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Everything posted by Alex_R

  1. Just take it and look at your hands, God will meet you there
  2. I still struggle to understand Infinity, like ok its infinite it was always there and it will always be there but i dont get the point.
  3. Dont do it in public spaces, i've had a bad trip on 3.5g of mushrooms and ended up beaten up by the police.
  4. Bring some videogames, toys, maybe some puzzles, you will need something to do, it Will be useful. Enjoy the trip! Anything will be bad, everything its fine.
  5. 75ug is a perfect starting dose, dont take more than that, take in mind that you've been watching a lot of nondual content for years so your baseline of conciousness is way more up there than the average population, the psycodelics will feel much more stronger because you are more close to God-Realization.
  6. It will raise your conciousness, You will feel like all of reality was your imagination. Dont be scared if you cannot control your typical line of toughts, just take in account that is temporal, it will take 10hrs+ to go away completely. Watch the videos: Life is a Dream, and What is Reality? A radical explanation.
  7. Maybe not all mental illness but sure for most forms of depression and compulsive toughts anxiety
  8. Because its all inside your consiousness, its all inside your mind, if you can imagine then it is real. -Alan Watts
  9. If there are another bubbles of consciousness Solipsism its False. Period.
  10. SO there are no copies, its all just ONE, there never were another bubbles.
  11. @Leo Gura I feel like the last video is a coping strategy, If there are more consciousness outside my consciousness Solipsism is NOT TURE.
  12. Just the possibility of another infinite consciousness does not make them true, if you cannot verify them using consciousness they does not exist, and if you verify them they become part of your consciousness, so at the end there is only one reality and one GOD.
  13. @Leo Gura Please explain me this: If i am God and I imagine another reality, just the fact that i am aware of that reality transforms that reality to my reality too, so at the end there always be just ONE God. If reality its all imagination when i imagine another reality that will become absolute truth because there is nothing outside of consciousness. If your last awakening is correct, solipsism is not true.
  14. Anyone ????????
  15. The Arrival Inception
  16. Eternal sunshine of a spotless mind Coherence 2001: Space Odyssey Memento Altered states Into the Void Lost in traslation
  17. Try 25ug one time, 50ug the next and 75ug the third. Try to get and understand the effects by reading trips reports before tripping
  18. It doesnt worth the risk, the information here is 10000 times more important than help on sourcing
  19. France >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Everyone Else
  20. For what i can see he is very well informed on the mystery method and knows very well how attraction works. The only problem is that i imagine that he has refused to become the asshole/ruthless misogyny that chicks actually really want due to moral issues.
  21. Do you have any previous experience with psychedelics ? What is your goal with this trip? you need to set a goal.