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Everything posted by Miguel1

  1. Are you talking about the two recent lives or some older videos?
  2. What makes you say family life is not basked in illusion? Feel free to elaborate your thoughts more. For example, I recall Leo saying in his Happiness video that family life is not for him (doesn't make him happy). I have also deeply contemplated this matter for a loong time, whether family life is for me or not. And frankly, right now I think I am 50-50. Probably need more life experience to get clearer. Maybe 60-40 for a life without family.
  3. @StarStruck You sure you are not projecting yourself onto him? I got a feeling I mean what makes you think he is deeply traumatized currently?
  4. Good question. Ultimately, what is mental masturbation? The general definition of it is: thinking about things that don't have any practical purpose. Well, then we would have to define practical purpose. That being said, I wonder how much % of all the thinking we do here is mental masturbation. It is tricky when it comes to philosophers because all philosophers think that whatever they are thinking about is going to result in a practical purpose, by definition. Otherwise, they wouldn't bother trying to understand on such a deep level. Basically, what Leo's work is all about. When it comes to philosophers, they define themselves as what is practical and what is not. For most people and most philosophers, God-realization and Alien Consciousness are pointless in the human practical domain.
  5. Trauma can be healed you know. Looking at Owen, he doesn't seem like a currently highly traumatized person at all.
  6. Where did you get trauma from this conversation? Especially ''acting out to deal with trauma'' Leo is not an expert in trauma, so I assume he didn't talk at all or at least much about it in the episode (don't remember). And @Thought Art didn't mention anything about trauma. Neither did I. Burning through karma in this context simply means exhausting material desires. For example, I care much less about having sex and girls around me now, compared to 10 years ago, simply because I've got so much of it that it has become kinda boring and lame compared to how excited I was many years ago. Now I am in the process of doing the same with money-making. Burning through the desire for something.
  7. He said he is going to stop doing free tours next year, and stay home to start a podcast. Some of the reasons: building a social life, throwing parties, getting fit, and surgery for his torn ACL. That being said, I wouldn't be surprised if this is one of his scarcity marketing techniques to get people to his ''last free tours''. I mean, he may seriously be planinng on starting a podcast and stopping free tours (for a while) but perhaps in 3 years, not next year... Who knows. We have seen a lot of his ''last x'' marketing stunts. Similar to his game program and bootcamp marketing throughout the years. Similar to how he was supposed to release his new series of spiritual videos like 2 years ago.
  8. Xd. Leo's one of the most profound episodes is called Burning Through Karma.
  9. We have established here on the forum a few times, that part of him is still deeply stuck in stage orange. Perhaps, he just has a deep attachment to his identity of running a low 8-figures biz. And perhaps, precisely because his party and chasing girls-lifestyle requires him to make that money.
  10. Btw, Do ya’ll know where his deep resistance to psychedelics come from?
  11. There are core confidence and situational confidence. Core comes mostly with inner game. Situational comes with outer game. Of course these two overlaps somewhat, since everything is interconnected.
  12. I finished this the other day, was amazing. Owen is one of a kind. It baffles me how there are a bunch of dismissers of him, here on the forum. No one is perfect. And relatively speaking, his teachings are genius.
  13. Was inspired by Leo’s blogpost to make this thread https://www.actualized.org/insights/why-hollywood-is-not-conservative —— I recently watched AoT, and it left me completely baffled. Extremely nuanced as to what to make out of what was right and wrong.
  14. How many people started the event with and how many was left at the end? Good way to screen for the most serious people.
  15. Great points, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I wonder though, I have a strong feeling those places you mentioned for meeting spiritual women… Are we talking about green hippies? I am starving for a tier 2 conscious woman. Or women. ——— For point 3. - Of course. For point 4. - Just out of curioisity, what did you do to break free from wage slavery? For point 5. - That would make sense. But in order to avoid the baggage, it would be best to teach from a place of financial freedom, like Leo does. The less income you need from your teachings, the purer and less twisting it has.
  16. I have studied Todd a lot. Haven't taken his bootcamps but studied his infields, digital courses, and his YT videos. And for a PUA, he has a lot of integrity.
  17. Sounds good in theory but in practice, how do you meet deeply spiritual people? Hitting on women in meditation retreats is creepy. Anything you choose as your life purpise is serving God. + If you haven’t noticed for some weird reason, it is impossible to fully focus on spiritual practices, unless you are financially free. Even teaching spirituality for a living comes with its baggage, mind games, twisting things and agendas. Less of course.
  18. Tbh, reading this forum makes me think that I'm a natural. Somewhat at least. I never struggled nearly as much as most guys here. I did do a shit ton of approaches in the beginning tho. If anything helped me, maybe it was the little bit of naturalness that gave me enough results to keep me in momentum which spiraled upwards, rather than quitting. Crazy to think that if I didn't have that little bit of naturalness + looks, I would have probably quitted because it was so damn brutal.
  19. What are you currently struggling with?
  20. @OBEler If you go one more layer meta: You don't have an alternative option to making money. You cannot NOT make money Whereas when it comes to dating, you have the option to be single and happy. You CAN be single. You CAN NOT be without money.
  21. Be careful avoiding truths by calling them stereotypes. Matter of fact is that, if you don't socialize and live in a cave, you don't get distracted by human drama and pettiness. And relationships tend to bring more of that because it is simply more of it and a deeper layer of that. Obviously, if you are dating extremely conscious people, then maybe not (don't have personal experience and I am also not close to being completely absent of human drama and pettiness), but where are they again? And even if you find them, don't forget that they have to be attractive to you (and not some 50-60-year-old very mature and conscious person but not attractive physically at all) and have somewhat similar sex drive, otherwise there will be sexual frustration, for example, if they want sex once a month and you want a few times a week - this is too big of a gap (obviously expecting perfect symmetry in libido is unrealistic since there are so many other variables that need to also work out together in a relationship). Yes, of course. But this wasn't the conversation here. Maybe I have a rigid idea of what a relationship is. Maybe I don't. Maybe you do. Who knows.
  22. Yes. This can also be just an avoiding mechanism to do the hard work of learning to become an attractive man. After all, ten thousand posts, I'm assuming he has done a lot of that stuff you talk about already here.
  23. Bro, go out there and attract / learn to attract girls near you that you can have proper, physical intimacy with. What is this nonsense?