
Member Apolitical
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Everything posted by vladorion

  1. https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-croatia-jet-idUSL2N2VE1DU Verdict: The photo was taken in Croatia in 2011. It has nothing to do with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
  2. I wonder what percentage of Ukrainian citizens think that. Especially amongst those stuck sitting in basements with no food and heat. "Russian warship... Go fuck yourself." - This story turned out to be fake. All those soldiers are alive and well.
  3. If all he had to do to win was just bomb cities, he could carpet bomb everything and finish it quickly. It seems that the main problem that slows down their progress is taking control of the cities. That's where the Ukrainian militias are doing much better because they can use civilians as human shields. You don't succeed just by throwing bombs. You need to target the correct objects. And when the enemy are dispersed among civilians, it's pretty difficult.
  4. Maybe you should've. The more people you block who are a lost cause, the better you'll feel about your belief system.
  5. Ok, Russians bad, Ukrainians good. Russians stupid, Ukrainians smart. I think we all got this by now.
  6. Ukraine already had anti Russian sentiment for quite a while before this invasion.
  7. They obviously don't care about people's lives. They only pretend to care when it suits them.
  8. Just a week ago they allowed praising neo-nazis.
  9. True. Garbage companies like McDonald's shouldn't be allowed to come back even when they want to.
  10. Most countries in continents other than Europe and North America are either neutral or supportive.
  11. https://readpassage.com/canadian-media-is-happy-to-risk-arming-neo-nazis-in-ukraine/ The US Army supported them as well: https://web.archive.org/web/20180323214209/http://azov.press/ukr/do-polku-azov-zavitala-bagatonacional-na-inspekciyna-grupa?utm_content=buffer38c25&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
  12. When you're unable to provide any sound arguments for your position, just call the person whom you disagree with a stupid, delusional conspiracy theorist.
  13. Ukrainian people in general - yes. Zelensky / Ukrainian government? Maybe educate yourself on some things that have happened in Ukraine since 2014. Have you heard of Minsk Agreements that Russia, Ukraine and OSCE signed in 2015 and that Ukraine did nothing about? President Zelensky's ex advisor says in an interview, "I think we screwed him badly". The interviewer asks, "Promised a lot and did something else?", to which he says "Promised a lot and did nothing". He could have prevented this war (if he actually had power). In my opinion he's just a puppet of the West and has no say in what happens. He's not a hero. Even the pictures of him armed were taken in 2019.
  14. If God is writing a book, then it's not a replay. You limit what God is or can comparing It to a human who has a lot of limitations. Saying that God lives each life one by one is like saying that water in the ocean expresses itself as one particular wave at any point in time.
  15. Why do you think calling neo-nazis people who praise Stepan Bandera, use nazi symbols, shout "kill the Russian" at their meeting etc. is dehumanizing?
  16. More on hypocrisy: https://rumble.com/vvyhrh-a-russian-is-speaking-the-truth-about-ukraine-war-and-why-hold-your-hat.html
  17. People think they're fighting for their country but what they're fighting for is their corrupt government.
  18. I don't watch TV. Here are a few videos by a Ukrainian guy exposing the lies.
  19. Would you rather have yourself and your family killed or have your country join another country? And in this case, Russia doesn't even have plans to take the Ukrainian territory (Maybe just the Donbass region where many people actually wanted Russians to come because shooting and bombing from the Ukrainian side never stopped there since 2014). They're specifically targeting their military, part of which is neo-nazi.
  20. Most people in power have psychopathic traits. You won't get to such a position of power otherwise.