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About Joelvs

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  1. Can we make this here an open mindet and truth seeking debatte about vaccionation? I personally feel more drawn towards getting vaccinated but I dont feel like I heard the anti vax side enough to decide about it. So can we collect all the anti vax arguments here? I found that in the other threats regarding that topic their werent clear arguments against it. Maybe their arent. I dont know, but I want to find out. And yeah I get the personal arguments like being afraid of needles or that is like an anti government ego based thing of some people but I dont think that most people are anti vax because of that.
  2. @Mason Riggle I get and its just that it is not very practical right now. I see that I am my ego and every thought. But you got to start somewhere I guess, and right now the concept of me just being effortlessly everything doesn't seem to click on a deeper level. So the disidentification from thought is something that gives me more peace and tranquility then being lost in it. I think, maybe that's just another illusion of the I
  3. Hey Everybody, I observed something in me for quite a while now. After rereading untethered soul, it really clicked in me that I have this place within me which is invulnerable , behind all thoughts. And that I can always return to this place. And since then I managed to do that on a much more frequent rate than before. But I feel like it takes up huge amounts of energy and concentration. I mean, the energy of the ego is so damn strong. And I am meditating since well 3 years and I guess part of the answere to this is more training and always dropping back. But what I also feel is that it isnt always enough to just be aware of the breath, because then I am somehow still aware as my ego of the breath. So I really need to get beyond my ego to feel the peacefulness of the pure awareness. Its just that it seems like a huge struggle to find this place. I observe also a lot of times, that I am trying to get to that place by concepts, like imaging that the voice talking in my head is somebody sitting next to me, but off course doing that with each thought is taking up a lot of energy as well. Some thoughts on that, if you get what I mean. It is not that easy to express, I noticed.
  4. @SamC thanks man, forgat to answere. Its good advice. Hard to follow through tho especially because she also hurts others with her attitude. But I see the truth in that
  5. So I am thinking about my mom with this question but off course it can be put generally. I think my personal development is so far that I can judge, that she is suffering because she doesnt take on responsiblity for what is happening to her and at the core of it lacks a sense of self worth. Which I struggled with myself thats why it seems pretty obvious to me. I tried to help her have a better life since maybe 1 year and I think it had some impact but still I dont think she will ever really see the path she needs to go to live a happy life. Is this just me being arrogant and thinking I know what she needs and lacks? And how do you help such people? One of my mentors once said that it is by who you are that you inspire other people. But I wonder if that is enough for her. Because I clearly changed over the last 2 year to the positive. Does it make sense to push "such" people to their happines? Send them videos and courses on that stuff for example? Or is it just patience that she will find her way one day?
  6. @Lyubov I would follow Leos advice and not put yourself below the girl. Heres one way I have been able to have a lot of succes and also fun at chatting: I started by writing something like this :hey xx how about a little game to get to know each other :)? And then when she says yes. You answere: okay these are the rules: 1. No boring questions 2. We ask alternately 3. No asking back the same question 4. You start and from there one you can play with a bunch of questions here are some examples: if you could live in any phantasy world, which would it be or which is your biggest strength? Makes good conversations and at some point you just ask her if she or he for that matter wants to meet up
  7. @Leo Gura yeah good point. I just feel like its something different if a friend whom I trust tells me that it worked whether than some dude on amazon. And I would consider the people here more trustworthy than on amazon or elsewhere
  8. Hey everybody, So this might be a bit controversial one for the people who know him. I am suffering since a long time from chronic fatigue and now someone recommendet Antony Williams Diet to me. It seems to have no science behind it, but has helped a ton of people, however it seems like there is also a lot of dogma in that diet. Does anyone have experiences with that Diet?
  9. @SamC here: Google low self esteem with perfectionism and than low self esteem with hypersensitiv narcissism and see what you can find. The solution is to work on your low self esteem. Understood it as a connection betwenn those.... Anyways I get your point. Thanks for clearifing! Will have a look at those videos too. May the wisdom be with you
  10. @SamC Would you share how you think hypersensitiv narcissism and low self-esteem are connected? Found your hint on perfectionism quite fitting but I don't really see the narcissism one but I also didn't really found good resources
  11. @SamC I did affirmations and visualisations for more self esteem and that somehow really helped. Off course paired with other things, such as a constant getting out of my comfort zone and meditation probably. And I use the affirmation of I am good enough daily for more self- compassion. How do you practice it? @Aaron p Hahah yeah I like that
  12. @mavelezm I read his Book Medical Medium, didnt tried the diet in their yet. Is their some other specific book from him you can recommend? And did you tried his diet? @Rajneeshpuram How would you go about this? You mean like cutting out a bunch of food types like gluten and lactose and then if it doesnt help cutting out the next type of food? And isnt their a test that can find out which food could be bad for me? Or isnt that 100% reliable?
  13. @SamC yeah you are definetly right on that. And I see that I need to work on my self esteem. The question is how though. Because I know that I need to heal the feeling of just being worthy when I am at my ideal. So I will for example just feel worthy when I am seeing myself has a communicative and social person. But I dont know how to let go off that. Got any suggestions besides googling?