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Everything posted by Micca

  1. Another crazy visionary. He really was ahead of his time. Delightful. What a visionary this guy is. Pink Floyd are truly amazing.
  2. To be honest it doesn't matter if it's left wing or right, or even religious. Just music that has a stance or political opinion. Much commercial music is dumbed down so it's finding music that goes beyond that vapid narrative. I do love Rage against the Machine. They really are a band who are subversive in their lyrics and identity. A very refreshing and powerful act. I'm going to check out Ted Nugent. Thanks for that.
  3. AMC is the next stock to blow up. I hope hahaha, as I have bought it.
  4. Used to watch his early videos and he seemed on point. Will have to watch this video and see what he's saying. Maybe just like many people he's now suffering from the messiah complex and it's all gone to his head.
  5. Thanks Im going to check them out Liking Anti Flag. This is a new one to me thanks.