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Posts posted by Blackbeat

  1. On 05/08/2020 at 8:57 AM, Revolutionary Think said:

    @Leo Gura I watched your video on Requisite Variety on your blog and it really struck a nerve with me because I've had a creative brain for most of my childhood following me into adulthood. I watched so many cartoons and played so many video games that I actually combined it with some of my ideas and creativity and created a whole idea for some kind of imaginary land I produced in my head where I was the hero. I dreamed that I was this super scientist where I had the ability to do whatever the hell I wanted with the power of science and technology. For instance here was a wacky invention I would have these plugs on my head 4 of them and they'd be my hair. The would extend and help me reach things, they could also be used as a weapon to electrocute my enemies, and then the really cool concept was that these plugs can even be used as helicopter rotors to let me fly. These plugs would be inside of this crown and in the middle on the crown on top of my head is an Erlenmeyer flask with magic chemicals in it that help me fight bad guys. Then I had a cape too and the head of the cape was like an open venus fly trap. Then the cape would also have wings on it which could let me fly like a jet and shoot missiles and when I was in flight mode I could get the stuff on top of my head which were the plugs and flask and turn them into a special gun that could fire lasers from the plugs and corrosive chemicals from the flask. I also created a special shield that could bounce off all incoming projectiles and send them back to the one who threw them. Then I could also cloak myself in it turn into matter and then uncloak and turn into human form again. The other thing that would be cool is that I'd have the power to develop immunities to all chemicals and elements and manipulate them to my advantage that meant I could go swimming in the lava in the volcano and it'll be OK because this scientifically and mechanically constructed cape could handle it and give me those powers. Then there was also my scepter but, instead of a regular one the top of it would have an eyeball and this eyeball could manipulate and distort reality in interesting ways.

    Then of course my planet that I created by myself a planet with a giant lab on top of it that was my living space and it was a big volcano. This volcano would have levels and each level was a different part of the lab also a giant eyeball on top of a big mechanical pole protruding out of the top of the volcano's crater. The labs is where I would manufacture my galactic army. The volcano would be surrounded by a moat of lava. In this lab my foot soldier army would consist of skeletal people (that could fly) and also robots that could fly as well the things about the robots was that if they ever got hit and broke to pieces they could put themselves together with electromagnetism. Then I would have three big main monsters in my army. T-Rexs that could run pretty fast and have big arms they would represent the element of electricity and could should electricity from their mouth and arms they represent land. Lava/fire Monsters with hands like that of crabs that could extend them and they would represent underground, and Giant eyeballs 2/3rds the size of those T-Rexs that had wings and they could shoot out ice from their pupils and they'd represent the sky. The eyeballs though that could fly and the giant one sticking on the pole on the top of my volcano lab were different though (the eye on the top of the lab could extend with the pole and identify people coming close to the moat) if they were allowed to come in the lab the drawbridge would come down and the giant doors would open. These 3 monsters all had the power to fly and turn into their pure elemental forms yet, the T-Rex and Lava Monsters have reduced ability in the air. Then I also had UFO's that where spherical flying things and autonomous and they also had those venus fly trap designs on the top of them and the venus fly traps could blast energy balls out of them. Also there was the master mother ship which was basically a flat bed with a rounded bottom that could sail the galaxies with the UFO's the in this case the venus fly traps where pointing outward on the sides of the flatbed one on the front and one on the back. They could rotate and they could shoot energy streams down on the ground in addition to actually taking off to chase enemies and other aircraft while coming back to the mother ship. My lab also produced wormhole rips in the space time continuum that would make it easier to transport anything I needed. My cape also had mini wormholes inside of it that lead to an area in my lab that had all the flasks and when these flasks were thrown could produce things like tornadoes and earthquakes. 

    Now I also had an ultimate form at first in my imagination I was thinking of it as a dragon but, I scrapped that idea and actually made it just a gigantic version of myself. The way I would reach it I'd go into a part of the galaxy and I'd use the cape wings to spin into a tornado. The tornado would attract ice, fire, and electricity. After the accumulation my regular form would be in the middle but, I'd be an empire building sized humanoid with the left side being fire, the right being ice, and the middle being electricity, Fire could be thrown with the left hand, ice thrown on the right hand, and electricity fired through opening the mouth. This form would also have the power to shape shift. The form could also have the power to separate out as in be turned into mini versions of myself in those elements and then come together to form the super humanoid. This form could also wear the mother ship as a hat. 

    OK so what's the story line here well I'm thinking me and my galactic army go across space and liberate different planets from their own dictatorships. I get my robots, skeletons, and the three elemental forces and fight against oppressive planets exploiting their people. How that looks like I don't know but, that's what we do. Then we have fun in the lab experimenting with different things and ideas. We spread our technological and scientific advancements to different planets and different lifeforms. We go around calling ourselves something like the ULF the Universe Liberation Force. The mission of the ULF is that no living organism in the galaxy deserves to be exploited or enslaved and deserves to fulfill their potential. The creatures of the Universe who yearn to be free and to explore and have fun shall have the right to do that and ULF will expand scientific and technological methods to increase happiness and fulfillment across the cosmos this is what we fight for and will stop at nothing. 

    What am I missing. Oh yeah and I could also get that flask on top of my head put the corrosive acid in my mouth gargle with it and spit super hot fire chemicals that could melt through metal and iron. Also When I took out my cutlass I'd spew the fire on the cutlass to make it more effective. My enemies wouldn't stand a chance because when I hit my chemical cutlass to their sword their sword would just dissolve and burn their fingers. 

    Anyway I always had these crazy and wild ideas in my head about these creative worlds, creative ideas, and wild and wacky story lines but, I didn't know what practical value they'd have in the real world and who the fuck was I ever going to share this with? Even right now it's kind of thinking if people think I'm weird or strange but, at least it's here and it didn't follow me to my grave. 

    Holy Paragraph your Essays, I only read the 1st and last paragraph. But on topic the practical value is any form of Art like being a fiction writers, I'm surprised you didn't figure this one out on your form, your welcome.

  2. On 28/01/2021 at 5:31 AM, seeking_brilliance said:

    I would like to make some more guided visualizations.  I can make videos or a written one that you read with music. 

    If anyone is interested, please comment with the topic you would like.  

    --If I get multiple requests, I will pick the one I am most drawn to. - - 

    Topics can include : 

    something you would like to improve in yourself, 

    something you would like to dream about tonight (dream incubation) ,

    an imaginative scenario you would like to visit/experience (like travelling to an alien planet or underwater city, anything) 

    Body and/or energy work (moving awareness around, full body awareness, charging, grounding, etc.) 

    Or open to other ideas. 

    Thank you for your consideration ?‍♂️

    How  to not want to be misandrist misogynist, Misanthropy I'm struggling with, I know I'm part of the 'problem' but I can't help but believe I'm better off single for the rest of my life AND every future reincarnations, my hatred is unmatched, I can't stand chicks pretending to be goody good shoes when they're physiologically without a care in the world damaged the minds of any poor naive people falling for their traps who just didn't know any better *punches my punching bar with a piece of paper on it*

  3. 2 hours ago, Valwyndir said:

    The only way to end Zen Devilry is to realize that even Zen Devilry is...


    2 hours ago, Gesundheit said:

    That's nice on paper, but unfortunately it doesn't work on terrorist bombers (random example), unless you're ready to be blown up.

    You really made to make a super extreme comparison didn't ye, or (thats not the right terminology, struggling to find the correct wording)

    2 hours ago, Valwyndir said:

    The only way to end Zen Devilry is to realize that even Zen Devilry is...


  4. 1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

    All religion is bullshit.

    Likes apes doing cosplay as humans.

    Whatever you think religion gives you, you will gain more by dropping it.

    I dunno how to begin, I keep telling myself I'm Agnostic, I'm Agnostic, I'm Agnostic but when things get really dicey for me,  e.g Pre being Pre, I go haywire, like Rick in Season 2 begging for God to be nice him when he assumes he is 100% gonna die, but then when Rick survives, haha, pulls out the middle fingers... hehehe

    1 hour ago, Gesundheit said:


  5. 2 minutes ago, BipolarGrowth said:

    2. On one occurrence during a trip, I began saying my thoughts out loud so the insights would be easier to follow. Right before I started doing this, my girlfriend and her sibling left to drive to a gas station a quarter-mile away to get drinks. From their perspective of time, they were gone for roughly five minutes. I had at least an hour long conversation with myself analyzing the insights I was having. If this process were only happening in my head/mental chatter, one might easily think that I simply felt that I had experienced one hour worth of time which felt longer as one hour worth of thoughts were had in five minutes, but since the thoughts could only be processed slowly as they were being spoken out loud, this is impossible. I even spoke to my girlfriend about this later. She was sure they were only gone for about five minutes. 

    Did you somehow time dilate 5 real time minutes into 1 hr?

  6. On 29/01/2021 at 11:14 AM, traveler said:

    Why are you guys so enraged by a different POV? Aren't we supposed to be open minded on here? What if the election was fraudulent? You haven't even considered that because your on the side of the winner. You have confirmation bias, everything you hear reinforces your position, which limits your perception.

    Social media is designed to feed your own beliefs to you, so if you don't actively seek to learn about the POV of someone with another belief system, you'll never understand where they are coming from and you'll never have empathy. You'll just be contributing to the chaos like most other human beings are doing, by being selfish.

    I don't get it, I don't have a strong opinion on politics and I'm not from America, so when I read most of the stuff on here relating politics It feels just like reading comments on Twitter. Just one side shit talking the other, reinforcement of separation, too much attachment. 

    Trumps is no good.

    Biden is no good. 

    Everybody loses, no one is right, there you go.

    spitting fax