
Member Apolitical
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Everything posted by vladorion

  1. It's possible that you have some negative beliefs about masculinity. Maybe you inherited that from your father. I'd look into that. Investigate what emotions/sensations the idea of masculinity brings up and what thoughts are connected to that. Seems like it's a deep conflict that you have that's going to take some time and investigation to unravel.
  2. Much better practice than "neti neti". Thank you sir.
  3. No. What Leo called God and was obsessed with for the last few years turned out to be a mental fabrication. What a surprise!
  4. I think when Leo realized that what he thought was God was not God and there was something higher he came up with the term Alien God. Next: Beyond Alien God.
  5. Imagine yourself in those situations and then deconstruct whatever comes up. See what thoughts and deficiency stories come up and what sensations in your body they're connected to and hold them in your awareness until they dissolve. Simply putting yourself in those situations isn't going to remove the fear.
  6. You just don't see how arrogant you are. It seems that the more trips you have the more arrogant you become. You should use psychs to do shadow work instead of boosting your ego.
  7. Wait before you realize this was another dream. You're chasing your own tale.
  8. Unless you experience yourself as God, praying to yourself makes sense.
  9. It's a waste of time. Look up Kiloby inquiries, it's much more effective than just sitting with pain.
  10. Ayahuasca can be very brutal. Depends on the recipe and the strength of the brew.
  11. Let's say you understand a lot about relationships but your relationships suck. What does that mean about your understanding? If understanding doesn't translate into your life, it's a partial understanding at best.
  12. Your memory of past lives is not wiped. If that was the case it would be impossible to access past lives. It's more like, it's made inaccessible for most people. Also, if your experience of deep sleep is unconsciousness, chances are that's what your afterlife experience is going to be, until you manifest a new body. And if you have unconscious tendencies, cravings and attachments, chances are those tendencies will seek a way to express themselves, which means getting a new body.
  13. En-light-enment literally has "light" in it. If one still has darkness/unconsciousness in his/her mind, it can't be considered enlightenment. Buddhism describes it as overcoming 10 fetters: 1. Self-illusion (self-identity views; belief in personality) 2. Scepticism (uncertainty) 3. Attachment to rules and rituals (grasping at precepts and practices) 4. Sensual lust (craving) 5. Ill-will 6. Craving for fine-corporeal or material existence (passion for form) 7. Craving for incorporeal existence (passion for what is formless) 8. Conceit 9. Restlessness 10. Ignorance
  14. I don't think so. Not sure how this relates to what I said. Did you mean to say that someone who can't play can be a good coach?
  15. A very good description of spiritual ego. If you truly saw them as nothing other than God, no way you could write something like this. The reason you'd see others as petty is because you have that pettiness within yourself that your 'God Realization' helps you deny even more.
  16. I don't care how much you understood in your trips if your life doesn't reflect it.
  17. It is extremely relevant. How you feel and your energy is an indication of whether you're embodying your insights or is it just a head trip.
  18. Reality cannot be pointed to because pointing implies something distinct in your experience, some aspect of it. The highest that can be pointed to are aspects of manifestation, such as presence or awareness.
  19. You're probably not ready to go where she wants to take you.
  20. If she loves you because you're mysterious, she doesn't love you. She wants to figure you out. If, the moment you're an open book to her, she loses interest, she doesn't love you. I don't know why you would want to be with her if you have to hide yourself. This whole thing you're describing is about managing how she perceives you in order to get her or not lose her, which is based in fear. It's more important to you to be attractive to her than to be yourself. When you're truly self-confident you can be yourself and not care if she loses interest or not.