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About Alex_R

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  1. I would like to try ketsmine and lsd but never did
  2. Go to the nearesr cheapest country where you can find lsd or shrooms and do it, do not try to force an heroic dose couse you can Die
  3. You can stop tripping but dont do it as a full stop, i mean, if you really feel like tripping againg just grab some lsd and do it, do not set hard rules for spirituallity
  4. No, but you can learn how to Lucid dream and you can meet them there if you want.
  5. You dont know what u are talking about. At all.
  6. Schrooms with Electronic feels like exiting the VR game of life
  7. You can do it but take in mind you will need around 3000 hours of deep work in order to get your first job. Start today with the Pomodoro Technique and do not go to university, just buy a bootcamp
  8. So what do you think is gonna happen ? Assad will leave the country without fight?
  9. If you are able to remove your asumptions by increasing consciousness you will become smarter, is like rebooting a PC and now yoy have more cpu and ram to use it
  10. In my experience, my creativity has skyrocket after more than 20 high dose trips but it was a hard path that not anyone is willing to follow
  11. I dont think is a good thing. A lot of ppl will bad trip on drugs