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Posts posted by Miguel1

  1. 7 hours ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

    Yeah, but you were probably able to pass the classes, even if you realized engineering was not right for you. My issues is that I'm not even able to pass CALCULUS ONE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD.

    Why am I so below average? Less than a thousand SAT score, 2.6 community college G.P.A., and now that I've failed so many courses, my University G.P.A. is currently 1.7. Why is this happening to me of all people?

    In retro spect, I could've passed Calculus One on my third attempt during the summer session if I had gone to the professors office hours. Why didn't I do that? I was well aware that this was my last shot! What was I thinking?

    Remember that there are millions and possibly billions who are the same or worse.

    Do you think they should all kill themselves?

    Don’t you think that’s a bit too unreasonable?

    Cut your ropes to million pieces now.

  2. 2 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

    Your story is all written in the eyes. It screams HELP!. Loosen up a bit, relax, explore and become comfortable with yourself. You're not a bad looking guy; but looks can get you so far. You won't initially scare women away and they'll talk to you but after they sense the desperation, it'll make them not curious to want to get to know you further. That will take a bit of letting go of the attachment to needing this to work out.


  3. 5 hours ago, Happy Lizard said:

    @Miguel1 a large precent of Americans think like third country people while being blessed with a first country economy and geographic resources, it's insane if you ever traveled here, there's also lots of stage orange selfish success types that don't even understand that Trump could be a Hitler type leader, it just doesn't register that a TV type person can be like that. They also wanna vote for the "stronger" candidate not the weak democrat.

    The US is a sham that you would not believe, but  it's also a HUGE country, unlike the small countries of Europe, so expect all types of crazy things here.
    I've spoken to European trying to explain this to them and some just cannot believe it. It's like they believe the US can be bad but in their mind they have a model of a functional country like their own. Once I try to explain some of the crazy stuff they think I'm trying to fool them or kidding and start dismissing me. 

    And then we are supposed to make good money being fully 100% honest, transparent, conscious and ethical.

    It’s quite the trick when large percentage of people are like this in a country like the US.

  4. 11 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    If you can't see how dangerous this whole situation is then you are so blind, biased, or naive that it doesn't make sense to explain anything political to you.

    At this point, it's beyond my understanding how people who have followed you for years and are your hard-core fans, can't see such an obvious thing as Trump being a fucking monster. Especially as you have been shouting about it since forever. Louder and louder every year, every day.

    I live on the other side of the world, in nowhere called Finland, and don't have much time to practice and study politics - but it's still unmistakenly clear as fucking day that Trump is a power-hungry MANIAC who doesn't give A FUCK about anyone else but his own ass - and will do anything it takes to keep feeding his narcissism.

    This is one of those undeniably obvious cases.

  5. 2 hours ago, nerdspeak said:

    Extroverts can learn some techniques and become good in a few months.


    2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Extroverts tend to just develop natural game. But they can also turbo charge their results by supplementing with synthetic game techniques and theory, making them slayers.

    Introverts gonna slog through an ocean of shit to learn game because it is their greatest weakness.

    Game for extroverts is like giving a sledgehammer to a gorilla.

    This was my experience as an ENFJ.

    Looking back, a lot of my ''social skills'' & ''game'' work was mostly dealing with self-worth / low self-esteem & insecurity issues that I got from my relatively hard childhood.

    It was mostly inner game for me in that regard. Hence why I probably resonated deeply with Owen and he was my go-to material world teacher growing up through my teenage years and in my 20s. And probably one of the biggest reasons I got pulled into spirituality like moths to flames. I wasn't studying much outer game stuff until years into my already very active and relatively successful dating journey.

    Although, you can say that natural game is mostly inner game. But I guess the inner side / fixable side of the inner game.

    Obviously, when you get crazy energy and high off of socializing as a natural inner strength, that shit ain't teachable / ''fixable'' for introverts.

    Obviously when as an ENFJ, you naturally read people like books, are naturally a charismatic leader, and have a crazy level of natural emotional intelligence, that shit ain't ''fixable'' for introverts.

  6. Couple points about Owen:

    1. 95% of his audience are new people. You might have known Owen for years, but he’s not really speaking to you. His goal is to make money from the 95%.

    2. As we have discussed here, marketing and sales in our current society will have more or less the element of lying, manipulation, leading on & dishonesty.

    And we have established here and many times in the past that Owen is trapped in stage-orange money-hungryness.

    So why the hell are you surprised that he lies?

    Don’t come here with your better-than-thou shit and act more spiritual (by-passed) when you probably are still a wage slave.

    Overall, Owen is a good stage-orange role model. He is on the healthy side.

    He is a much better role model than many of the gurus we have on the internet now leading majority of our male youngster straight down fucking hell.

    Actually, he is one of the best healthy stage orange role models currently.

  7. 11 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    I am pointing at a deeper issue which you guys seem to have no interest in. So suit yourselves. I'm not going to beat you over the head with it. If you don't care about higher values then you don't care.

    I don't know man. It's probably much easier for you to say this now since you already made your millions doing the scummy marketing over a decade ago.

    My goal is to become financially free, precisely so I can stop having to make money at all. Because I just can't figure out a way to make good money doing work that is at least partly connected to my life purpose + is completely conscious, mature, and fully ethical.  I don't want to be working a 9-5 job for decades of my life.

    And truly, what even is a completely conscious, mature, and ethical work, business and marketing? How would it look? Does it even exist in our capitalist society?

    Whether you run a business yourself or work for a company, marketing & sales are the heart of it.

    Don't get me wrong, I am not promoting or practicing some sort of the worst possible scammy business endeavor, like many of these stage-orange money-hungry people do.

    But there has to be a healthy and realistic balance to making it work in our late-stage capitalist society.

    You have to also ask yourself: go crazy into marketing and sales, become free in a few years, and hope you don't get trapped and addicted to it VS do ''80%" conscious work & "20%" unconscious work for 50 years. Which one creates more harm? Which one would give you more freedom to enjoy and live a fulfilling life? Which one would give you the time and energy to provide more conscious value to humankind in your lifetime?

    It's a fucking survival out there. Check if you are not living in a bubble and have taken your financial situation completely for granted after a decade of freedom.

    I have tried to make good money fully consciously, honestly, and ethically for years... It's really really hard. Connect that to your life purpose and perhaps it's impossible for most (especially if you are on the more conscious side of development, which is the only reason one would be struggling with this in the first place). At some point, you gotta just stop living in fantasy and look at it more realistically. It's survival after all.

  8. Marketing and sales for a few years and become financially free.


    Be a wage slave, working 40 hours a week for a company that is most likely in one way, shape or form or another exploiting people or doing something unconscious (including marketing and sales)…. FOR 50 YEARS.

    Of course you can try to become financially free or make your wage slave money completely consciously, maturily and ethically. But good luck.

    Surely a few has the opportunity to do that with rare gifted talent, but how many? And really, is there even any?

    Remember that even eating plants, you are being selfish and robbing.

  9. 2 hours ago, integral said:

    4) promiscuity becoming normalized for teens has created hypergamy in our culture. Hypergamy is found in people Who skipped stage blue and never learns the purpose of community and supporting each other. They view relationships in a self-serving way and do not see a degree of responsibility to others. 

    Interesting view through the fact that they skipped stage blue.

    I would add that because of social media, kids and teenagers have learned to be more narcissist than ever. Or at least have more narcissist tendencies more than ever. Social media is really all about your ego being validated.

  10. 2 hours ago, Yimpa said:

    Do you ever approach despite feeling this way? 

    I am rarely that way nowadays anymore.

    But yes, especially if I am in that state, I force myself even more to approach.

    Because I know that if I don’t then it’s just gonna spiral downwards even further. To hell.

    The key when you are in such negative state, is to allow yourself to approach more people like guys and not attractive girls. Basically you gotta lower your standards.

    Altho going for the hardest set in this state will shake you our of it the fastest, if you have the self-esteem to handle a brutal rejection from a hard set.

    If you don’t, then you fuck yourself up even further.

  11. 27 minutes ago, Peo said:

    Ok, but i don't really know what people mean when they talk about vibe and energy. Is that in my head?

    How are you feeling when you talk to girls? Are you feeling good in your own body? Are you happy? Are you having fun? Are you feeling confident? And like you are on top of the world? Are you feeling light and playful?

    Or are you anxious, nervous, stifled, fearful, insecure, closed off in your body?


  12. 3 minutes ago, Peo said:

    What state? Full blown psychedelic state?

    Flow state. You can get into flow state while socializing too.

    It activates your best socializing qualities like charisma, confidence, wittyness, humour, strong sexy eye contact, good body language etc.

    And not only activates, but gets them online into full 100% capacity.

  13. What happened to you is most likely because:

    1. Shitty, self-defeating, negative, creepy energy

    and / or 

    2. They were in a really bad place emotionally when you approached them. For example, if someone is crying and there's a friend trying to solace her, probably not the best time to approach.

    and / or

    3. They just literally got harassed by 3 different guys in a row approaching them

  14. Like I said, if you want to really find out, do your own extensive research and reach out to whoever you need to reach out to. I just pointed out some quick snippets through my phone while on the go.

    I dont have skin in this game. I have already moved on from Rupert Spira due to Leo’s teachings. The cheating was just cherry on top.

    For me, if a bunch of people in the community, especially staff members and retreat participants reports such stuff, it is something to be taken seriously, instead of just dismissing it, because your guru is so ”conscious and awakened that there is no way he would do such thing”.

    It’s not like this is some new phenomenon. It’s more common than you think among spiritual and religious gurus.

    Of course it is.

  15. 8 minutes ago, Space said:

    @Miguel1 Anyone can make up some accusations and post them on Facebook. Don't give them too much weight unless some more concrete evidence is provided.

    "He had lied to his wife about it for months. She left him, then he dumped the young student...".  How would the accuser know this haha??

    This is how all these gurus can keep doing their dirty stuff.

    How do you think all these other gurus got caught for their shams?

    If multiple people report the same thing, there is a case to be taken seriously.

    As a guru, a person in authority and power, you should not be having sex with your students, let alone cheat on your wife.