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Everything posted by Miguel1

  1. Anyway, do your own research and come to your own conclusions. I dont want to invest too much energy into him and his cheating and this whole drama anymore. I got immensely a lot of value from him 4 years ago and I’m deeply grateful. But this is just super disappoiting, on top of everyhing Leo has called out on non-dualist. This cheating is just cherry on top. The final nail in the coffin for me.
  2. Haha Leo would get along with this guy, maybe I’ll invite you both to a Crocodile Dinner:
  3. See this group on Facebook. And I think you can find on Reddit people discussing it too. I’m on phone now so it’s a bit tricky to dig everything out. But not only did he cheated on his wife, he seemingly is DATING one of the student he cheated with. Also, he had a big fall-out with his teacher Francis Lucille. Altho, they tried to do PR by recently doing a podcast together. https://www.reddit.com/r/nonduality/comments/1cbipcf/rupert_spira_francis_lucille_podcast_episode/ Sorry for the messy text. I’m on phone and on the go so it’s hard to properly organize everything.
  4. Had it not been for Leo constantly calling non-dualists out, I would have still been deeply stuck in their brainwashing. And I had a lot of resistance at first.. my brainwashing would not have been broken easily. Side note: it seems to be well known right now among insiders and students that Rupert Spira cheated on his wife Ellen, WITH A STUDENT. I think even couple or multiple students. And they had a very ugly divorce. So there goes your deeply conscious, loving and selfless non-dual guru. — People who mislead need to be called out and held accountable. An extreme example is always Trump.
  5. Sounds about right
  6. When socializing with normies, I basically mostly just act like a fool, troll, tease, fuck-around, and laugh (very key) 24/7. I treat everyone like they would be my 7-year-old sister. Unless someone shows serious signs of intelligence, intellectual integrity, wisdom, and interest in deeper talks, there's no way I am bothering myself. Not at this age anymore. Learned my lesson the hard way from years of trying, suffering from being gaslighted as you said, and just endless damn time wasting. And like Leo said, focusing on your purpose is key. Cuts through all the petty little human bullshit off of your life.
  7. No, spiritually it doesn't sound like I am anywhere near your level. To be frank, it is not even my #1 priority right now. But nonetheless, I am more conscious than most people walking in the streets.
  8. @puporing Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Makes me feel less lonely, as I have struggled with these thoughts pretty much my whole adult life. Increasingly so every year, since I keep developing myself, my consciousness, integrity and Love. I resonated with everything, except perhaps spirituality (unless we are talking solely real-life meetings here).
  9. As others have mentioned, my best dancing is when I totally let go of thinking and get taken over by the dance. I am a freestyle dancer - but then there is also a state of total let go freestyle dancing. In this state I also get tired much slower.
  10. As a dancer with a background in hip-hop, I must say that there are really high-quality hip-hop music. And hip-hop music, especially New Style, pushes my body and dancing in a way classical music probably will never come close to. Perhaps I just haven't listened to enough classical music. But I don't think that's the case. All that being said, there is music that combines classical music with hip-hop
  11. Maybe your brain is just naturally wired to be more on the lazy and complacant side. Maybe you are just not a very ambitious and hard-working person at your core. Perhaps, the whole reason you got into spirituality and deeply resonated with it to begin with, was this very reason. I have been deep into spirituality from 17 years onwards. Honestly more like when I was 10 years old, I had some sort of solipsistic awakening and started asking questions about solipsism when I was like 6-8 years old. I remember realizing that my best friene can’t see my thoughts and I had an existential crisis from it lol. Spend the following years trying to understand it. But anyway, I’ve exerienced a ton of bliss from the spiritual work, from doing nothing, and from letting go of desires and goals - yet I always find myself back in the world working hard, deeply developing myself & creating massive value and beauty for the world. I just love the vision and beauty of my life purpose, which requires an audacity that only a highly ambitious person dares to have. The point is: hard-working and ambitious is deeply wired into the core of my brain. It doesnt take me effort to work hard. It takes me effort to sit still, do nothing and be useless for the world.
  12. Come to Finland. I'll take you to meet Santa Claus under the northern lights. There you can tell Santa how full of shit he is
  13. Goddamit, you are really testing my patience here. Stop the gaslighting. I don't understand how Leo had the patience for all this, all these years. @Leo Gura wanna give me a coaching session on how to develop patience with these stuff? I'll pay you a freaking Scandinavian Crocodile I have often heard that there used to be a lot of high-quality people writing here in the forum back in the days but they all left. I can understand why. Btw, can you mute users as a moderator? I guess not cuz it's my job to moderate their behavior. Damn.
  14. You guys keep yapping about people complaining when no one has complained. Constructive feedback is fundamental to growth.
  15. This
  16. No one is complaining. We are giving positive constructive feedback, with lots of love, if you actually read the posts. Alright, I'm done here. Good night.
  17. And again, his forum announcement was after like five days of complete silence. I think it would have been responsible to announce something max 3 days after total silence. Ideally even earlier. The earlier the better, as long as it makes sense. Good communication skills is definitely one of the core traits of a conscious leader.
  18. Actualized.org is a small business. But even if it wasn't and it was all based on donations, not-profit etc. --- as a conscious leader, you have conscious responsibilities.
  19. It is not so black and white. We are talking about the domain of conscious leadership here with @Inliytened1. What you are talking about is more the domain of general life advice.