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Posts posted by Blackbeat

  1. On 07/01/2023 at 5:29 PM, Kuba Powiertowski said:

    @Razard86 well, 99,99% of humanity is light years away from enjoyment of this story of being human - that is my overestimated assumption probably, yet that what awakening is in some sense - realizing that this story is not everything that is - dead serious game for survival. When you rediscover that you can start reprograming your mind tool from constant chasing the line of the horizon to more relaxed approach. Don't you agree?

    80% agreed.

  2. It's overw- omg Spider in a room as a type, this. Odd looking one too, Why the animal kingdom be acting wierd when.. oh... oh wow animal life reflecting my actions and behavior.

    Overwhelming. But I guess it isn't surprising... Considering I got a anti life stance. Kabooom.

    I shall post to be freely pers- Spider on my desktop now, alright then..

    Persecuted. pondering whenever to squish it, it's asking to be squished, or risk my skin to escort it outdoors knowing a mistake gets me a slow poisonous death.  Ah it's finally still, I'm not well verse in spiderlogy, but its modly yellow + black and very tiny, 2 pea's worth of mass. Insanity aside, time to hit post, I post.

  3. 2 hours ago, Preety_India said:

    Umm. Life is sacred. I've always believed in the divine sacredness of life. 

    A beautiful soul created into existence. 

    Imagine the pain a mother would feel when she realizes her beautiful creation has come to an end. 

    Imagine the pain God would feel when he realizes his beautiful creation gave up hope. 

    In every soul, there is a hope,a promise, a beauty, a spirit and a breath. 

    Snuffing out this breath feels unfair. 





  4. no matter how many times I try to hit my head against the wall, I probably still wouldn't get that "

    Perspective is a relative notion.

    It does not exist at the absolute level.

    Consciousness is not a 1st person perspective. That is the ego's illusion. Consciousness is Absolute Infinity."


    Consciousness is absolute Infinity. 

    Whereas a perception is an angle or a way to look at a certain situation. 

    Consciousness is One 

    Whereas perspectives can be many in number. Too many "