tired. 


    I can validate your feelings, coming from someone with 10 years in game and massive success by any normal standards.

    If 10s and 9s were throwing themselves at him, were very loving and kind towards him... suddenly he enjoys them very much.

    Finally, he wants to run away from them with hookers but what he doesn't get is that he will NEVER feel like a man through hookers. Quite the opposite actually. Imagine that women ''wants'' you and ''wants'' to have sex with you ONLY when they are forced to do it.

    What will this do to his self-esteem, confidence, and self-love? Absolute demolishment. This is what he doesn't get.


    For you @Spiritual Warrior - I love the mindset and approach you have towards this. Keep going and you will succeed. The positive mindset is the most important thing really. Without it, nothing is possible.

    I haven't read much of your struggles but would love to give some tailored advice to you. What are you currently struggling with? Do you get them on dates and struggle there? Do you struggle to establish attraction when you meet them? Do you struggle with approaching?

  10. 15 hours ago, TheGod said:

    The first few times I felt really fucking awkward. I though that people would stare at me and would give me weird looks. In reality it never happened because nobody actually cares who you are, who did you come with and other details.

    Most people feel the same way.

    Unless you are really peacocking, or a bunch of girls are throwing themselves at you physically, you are not that special that anyone notices or cares. They are all in their own heads, before they get drunk and loose. But then they definitely dont care to judge because they are out of their judgemental mind.



    Other than that, like Leo said, you need to approach more. Talk to everyone, men, women, ugly, pretty, average. Doesnt matter. Most important is you warm yourself up into a social mood and start having fun with everyone. Make the place become like your home with bunch of homies and your confidence will shoot through the roof.

    Don’t underestimate the power of warming up. Just like anything really in life, you are nowhere near your best if you are cold and not warmed up.

    Sure as your baseline level skills improve to advanced and mastery level, you can still do well without warming up. But you are nowhere there.

    Also, one of the best things of warming up and talking to everyone is that you build massive social proof. You will become the guy everyone knows in the party.

    So not only do you build ton of fun energy, but you also build massive social proof. And I’m assuming I don’t need to explain the importance of social proof to you.

  11. @The0Self

    That example of Owen and Hitler is preposterous. Completely different case.

    As for your second paragraph, let's just focus on the following, cuz the rest doesn't really have anything to do with this and are just antics:

    ''I mean for starters he’s been caught saying he was banging a 10 when he was actually texting a 5; he’s said he was banging chicks when he was just hanging out with his sons. He’s not a player.''

    Alright, so he lied. Now, the amazing thing about the world is, only scammers lie. No, everyone has lied and will lie here and there, unless they are very conscious, or live in a cave. Lying is part of being a normal human being. We are bullshitting animals.

    The point here is that Owen has provided massive value to the world and completely for free.

    When we are talking about scamming, I am expecting a much more serious accusation than just a bunch of lies.

    When you accuse someone of lying, you need to provide further information on the following questions: what did he try to accomplish with these lies? What was the extent of the harm he caused? Did he do this 20 years ago or recently?

    And in this case, do you really think Owen can't bang hotties?

    Ultimately, this is a pointless conversation if you think that after 20 years of going out, he doesn't have the ability to bang hotties with his skills and funnels.

    I'll give this right back at you:

    12 hours ago, The0Self said:

    That’s like saying “bro feel free to elaborate on why you think Adolph fucking Hitler is a Nazi.” I get that you don’t already understand the obviousness of it, otherwise you wouldn’t be asking, but just understand that’s what I’m imparting — that it’s that overwhelming. As you can probably imagine, explaining anything like that is a losing battle, like trying to prove yourself not to be a nazi after being falsely accused of it, or having to explain to an actual Hitler-follower how Hitler is bad.