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Everything posted by Miguel1

  1. So many fundamental problems with this. 1. All that time, you could have actually spent on building something meaningful for you and for humankind, that you are passionate about and your life quality would have been much better, including your mental wellbeing. And you would have probably been rewarded more money. 2. Trading is fundamentally just stealing money from others, especially from beginners who don't know what the fuck they are doing. You provide 0 value to anybody, you are useless. You are a leech. And you prey off of gullible beginners who don't know better. In a more conscious society, this shit is illegal. 3. Now that you have money, then what? Are you gonna spend the rest of your life doing this shit and stare at your screen? Wake up.
  2. Bro, come on. You can't take the worst scums / greediest and label it as the whole industry. Self-help is an extremely old industry from way back. These people you mention are the loudest ones due to hardcore marketing. You can't just ignore the pure profoundness of self-help. Leo started off as purely self-help. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is basically self-help at its core. You can also say that spirituality is an advanced level of self-help. Without self-help, honestly I would probably be a nerdy engineer / 9-5 worker without any social, dating & relationship skills & money making skills. My sex, dating and intimate life would probably be nonexistent. I wouldn't be passionate in life at all. I wouldn't have humour skills at all. There are some serious and proper self-help coaches and knowledge out there. You can't just brush them off and focus on the few loudest people who made self-help toxic for themselves, due to their inner toxic-ness. And besides, if it wasn't for Owen's hardcore marketing, I wonder if I would have ever gotten into seriously developing myself at all. And he isn't really even toxic, if you have the ability to distinct the gold from the trash.
  3. I wonder how hot the girls are in these communities. From the little I've heard and through my own analyzing, probably not the best looking ones. Surely there are some gems in there but the top notch ones are probably either in a more elite setting group / community, where an average joe doesn't have access to, or, they are not in such groups at all. Social circle on the other hand is a real thing where there are hot girls involved, but it is not the same thing as what you are describing. And there are cons to social circle game as well, obviously. So that's why Leo endorses cold approaching as number one way to get laid, because it grows you as a man the most. You need balls of steels to open a 10 and stay grounded, while having sexual intentions of fucking her brains out without giving a fuck of the outcome.
  4. Like Aurum said, the getting it part is not the hard part, if you have decent game. You can also go pick up a girl together with your girlfriend or have two girls in your rotation agree to it. Also, some girls as friends are out hunting for a guy to have a threesome with but this is more rare. The hard part is to make the experience enjoyable, fun and pleasant for all parties, while making sure that all the switching of condoms and tongue condoms works out harmoniously so no one gets an std, especially when it's a situation where all three are total strangers. This takes experience to become good at, until then the overall experience might not be very good, just like with normal sex. But because it is more rare than normal sex, it might take a long time to get good at it. And also as Leo said, fucking two girls requires good stamina, so you better work that cardio.
  5. I don't know about this. 1. If he made the videos only for himself, then why the need to upload the videos online, get a shit ton of backlash and cult-calling unnecessarily? Also, possibly legal actions taken towards him, due to his videos causing deep issues to unstable minds? All this is just making his life harder, completely unnecessarily. What's the point? In this context, you can (maybe) argue that he is uploading the videos to make money to survive, as his life purpose, but then it deeply contradicts this because life purpose = serving others = not doing this only for himself. You can also (maybe) argue that he is uploading the videos solely for money and not as his life purpose but then he is going against his philosophy of making income through your life purpose. And also, what is his life purpose even then? Selling a course on how to find a life purpose? 2. Then you say: ''If you don't want Truth don't expect others to try and convince you.'' Meh. If you wanted Truth, you wouldn't need anyone to convince you in the first place. Likewise, How the hell do you want Truth if there are no any teachers (sources of inspiration) to introduce you to this whole world of Truth? Sure, the first ever people to go after Truth didn't have any teachers, by definition. But these people were extremely rare. And even then, some people probably intentionally or unintentionally convinced them of Truth or of starting the journey to seek the Truth. I mean, are you seriously claiming that the role of all the spiritual teachers and leaders in the past were useless? Come on now. There is a reason 99.9% of people have no fucking idea of what Truth is - because there's not enough influence on them. I don't think I would have started doing this work myself, if it wasn't for teachers guiding me and introducing me into this world. To say that that all the public wisdom, books, teachings and deep insights of spiritual masters out there are useless, is stupid. They have definitely convinced and inspired thousands, if not millions of people to become seekers. All these seekers wants Truth precisely because they have been convinced that they are asleep and that there is something like waking up and Truth. This is pretty much as stupid as the new-agey people who says that there is nothing to do, you are already awakened. ''No one can convince you into seeking Truth, you are either interested or you are not, there is nothing to do. Don't doubt yourself and seek for inspiration or any teachers to change your mind and show you the path''. This inaction is precisely what Leo is against. Please now. What is the point of this forum? Aside from all the practical normal human stuff, it is pretty much just bunch of people and Leo trying to convince each other of Truth or the seeking of it. Whatever their Truth is.
  6. @Nightwise I skimmed through this thread. At first I sensed too many bullshits from you. But it got quite a lot better towards the end. I would suggest you to keep in mind the brutality of survival. The spiritual bubble of ''unconditional love'' can become a deep trap that holds you from growing, basically I'm talking about by-passing here. I was in it myself. Survival is brutal and if you don't work fucking hard to the top, you won't get the top options. If you want to be in Infinite Love, it is not really doable and sustainable here in the finite world - we have limited, finite amount of supply of everything, including the hot girls. And they are hot precisely because they are rare. Also, keep in mind that if you reward girls who don't put serious effort into taking care of their bodies and looks in the name of ''spiritual love'', then you are probably doing them more harm than good. Overall, I clearly sense more fear and ego defense-mechanism(s), than love and abundance. Think of how different you would think about all of this, if all your life, you would have tens and nines in your life, wanting to be with you, treating you well, and loving you. It would be very hard to bullshit yourself from this place to ''I want to be and have sex with ugly women, to give them love, even if it affects my status and image, I will sacrifice it for love!'', lol. Sounds stupid as hell and a very convenient excuse not to work on yourself. Survival is brutal. Welcome to life. Other than that, visit my most recent thread. We went quite deep into kinda similar topic. You could find an answer or two there.
  7. This shit was funny as hell, I can’t. I’m loving this ’extra’ non-bullshit, straight to the point vibe from ya. Go Leo! P.S. You have probably thought about this a bunch already but maybe now, seriously, consider taking a break from this public work and just bask in your own high vibrational energy, bliss and satisfaction for a while. Enjoy life a bit, won’t ya
  8. See Leo’s episode on burning through karma? The episode opened / freed my mind to the idea that I should let myself make a proper, healthy income. That perhaps I’ve been repressing it to an extent due to the spiritual path. There are many problems money solves, let’s not be naive and deny it.
  9. I've been studying him a bit, great content when it comes to purely making money without much concern about ethics and consciousness. But his business is http://acquisition.com, meaning that his free content and free book(s) are meant to get people to, first of all, trust him as an authority and then second of all, get people to reach the 3-10m a year where his portfolio company then comes into play and takes the best 3-10m businesses (read: most profitable) in under their wings. His free content is basically his marketing, hence he always mentions his portfolio company in the videos. He also always shouts ''I have nothing to sell you'' in his videos, which is very telling in itself. So his work definitely has an agenda to make more money. It is very subtle. I mean, his lifetime goal is to make 1b a year by the time he dies. Don't get me wrong, he does give away a ton of value when it comes to purely money-making.
  10. I personally prefer satisfying my sexual needs through deep intimacy with an attractive woman. The more conscious and mature, the better. The thing is, chances are that if they are conscious and mature, they are taking care of their body very well, thus increasing their attractiveness. Now, if you got to choose to have sex and deep intimacy with an ugly, average or attractive girl, which one would you choose? I don't think it is very rocket science. But the point I'm making here and I'm pretty sure Leo as well, is that, unless you are able to consistently attract these very attractive women, leading to True level of abundance, you won't be able to keep one. If there is any neediness, then attraction is gone. And there will be neediness if you deep down feel that she is special and ''once in a rare moon'' type of girl. And the way to consistently attract these women is to improve yourself into a Strong, high value man who is grounded. So, this would be the True Independence from women's validation - when you deep in your guts know that if you wanted to, you could attract an attractive woman into your life anytime. This is what being grounded means. You don't care too much if she decides to leave you. Of course it will sting a bit because of the deep connection built overtime. But in the first initial stages of attraction, you don't give a fuck because you know you can attract another one right away. This has been my experience. Also, once in a deep relationship with an attractive girl, I will not let the relationship go toxic because I actually know deep down that I can replace her beauty anytime. This gives me the power to set clear boundaries. And this leads her to respect me, thus remain attracted to me. Where spirituality comes into play, is that deep contenment, acceptance, and self-love gives you the inner abundance of not seeking for happiness outside you. But hey, if you have deep acceptance and self-love, why not improve yourself as a man so that you can enjoy the beauty of deep physical and emotional intimacy with an attractive girl? This is not very hard to grasp, no?
  11. This advice is not very helpful for the majority of men. We have needs. And to meet those needs, we have to improve ourselves to become valuable and grounded enough that the needs are met. The hotter the girl is, the more valuable and grounded a man she needs, like Leo says. It is extremely hard / even impossible to ascend to higher levels of spirituality if you can't even have your basic needs met. Be careful with that rationalization / self-lie, since it is very convenient in keeping you lazy and by-passing the serious work.
  12. I see, makes sense. Since we are at the topic, what do you think of Bentinho's teaching of the highest level of consciousness? https://www.bentinhomassaro.com/read/causalbody You can see the model if you scroll down a bit. To him, God state is not the highest, but the second highest. Absolute is the highest for him. Is this just a matter of preference of words? Or do you think he is not conscious enough to be talking about what you are talking about? In my knowledge, he doesn't do psychedelics, or at least doesn't promote them. Perhaps he promotes them in his private, inner circles. Actually, here, let me screenshot the model from his site. I think the article is a nice read tho. I know I should do the work and confirm it for myself but until I get my hands on psychedelics and reach God myself, I wonder if I can learn anything interesting / worthwhile that you are not teaching from Bentinho? Or is focusing on him just a distraction... Btw, I haven't thanked you yet for your work so let me take this moment to do so. It has greatly helped me and my girlfriend - we are extremely grateful.
  13. Leo, you are stating that someone like Rupert's level of consciousness and your highest has a clear difference? Interesting. Looking forward to doing my first trips, just gotta get them somewhere. Not vey experienced in getting any illegal related stuff, and it seems like talking about sourcing is not allowed here, which is understandable. Also, what is the level you are sitting on, when you are sober and haven't done psychedelics for a good while? I'm talking about your ''natural'', sober state. I assume that you are not on this Godly, Infinite level of consciousness, when you are sober, in your human state?
  14. What do you guys think of Bentinho's model? Would love to hear the thoughts of people who have reached God consciousness - @Leo Gura https://www.bentinhomassaro.com/read/causalbody You can see the model if you scroll down a bit. To him, God state is not the highest, but the Absolute. Is this just a matter of preference of words? But at the same time Leo says that the highest must be called God or Love (if I recall), so it cannot be the second highest. I also know that I should do the work and confirm it for myself but currently being distracted by orange stuff (business) and don't have access to psychedelics. Actually, here, let me screenshot the model from his site. I think the article is a nice read tho.
  15. Lots of great names here already like Bernando Kastrup. He seems super humble, honest and admits things like that he still suffers instead of plays God. According to him, he is also good friends with Rupert Spira. But yeah, seems like Bernando focuses more on ''satisfying'' / ''shutting down'' the intellect whereas Rupert goes straight to the heart. But if I'm to give a name that I didn't bump into then, Curt Jaimungal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdWIQh9DGG6uhJk8eyIFl1w Fairly new name and is somewhat young (I think a few years younger than you) but he seems very open-minded and has meta-cognition. He was an actor and a director (perhaps still is) but seems like because that road didn't satisfy him, he naturally ended up seeking for deeper meaning and for Truth. I believe he is one of those few people that has a potential for you to ''guide'' him and to push him to develop so much more further. And I believe his audience would gain a lot from you as well. He had for example, a 4-5 hours conversation with Bernando Kastrup in his channel. And in that podcast, Bernando mentioned something along the lines of (I'm paraphrasing): ''I give lots of interviews weekly but this interview was different. I usually just give the same interview and talk about the same stuff but with you, there were new and different stuff I got to talk about. I enjoyed it more than any interview before otherwise I wouldn't have talked with you for 4-5 hours''. And it is true, the interviews I have watched of Bernando has lasted mostly for 1-2 hours only. So, perhaps Curt has that natural curiosity and relatively open-mindedness of a child (feminine energy that is in a passive state of absorbing so you can tap into your active masculine side of giving / teaching) that could spark a good balance between you two to have a really deep and long discussion. He also possesses an ability (at least to a larger extent) to admit his egoistic selfishness and biases. I don't think he is gonna get triggered by you, at least to ''an unhealthy'' amount, if you go balls deep. Seems like quite a relatively humble guy. Again, he could learn a great amount from you, with his audience. edit: Also a great place to start and to gain experience, for obvious reasons.
  16. A document that premiered a few days ago on Netflix. Check it out guys, would love to discuss the document with ya'll.
  17. Oh cool, I just made a post similar to this before bumping into this thread. Will keep following and looking forward to seeing what nice conversations and realizations we will get out of this same question. Come check out mine: