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Everything posted by vladorion

  1. San Pedro and MDMA are not similar at all. San Pedro is more similar to something like LSD.
  2. What exactly are the benefits of it?
  3. Whether you're thinking original or unoriginal thoughts has nothing to do with awakening. Thoughts are just thoughts, no matter how deep or original. Their nature is the same.
  4. As far as I'm aware, Vladimir (Jesus Christ) is the only one who knows the Truth.
  5. True. If physical death was complete liberation, we wouldn't all be back here.
  6. There are a lot of people who hate being here. Aversion to being here is not a recipe for not reincarnating again. It seems like the deeper you go in your trips the stronger is your internal conflict of divine vs mundane and the more you suffer as a result.
  7. Your ignorance won't go anywhere just because your body is gone. Ignorance is in the mind, not in the physical body. Sure, you'll be more free once you shed the body and its traumas, but you'll still be limited by the stuff that's in your mind / subtle body. If you're not conscious in deep sleep, there's no reason to believe you'll be conscious after the physical body is gone.
  8. There are no claims in Buddhism that Buddhist practice will make you highly conscious or anything of that sort. The goal is to end suffering by dissolving self-based confusion. The reason why seeking stops when realizing emptiness is because suffering stops to a large degree and it is suffering which fuels the seeking. The incessant desire to understand more and more is also fuelled by suffering.
  9. That's not underestimating him. He obviously lacks heart awakening. It's obvious from his energy and demeanour, as well as from what he says.
  10. Yes. Shoving drugs up their ass is the way of the intelligent ones.
  11. So you wouldn't mind dating a hooker? Since what she gives men is just like a massage, so she's just a massage therapist.
  12. Sex is not wrong but sleeping around is damaging for women. It's not empowering at all.
  13. Focus on what you feel passionate about. Don't feel there's something wrong with you because you're not passionate about pickup. It's actually a sign of maturity that you're not passionate about having sex with random women.
  14. You can look into free zone scientology. It's people who use the techniques without being a part of the church.
  15. He didn't starve himself to death. He was fed. And simply being in samadhi to the point of not being aware of your body and its needs is not necessarily a sign of a high spiritual attainment. Ramana himself said that such a thing was basically useless because it didn't dissolve the ego. Can you imagine someone like Ramana hitting nightclubs and gaming women for quick sex? And giving advice to men that they should learn to enjoy this kind of thing when they don't?
  16. You have some weird beliefs. What is it based on? And what about posting on a forum? Maybe someone who is enlightened also doesn't post on a forum? What's fundamentally different between posting text vs video? Does posting on the forum matter? Maybe you're not awake because you keep doing it?
  17. Frank is not really a teacher, he just produces beautiful content. Being inspired and being mesmerized are two different things.I personally think he's a cool dude and has gone pretty far in his insight practice but it's not the end.
  18. By that logic Leo is also full of games because he's putting out videos. And everyone else who creates video content.
  19. Don't you dare think for a second that you're more conscious than Frank.
  20. An unprepared mind will corrupt truth. That's why spiritual practice outside of psychedelics is important. You need to gradually acclimate to it rather than shocking your system with big doses of psychedelics. Imagine if your come up to that revelation lasted for 10 years. It'd be so gradual and by the time you got there you'd be so used to it it wouldn't seem like a big deal.
  21. Is one of Bentinho's girlfriends now hanging out with Frank?
  22. It may be that you come off as weird or creepy when tripping. You can ask them how they perceive you compared to when you're in a sober state.
  23. You can, but you'll probably end up pursuing stuff that is not what you truly want. Motivation that comes from trauma is usually along the lines of trying to prove something to yourself and other people. Trying to prove that you're good and loveable, essentially.