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Everything posted by sleep

  1. I think I'd actually like becoming gay. I like men more than women, at least on a personal level; I feel like there is less bullshit to deal with with men compared to women. Also most men are total sluts, and getting laid would probably be a lot easier. This thread might seem a little pointless and like a shitpost but it's not. I would like to know if this is something that has occured to other people or if I'm just a weirdo.
  2. I don't know a film, but I know a book that reminded me of the enlightenment Leo talks about. It's called the Mysterious Stranger by Mark Twain, but I don't wanna spoiler it in case you want to watch it.
  3. I disagree with you. Through certain kinds of meditation you train certain abilities like attention, peripheral awareness and the capacity of consciousness to hold multiple objects.
  4. Whether she's ignoring you to test you or just because interest doesn't matter imo, you should just move on on either case
  5. My two cents: there is nothing natural, spontaneous or truly genuine in the interactions between people. When you meet someone you like, that person is the way he is because of his life experiences, things he has learned and the ways in which he has modulated his own conduct in front of you. Dating is no exception; when you're attracted to someone, it's not because that person was somehow born that way. Having "game" is just being aware of these things and using them to your advantage. It's sort of like freestyling an instrument, if you don't actually know how to play the instrument beforehand it's just going to sound like shit.
  6. Also, where do songs withouth lyrics fall? Electronic music, instrumental music, orchestra...
  7. are song parodies considered stage yellow? since they integrate multiple things, namely comedy and the original songs
  8. For what, for being a great mathematician? Probably not. This isn't at all what this thread is about though.
  9. @HypnoticMagician Look into Rick Rosner's supplementation regime, supposedly he's one of the people with the highest IQ and he takes a ton of supplements and nootropics, dunno about psychedelics.
  10. Well, ask him whether he would question his current ideas about god, or his position about discussing it with other people.
  11. @Wilhelm44 I agree it would be interesting, too bad Leo has his head too far up his spiritual ass to question any of his own ideas
  12. Maybe you're just not into indie music lmao. By the way, I didn't know each stage had music associated with it. I like listening to black metal, is that stage red music or what?
  13. Honestly I feel like it's not that easy, especially for most guys nowdays. You kinda have to build up your social and dating skills if you don't have any, if you don't have then the "spontaneous" process of attraction wouldn't happen at all, because it's not actually a spontaneous or natural process at all, it's a social skill that's developed. Just my opinion on the matter.
  14. I'm curious to know what methods the people on this forum use to reach enlightenment, do spiritual work, or whatever you want to call it. Personally I'm following the methods outlined in the book The Mind Illuminated. I was doing kriya yoga previously but I decided to drop it for a little bit in order to develop my mindfulness and attention abilities.
  15. All of the psychedelics I see talked about online for spiritual growth stuff are illegal where I live, except for salvia. Does it have good potential for spiritual work, or is it just one of those psychedelics that are gonna fuck me up with nothing really in return?
  16. I guess. It's not like I think the people that say they do wonders for them are lying, but I think their effectiveness relies on the people believing in them in the first place, which I find pretty hard to do.
  17. I meant for sleep yoga. I'll try transmissions, but they don't resonate with me if that makes sense? It might be my atheistic materialist mind at work, but I'm not very good with the kind of practices that rely on chakras, vibartions, energy, etc.
  18. Yes, I think you might be right. I don't really view meditation as my be-all-end-all or anything, but I think I'll benefit from it for future practices. By the way, I plan on implementing sleep yoga into my practices into the future, so thanks for your post, it will come in handy. Do you have any additional practices you would like to recommend, like any books or teachers?
  19. @GreenWoods By the way, I agree with you that meditation might not be the "fastest" route to god-realization, but I still think the abilities developed with it come in handy for whatever other practice you do. The Mind Illuminated, for example, develops various capabilities related with attention and awareness. If you have these skills you can use them to better focus on the energies you feel during kriya yoga practice, or control dullness during sleep yoga practice.
  20. Perhaps I paraphrased the words of SantataGamana wrong, I think the deep meditative state you're mentioning is closer to what he meant. This divine energy thing you mention sounds interesting, I might give it a try. You're welcome dude, I've only glanced at it but it seems like a good review of the research that's been done on meditation.
  21. It very well could be. I read a couple of books and different authors seemed to have different views on what its purpose was supposed to be. I read someone stating that its purpose was to clear the lodged karma in your spine. Interesting, why do you think that? There are plenty of studies that show that mindfulness practice can change the composition of your brain. If you're interested in the science, look into "Progress in Brain Research Volume 244" by Narayanan Srinivasan.