Kris Kolecki

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Everything posted by Kris Kolecki

  1. Teachings of Leo G. are for me very rich of truth. But He completely lost me on one point. I quote: "I`m God and if I want to quit hallucinating this world - ALL this world, with All people (even my relatives) would disappear in instant." REALLY? As Kuba says - a fundamental difference between realization: "I`m God" and "I am one of an infinite number of parts of God (Consciousness)". If he (L.G.) truly finds himself as "the sole creator of everything" sooner or later someone will be compelled to put this statement into a very simple crash test - pointing a gun and pulling the trigger on Leo`s body. Only to find that the whole world along with police, and prosecutors will not cease to exist (on time or possibly ever) before assassin shall be put into justice. Solipsism to the extend of heavy psychotic inflation of Ego. Be warned! Even 99% of truth can be toxicated by just one statement so vastly wrong as that.
  2. Yea, that`s a good one! Life is but a play. Futile, if You wish only to score, but so much sweeter if You immerse yourself into the process. You like to taste the ice cream not to "have" one (or more). Ego is finite, consciousness - infinite. So to tell one from another is "relatively" easy (go to self-inquiry meditation). Thank God!
  3. Everyone since childhood has some limitations, feels some kind (sometimes more than one) handicap. Seems that You have such blockage on combining love with sex (and sex with fulfilment) so that is obviously the topic for You to transcend (or more psychologically speaking - to heal). Any advanced techniques of tantric love are to be proceeded with easing one`s layers of unconscious shame. Maybe that`s the case here. Or maybe Emerald is wright - You simply put too many false assumptions on what sex is and should be, and should feel like.
  4. Dear Kuba - I am amongst these friends that had applauded. Thank You sincerely for introducing Leo`s works to me. I can endorse many of your observations. Take care and be brave!