Kuba Powiertowski

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About Kuba Powiertowski

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  1. Forgive me for not addressing your questions directly. The lyrics of the song below best reflect my state of mind. Best regards, https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=n7BkXebANI0&si=BP4c776oAxs7C2l- The Watchmaker of Light And when he will come for me as well, The Purple Watchmaker of the Light, to stir the blue in my mind, I will be waiting ready and bright. All of the days will go right through me, Floors and airs will fade out I will take one last look at everything And I will go, I don't know where - forever.
  2. @Leo Gura You speak the truth. Thank You.
  3. @VeganAwake @Letho I am following your discussion closely. @VeganAwake - I am not sure if you realize the consequences that your completely wrong perception of the essence of evil, suffering and what is real can lead to. @Letho - I should thank you for the fact that you very methodically, point by point, draw your opponent's attention to the fundamental errors in his reasoning. Your argumentation radiates calmness and patience - something that I often lack in such conversations. As you wrote - we are here to learn as nobody here is free from mistakes and misunderstandings. This requires humility, humility and once more humility, which I wish for everyone and for myself. Warmest greetings to both of you.
  4. Amazing😍. Big thanks for sharing😊.
  5. well, tomorrow... we may not even live to see tomorrow in this human shell🫠
  6. "God is dead" - F. Nietzsche "Nietzsche is dead" - God 😊
  7. It's all down to perspective. Climb as high as You dare. Stay as long as You can. Contemplate as long as You need to. It's all down to this ultimate challenge of our times - will You dare to be? Simply, be. In peace and love of God. 💗🙏
  8. @Max_V that's great. Thank You for sharing💗🙏.
  9. See you soon my soulmate... This is for You:
  10. @Princess Arabia ...when method of "no method" is in a fact, another method😊. Human mind is a powerful wrestler...
  11. THE BEST talk about Jesus imo. ...and one of THE BEST teachings in christianity and in philosophy of spirituality in general.
  12. @Someone here Yes. No-Thing. No-Thing that you have to fight for, conquer, worry about. Very interesting. In the morning I had such a dream. I go down the stairs, in my old family home, I enter the living room where there is a bench and sofas made by my father. The whole family, all the deceased ancestors that I know are sitting at this bench and laughing loudly. They are watching some cabaret on TV on the beach. The host in swimming trunks invites the guests to something like a wobbly platform like a see-saw. They enter from the beach side and then they have to keep their balance in the middle so that the platform does not tilt towards the sea. Then everyone rolls and falls into the water and the waves throw them ashore. All this is really very funny and I feel that I am living laughter together with everyone. Suddenly, together with the whole family we are on this platform. We fight to keep our balance laughing louder and louder. A huge wave comes, washing us off the jetty, which, carried away by the water, is thrown far ashore with us. At this point I burst out laughing. I honestly can't stop laughing, everything is so absurdly cheerful. I haven't felt so light and free in a long time. There is No Thing I have to worry about. Freedom😊.
  13. Happy new cycle, Dear Travellers❤️🙏💪