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Everything posted by artcastle

  1. @Endangered-EGO You had the back issue before or after the awakening? Could you describe the experience?
  2. Keeping consciousness high in those situations, despite the body's distracting fight or flight response, doesn't look easy. It seems like Jon Stuart took the time to develop himself in that area.
  3. I agree that most responses could be negative and alienating. I could have proven remote viewing (or seeing through two other sets of eyes) to a classroom and teacher. But I was afraid and couldn’t imagine a positive effect. Someone I know can see inside bodies and conduct comprehensive, detailed diagnoses using medical terminology. She can’t turn it off, doesn’t like having it, and lives in fear of society. Is there any incentive and maybe legal protections for those who go public and prove their abilities?
  4. I haven't seen This' video (yet) but watched this one. I found it helpful. Thank you for sharing.