
Member Apolitical
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Everything posted by vladorion

  1. Not sure there's such a thing as unbiased, but The Hill is pretty good.
  2. I think you have an incorrect idea about what living in the now means. Living in the now doesn't mean not having plans. It simply means being present to whatever is happening. The desire to get drunk/high is actually a good sign that you're resisting the present moment.
  3. Detachment is simply a lack of belief that an object is going to make you happy. Indifference is more of a defense mechanism.
  4. To say God isn't something is like saying that water isn't a wave. It can assume any form (including the form of someone who is acting and choosing) but it doesn't become anything other than what it is.
  5. God doesn't have free will either because God is not an acting or choosing entity. God cannot be anything other than what it is.
  6. Buddhism doesn't say that things don't exist. Saying things don't exist is very different from saying things don't have their own independent existence.
  7. The number of followers doesn't mean anything. Most people will choose someone who is charismatic but full of shit over someone truly enlightened but not as charismatic. If a person's actions do not reflect his supposed realization, he's not enlightened. You could call it an enlightened ego.
  8. It's also worth saying that the "trap of absolute" is always the trap of a false absolute. As long as there is absolute that is distinct from the relative, it's not absolute. Some relative aspect (such as awareness or presence) was assigned to be the absolute.
  9. When the ego (a subtle object that claims to be the subject) is present, the mental/emotional body reacts to this lie by saying "you're inadequate", "you're inferior", "you're worthless" etc. all of which is true, because it's about the ego, not the body/personality. The ego doesn't want you to realize that these feelings are pointing to it, so it will point to something else as the culprit. This something else is usually either one's own body/personality or someone else's. By ridiculing others, whether overtly or in one's own mind it diverts attention from itself. But ridiculing oneself is the same thing. The ego is saying, it's not me, it's this body or this personality that sucks.
  10. Believing it's good to rob society of money is not the same as believing you're doing what's best for the society. Someone robbing a store is in most cases motivated by their own benefit; they're not thinking about society.
  11. Not necessarily. Someone robbing a store obviously doesn't believe they're doing what's best for the society, unless that person is crazy. People mostly do what's best for them. Nothing wrong with that if other people don't get hurt in the process.
  12. Well, when I said people are in denial, I meant they are living in a fairy tale land where mainstream media are trying to do what's best for the society.
  13. I'm not in denial of veganism. I believe it exists. I don't believe it's the best diet for everybody.
  14. https://ehtrust.org/scientific-evidence-that-5g-and-4g-densification-is-not-safe/ Quite a few studies.
  15. What drugs were taken and at what dosages to get these insights?
  16. You have to realize that consciousness is also a self. In true no self, even consciousness is a dream. So no matter how infinitely conscious you become, it's all within the dream. True god realization puts an end to this chasing of deeper and deeper levels.
  17. Emptiness/void is not absolute. It's a mistake to think about it as the absolute reality. Emptiness is one aspect, same as presence and awareness. The absolute is what appears as these.
  18. You cannot be conscious of God because when God comes, you go.
  19. Make sure you break your fast properly. It should take a while before you can eat meat after a 14 day fast.
  20. Usually drug induced awakenings that they were not ready for.
  21. But then you'll take on another body and your new circumstances will depend on your state of consciousness because your life is simply a reflection of your state of consciousness. The more egoic delusions you work through, the better off you are.
  22. Nothing, really. But eating meat is good for grounding.