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Everything posted by Alex_R

  1. This is the reason, pay attention : When you trip you are getting Very Very close to Ego-Death, so your Ego in order to not let you go starts to point to your deepest fears and traumas in order to trick you with the concept of that this life is Real instead of what really is : Infinite imagination.
  2. They are very rooted to survivall instinct and reptillian brain / red stage caveman times Also they might change depending on your relligion / ethnic background
  3. Also , to reach God awakening in my trips it was better to just listen to music and be present instead of thinking or watching theory videos
  4. It is not particullary thougth loops, its more like that you start to go with the flow and just acting without thinking until you realise that you have completely loss control of yourself and your thoughts and actions, that is where you realise that there was never a "Self" and it is only this "Movie" wich is always projected in the present moment. To reach No-Self awakening you will need to accept that you were never in control of your thoughts and actions In my case i was able to grasp it at 150ug of lsd but only after consuming like 2 years of non dual theory lectures and videos.
  5. Did you ever try psychedelics? it is a must if you want to understand what is going on here
  6. @Yimpa I highly highly recommend to both of you to read/watch The Disappearance of the Universe - by Gary Renard, it's about a story that teaches you that you are not a Victim to the Universe, instead, you ARE THE UNIVERSE, it will literally shatter all your neurosis and suffering creating by your EGO by pointing to the real YOU.
  7. Since i did spiritually work and trip on high doses of psychedelics my Neurosis dissapeared by about 60 or 70% I think the trick was just learn what is God and learn to trust in God, which is also myself.
  8. Use the Pomodoro Technique in the morning before your formal job, problem solved. Start with 2x25min with 15min breaks and grow from there. In my experience i was able to do 3/4hours of deep work constantly for about a year using that technique
  9. But if I exist and I am a pov the one who exist its only me, it is not you, you dont exist.
  10. Which psychedelic do i need to take in order to get the same powers?
  11. I got rid of a big chunk of my OCD
  12. Program a coin flip generator in Python with the strings "Love" and "Hate", flip it 100 times while being on Psychedelics, see the result.
  13. i got the same feelings after my trips but then the Ego always kicks back harder, you dont need to worry
  14. In your place i would do 150ug of LSD first an try to reach No-Self and God awakening that way, it will be less intensive but if you have a good understanding of Non-dual theory you will be able to have it before to let your Ego 100% die using 5-meo.
  15. I recommend you to study non-duality theory and Epistemology, then also take small doses of psychedelics, in my case dosing between 75ug and 150ug of lsd it was enough to get a very good understanding about what spirituality is and it helped me a lot in my daily life. Study the Theory is just as important as taking the psychedelic.
  16. Learn Deep work > Learn High income skill > Learn consulting > Make a low risk investment with you juicy paycheck.
  17. What about a Super Heroic dose of LSD? Like 1000ug. My goal is to get understanding about How I am constructing this reality and maybe put 1.000.000 usd in my bank account.
  18. LSD will be better for that purpose, around 150ug i was able to not let my Ego Die
  19. You need to do at least 10 psychedelic trips in order to grasp where this thing goes
  20. Yes, i've take psycodelics inside my lucid dreams, it helped me to understand what people mean by "no self awakening"
  21. Amazing, you have awoken naturally without the need of psycodelics just as the user Brandon Rohe of this forum Can you tell me your opinion of this books? - The dissapearence of the Universe, by Gary Renard - A Course In Miracles