
Member Apolitical
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Everything posted by vladorion

  1. Belarus is not a nordic nation. And again, I'm not saying anywhere that there's no virus that can kill some people. But it doesn't look like lockdowns and mask mandates are making a big difference in stopping it.
  2. I'm not arguing that there is no new virus that is killing some people.
  3. There is no evidence that it would be a disaster. Some countries have barely any restrictions and no mask mandates and I don't see a disaster happening there. It's not much different from the pre-'pandemic' times.
  4. Didn't see anything dogmatic in his posts, as opposed to yours. Not allowing yourself to ask those questions is what's dogmatic.
  5. Millions of lives are at stake, so let's do stuff that we know doesn't work and let's also potentially jeopardize the lives of billions of people whose lives are not at stake.
  6. Teachers take money for their time, just like many other professionals. It's a silly idea that a spiritual teacher has to do everything for free.
  7. If you criticize liberals, it's inflammatory. You can say whatever you want about conservatives though and that's fine. I think this is coming from Leo being afraid of being cancelled if he allows non-liberal political views to be openly expressed here.
  8. Definitely wouldn't do it with some random tarot reader. Most of the time entities are simply soul fragments of other people. The reason we have them is because we have lost parts of our own system due to trauma etc. so we patch the holes with other people's fragments. Simply removing them doesn't bring much change because they're a symptom of a deeper issue. You remove one, you'll attract another one. The issue of soul loss (the soul here means one's energy system) is a well known phenomenon in some shamanic traditions. A procedure called shamanic soul retrieval helps in bringing some of those lost aspects back into our body. In my experience this is much more useful than all those entity removal sessions.
  9. Many people are not even aware they have gluten intolerance. You can be asymptomatic for a very long time. The problem is, if you have celiac and are eating gluten, you're damaging your gut lining almost beyond repair.
  10. This is just another hint that it's not about your health. They don't give a fuck about your health. It's all just "take jab, social distance, wear a mask". Absolutely nothing about how to actually be healthy and build a good immune system.
  11. A worse case is when a political party pretends to be based on compassion, love and selflessness when in fact they're operating from fear, greed and a desire for power. Their twisted version of love and compassion is, "you better be loving and compassionate in the way we tell you, or else".
  12. Viceroy are the cigarettes of my childhood. Had my first cigarette when I was 5.
  13. It's never good to settle down. It's about finding the right person, not settling down.
  14. It's an impending technocracy that is a threat to democracy, not conservatism.
  15. Can someone provide any real examples of systemic racism in the US?
  16. I think it's based on the assumption that the body is a perfect instrument that isn't influenced by biases etc. The whole LOC model is BS though, same as spiral dynamics.
  17. They're about the same level 150-175 (anger-pride). Except left-wingers pretend they're above 350.
  18. Mdma is not really sustainable. You can't do it a lot. Some good techniques are: Reference point therapy (or rapid personal transformation), regressive hypnosis, shamanic soul retrieval.
  19. Trust yourself, not the news or the government.
  20. For the same reasons that rich are rich and poor are poor.
  21. If you think jewish nationalism is a positive thing, ask palestinians about it.
  22. It's still the separate self identifying as the universal self. It's a nice escape mechanism.
  23. Nice to see there are people on this forum who are not delusional or buy into Leo's delusions.