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About Adrian325

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  • Birthday 08/01/1991

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    Abilene Tx
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  1. When I painted this room during my Samadhi It felt as though I was painting my arm or side. It was so strange and so amazing and blissful and even orgasmic without the cumming but like I was cumming with sensations ☺️?
  2. @WokeBloke go outside and look straight up at the sky, now where did you go? You feel sensations and you immediately imagine A body or an arm if you feel "wind" touch your "arm" but really that's an illusion lol and the truth is all that was there was raw sensation. If you can practice detaching all projections and labels you'll become nothing and no one and then you'll become Everything
  3. @WokeBloke you've just misplaced your identity. Your identity shifts when you fully realize and become everything in your immediate experience. Your avatar body is just something to have the excuse to have sensation and hear things and taste things but your not the body at all and the body isn't doing anything. Taste doesn't come from a tounge and you don't need eyes to see or ears to hear
  4. I experienced it and so I know it to be just as much as I know when I yawn or smile or feel a pain in my arm
  5. @WokeBloke it's difficult to intellectualize I remember how it was before I experienced it. Everything becomes your body just as much as your physical body when you have a Samadhi. The walls and floor is your skin and every object is your being and you can feel it too
  6. Evidence...your funny ?❤️ you gotta go through that door and see it for yourself, no one can see it for you. It's literally impossible because it's only You
  7. @WokeBloke Its only You, he is not a he, he is the same Formless awareness that's seeing through your eyes and creating everything by literally being everything and exists outside of time. Time is an illusion just like your "physical body"
  8. @Nos7algiK well said. I think the problem most people dealing with solipsism is they still believe that they're the body or some type of ghost within the body. They haven't realized the Self yet
  9. We're constantly shifting through alternate timelines and everything is made new every moment but to say every moment would be stretching the Truth because that implies other moments. Anyways, your being is everything your aware of and it's constantly transforming. When you listen to a song, it's being created live on the spot by you and is you lol and it doesn't matter if you've heard the song a hundred times, it's new and being created for the first time as it's happening and you are it as well as whatever else is happening in your awareness. I feel like this is basic at this point but I hope this helps someone or at least was entertaining.
  10. Your being reincarnated every moment or every time you blink ?
  11. When you shift your identity from the puppet or human avatar to the empty space (puppet master) that everything appears in you'll have more realizations and bliss continues and constantly. Practice by seeing your human body as an it and as a hollow thing that is extremely loyal and does whatever you direct it to. Out of body experience will be a normal state of being because your the entire experience of whatever is happening and that's fact.
  12. Brush it away and put on protectice clothing so your human avatar won't get eatin(self love) and you won't have to kill anything and the universe will take notice.everything responds to your love and grace everything mirrors your state of being
  13. @Godishere It is amazing, just to explore the idea of what I am is for a moment, brings me back to my natural high state. Timeless Formless awareness, blissful and so amazing
  14. Seems like you've become more aware lol feels good to see that. What was it that helped? LSD? MDMA? both?