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Everything posted by Miguel1

  1. I wish you all the best and as Leo said, focus on providing massive value to people. That is how you gain freedom and with the freedom, you can then put 100% into self-actualization and awakening.
  2. Honestly sounds like a bunch of excuses for fear of succeeding with girls. And this fear can stem from many places.
  3. @Nilsi Bro just the fact of all the devilry shit they have done and promotes says enough. Doesn't matter if they are the ultimate ''developed'' people or not. Look at Owen Cook for Healthy Ultimate Developed stage Orange + a bridge to spirituality for normies. This is why unmoderated free speech is stupid as fuck and dangerous, and you and Tate fans are the epitome of why that is. The amount of Tate fans in this forum is quite shocking.
  4. Sorry but you gotta apply game to all girls similarly, whether you want her to become a gf or not. If you treat a girl differently and try to ''game'' her in a more special manner, you have already lost, because it is not really game anymore. At least not good game. Honeslty all this sounds like you need to seriously work not only on your inner game, but also outer game. It is much easier to be in abundance, when you are actually meeting a ton of girls and having lots of leads. Also of course, knowing how to be present to the moment & let go, get into the flow and apply techinal game also all helps with abundance. But all these are pointless if you are not meeting a ton of women.
  5. Yeah, absolutely. Take action but don't beat yourself up if you find out that something is not for you. I spent a shit ton of time and energy exploring all sorts of different fields in life before I finally got into my current one which feels very right. If I didn't spent all that time exploring, I would be nowhere. Taking action is definitely key. Also reframing failures to lessons is also key - there are no failrues: if something didn't work out = you learned a valuable lesson. This is where clarity and life experience come to play. The more experience in life you have, the more clarity you have in your vision. Of course, it requires a ton of reflection and contemplation as well. Once you are clear enough of your vision (which includes meaning and passion), taking massive action comes very naturally. Have you taken Leo's Life Purpose? It helps tremendously in having clarity in your vision.
  6. @Something Funny I think all of these are something you can definitely work on, if you just are serious about it. I think clarity comes first but without giving you room to experiment with ideas, you won’t get clarity so you shouldnt necessarily beat yourself up for trying things and finding out that they are not for you. How do you doubt yourself? Yeah social pressure is a real bitch and it took me a long time to get rid of that.
  7. May I ask, why do you keep abandoning your commitments?
  8. That was only a small taste. If you keep going out and practicing, you will not only develop yourself to heights you cant even imagine right now, but you will have a ton of amazing and fun times as well. This forum is also a great place to use to your advantage in your learning journey, especially since game here is taught on the more conscious and integrous side - probably the most conscious way you can find anywhere on the internet. Do you plan on continuing to go out?
  9. Agreed. + like Mz Hyde said, his patience and love are immense. Even tho Leo has given me a shit ton of value and I would def rather him not but I would completely understand if he decides to stop teaching / takes a break and just bask in his own beauty. This would make me love him even more - what else would be the option?
  10. Thank you all in this thread. This was so beautiful. Reminded me of the good part of this forum. So mature, so respectful towards each other, so authentic, so supportive, so open-minded... This is what this forum is for.
  11. Many great ones mentioned here. But definitely Creativity.
  12. The problem with this thinking is that it comes from scarcity. If you had plenty of high-quality girls wanting to be with you, you wouldn't waste time on lower quality girls. Even the fact that you know that you can get high-quality girls fairly easily will stop you from wasting time on lower-quality girls, especially when it comes to putting up with their shit.
  13. Silly. Make sure you are not just justifying to yourself that you do not need to do the hard work cuz it very much sounds like it.
  14. And how do you develop calibration? Especially master-level calibration? By approaching a TON and each time you do something stupid, you get punished for it. Every time you get punished for it, you are forced to analyze it and change your habits and behavior (because it is more painful to not change than to change), both the gross and more importantly, the subtle ones.
  15. It's amazing how patient you are with people. You must really love teaching and testing your ideas with people, which I can relate to. At the same time, I have a hunch that you may at some point just drop all this and go travel around the world / live in isolation and explore consciousness / enjoy the Earth and its beauty, at least for a period or a phase. That will be really beautiful too, and will inflict a lot of people to appreciate your work tremendously more. Either way, I really am deeply grateful for your work. I don't think words can describe the influence you have had on me and my girlfriend, so I'll just leave it with this: Just want to express to you that there are probably a bunch of people, including me, who are super serious about your and this work and see the deep value and love in it, but just don't bother to actively engage too much in this forum due to all the distractions and as you say: petty human bullshit. But you probably already knew this
  16. Alex & Leila Hormozi. They both have their own unique individual channels. Alex is more about sales, marketing, and getting people in, whether clients or talent. Leila is more about operating from the inside of the business & customer journey.
  17. Meh. You got me doing all sorts of deep research unnecessarily, trying to find results for what you are stating here. Please try to introspect and communicate more clearly.
  18. I was talking about heating up food in the microwave, not cooking, like @Knowledge Hoarder was pointng towards.
  19. Wait. Am I missing something here? So you're saying that using the microwave to heat up any food is bad? Like are you saying that one should not even own a microwave?
  20. Yup. I’ve had to seriously learn to sexualize my conversations. But the thing is, once I mastered this, I think I became a perfect balance of someone who is open, easy to talk to, easy to open upto, yet there is a very deep emotional and sexual connection, fairly quickly. I (relatively) often get quick connections where they tell me it feels like we have known for years. Now that I think about it, it makes sense. I believe that this perfect harmonious balance is something super powerful and special. Many times, just the way I gently approach a girl, look them in the eyes and smile gently and they know what’s up, yet is very receptive due to my friendly and easy to open upto energy. Could have a lot to do with my spiritual work. Or maybe you can say that my spiritual work has gotten the best out of my personality, or pushed it to its full potential. Every personality type has their cons and I believe once you mature and improve on your cons and ”master” them, you’ll be unstoppable.
  21. I can definitely relate to this. Due to lots of inner and spiritual work, I am in a much better place than years ago but I am still leaning towards not having a child. I don't want them to go through all the shit I have had to go through. If I am gonna have a child or two, I want to make sure they'll get seriously proper mentoring and guidance in life, taking into consideration their mother. Otherwise, not having a child.
  22. Last time I took the test, which was a while ago, I got: Personality type: Protagonist (ENFJ-A) Traits: Extraverted – 57%, Intuitive – 72%, Feeling – 52%, Judging – 65%, Assertive – 81% Role: Diplomat Strategy: People Mastery I wonder if ENFJs are rare? Or are they rarer only on this forum? I haven't studied the study that deeply. Note: with quick research, ENFJ seems to be the second rarest type.
  23. Keep in mind that the only people who are relevant thousands of years after their death are people like Buddha, Jesus and Mohammed. Non-Duality was first taught 10 000 years ago and it is probably more relevant now than ever.
  24. For the sake of the world balance. I'm interested in hearing your deep thoughts about this. What are the potential dangers, consequences? What are the potential accomplishments? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWcJkVyJqIc