
Member Apolitical
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Everything posted by vladorion

  1. Actually, you gotta vomit on kambo to purge toxins and energetic blockages. In a ceremony, you drink 2 liters of water beforehand and if you have trouble vomiting, a shaman will blow tobacco into your nostrils to make you vomit. If you have trouble vomiting, put 2 fingers into your throat and try to make yourself vomit. I've done it 2 times. I wouldn't do it without a professional specializing in this medicine.
  2. If you don't embody enlightened qualities such as compassion, kindness, honesty then your enlightenment is incomplete.
  3. I've always felt better after doing the liver/gallbladder flush. So it does help to flush out some gunk. Of course most doctors will tell you it's not scientific or downright dangerous cuz they can't accept that you can be a better doctor for yourself than them with their doctor's degree. The important part is to do a thorough enema the day after. Otherwise the toxins that came out of the liver can start getting reabsorbed through the intestinal tract, which can make you feel worse.
  4. Just make sure there is someone there with you if you decide to take them.
  5. Why do you want to know other people's thoughts on a relationship you enjoy?
  6. The desire to fuck children cannot arise in a healthy mind. Calling it love is ridiculous.
  7. He's right. What Leo describes is an avoidant attachment style.
  8. A man who respects himself doesn't watch porn.
  9. If a woman loses attraction to you because you communicate openly about your feelings then she's not really attracted to you in the first place. She is attracted to the facade that you present. If you have to hide your feelings from your partner then your relationship is gonna be pretty superficial.
  10. Dentistry in the US/Canada is also extremely overpriced. Unless it's a small thing you'll save quite a bit of money if you travel abroad to get dental work done.
  11. It's not a competition so I think the point of fairness is irrelevant in this situation. It's actually better for the people around you if you think about it.
  12. His quote: “If I'm not doing something which is either extremely difficult or extremely stressful, I'm in a perpetual state of crippling boredom.” Crippling boredom is his default state. He's a grandiose narcissist and a sociopath.
  13. https://rumble.com/v23x33u-more-vaccines-causes-more-infections.html
  14. https://rumble.com/v1wac7i-world-premier-died-suddenly.html
  15. Because nothing is random. Strange you don't understand this having had so many psychedelic trips.
  16. You need to feel deeply what there is to feel about it. That will get you in touch with repentance (feeling sorry) and that will help you forgive yourself.
  17. Sure. I don't disagree with this. Relatively speaking, there is a distinction, obviously. I don't see how taking all conversations to "There is no distinction between anything" fruitful. It's essentially a conversation killer. Let's just all be quiet because the highest truth can't even be expressed in language.
  18. Playing war and weapons never attracted me as a child. The reason men are warriors is because men are physically stronger so naturally men play the role of protectors, hunters, conquerors. All for survival. My original point was that what you described is an expression of shadow masculinity, not divine masculinity. In order to be an expression of the divine masculine, you have to be at peace within yourself, integrated your shadow, or else you're acting out your unconscious tendencies.
  19. Yes, humanity as a collective is traumatized and has been for thousands of years. Just look at the history of humanity. And wars simply add to the collective trauma. It's a vicious cycle. You will not desire a war if you are at peace with yourself. Outer wars are simply a manifestation of inner conflicts that most people live with.
  20. I'm not denying that physical hardware matters. But there's a reason you have the body that you have and not a donkey body.
  21. Sounds like an awful psychologist. Has zero empathy and a ton of her own trauma she projects on her clients. I knew that most psychologists are not good but this is next level. Was this in the US?
  22. Past life practice / karma. If the gene theory was correct then spiritually gifted people would have to have spiritually gifted parents/grandparents.
  23. Comparing cessation to deep sleep as if they are pretty much the same shows he has no idea what a cessation is. And it's not my idea. If it was the same as deep sleep then it wouldn't be considered such an important attainment in Buddhism. Everybody would get enlightened by going to sleep at night.
  24. Leo himself hasn't liberated himself from the ego. What makes you think it's gonna work for you if you follow the same path?
  25. That's shadow masculinity you're describing, not the true masculine. The only reason someone loves war is because they've been deeply hurt.