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Everything posted by impulse9

  1. @Yarco Profoundly good advice, and I say this as a fellow freelancer. I advise against all freelancing sites, they are overrun by cheap, unskilled labor. Find regular clients instead. Or let them find you by virtue of having some kind of presence. For example if you're a programmer, there's a lot of places where you can show off your work. If you're good enough, clients will sniff you out on their own, you won't even have to do anything. And if you really love something, you'll get good at it. You'll get really good, so good that your work will outshine the majority and stand out. However for most people, what @Yarco said applies. Do outreach and find your own clients and develop stable relationships with them. And don't totally discount luck either. Feel lucky and you'll be lucky.
  2. All that exists is your perception, right now. Everything else is imagination. And what's worse, everyone is you. You're the only thing that exists in the entire universe. You've imagined the whole thing.
  3. Like I said, barbaric traditions don't interest me. Unless the culture was so backwards that my life was threatened by me going against it, I would always fight against it. But I understand not all parts of the world have this privilege, sometimes you have to do stuff just to appear you're on the correct side. It's still wrong, though. In a bout a 1000 years, eating meat will have the exact same connotation as cannibalism has today.
  4. Well balanced vegan with minimal intake of industrial processed foods. Ideally and if you can, grow your own food. No superior diet exists or can exist.
  5. Whenever someone asks me to eat meat for "traditional" purposes, I tell them to stick it where the sun don't shine. Couldn't care less about barbaric traditions. Unless my life was on the line, I'd never eat meat.
  6. I never said you can trust the "streets". It's the worst possible source. That's why I'm so infuriated by its illegality.
  7. I'm not talking about sourcing, any idiot knows you can obtain drugs from darkweb. And again, even if you get it from a lab, it's an illegal lab, therefore it lacks proper standardization and you can't ever fully trust it. And analogues are cool and all but they're not it. LSD-25 is safe for consumption. Analogues we simply have no data for, therefore no claims of safety can be made.
  8. Oh? So what are the other options, lol. Let's see 1) Darkweb - same shit as buying from a random person on street 2) Buying from friends who bought it from the street or dark web 3) Synthesizing it yourself (just get a chemistry PhD bro ) I'd much rather buy properly standardized LSD legally, from a lab. The fact that I can't do this is an affront at best and a crime against human rights at worst. DMT can at least be synthesized rather easily by even amateurs. But LSD, good luck.
  9. I'd still much rather buy street LSD and test it, than be a guinea pig for untested substances with unknown side effects.
  10. @Thought Art The fact that I can't buy pure LSD and have to go to shady dealers instead is reason enough. Imagine how much safer it would be if you could simply buy LSD from a laboratory with proper standards in place, instead of buying god knows what from god knows who. Even if you test for LSD with a kit, you still can't be sure it's not laced with other shit. And you can't test for everything. They should be legalized, and proper protocols should be put into place for obtaining and experimenting with them. Keeping people in the darkness about the most profound substances this planet has to offer is a crime against humanity.
  11. Yet you don't feel bad when you eat pork. That pig had a soul too, if you just took a moment to look in his eyes.
  12. The fact that psychedelics are illegal is a crime against humanity. These people should be given overdoses of LSD in a haunted house as punishment.
  13. The more effort you put into meditation, the less you'll get out of it.
  14. Let me be a bit snarky and ask @Leo Gura, is the vast majority of your experience of life joy or is it not? If you answer no then you really have no business judging other masters honestly, and you can't claim authority in spiritual matters. And when you're free of ego to the extent necessary to become a master yourself, you won't be making arrogant statements such as "these Buddhists know nothing, I know better". Even if it's true, even if you're the only person on Earth who *really* gets it, you wouldn't claim such things if you actually understood the implications. Instead you would humbly and lovingly approach your students and let them find truth wherever it may lie. You would fully appreciate the scope of spirituality, and understand that not everyone is at the same level. Basically, your authority is bullshit. And don't get me wrong, I'm roasting you out of love. <3
  15. What good are psychedelics if they can't give you a happy and joyful existence? From a high consciousness point of view, they just tend to complicate your life further by filing your your ego with more imagination noise. Whereas a master enjoys every single moment, however that moment might present itself. You'll grow out of this phase Leo, just like you grew out of the phase where you thought psychedelics were useless.
  16. Congrats. Sounds like a good experience.
  17. I don't make basic human decency into ideology. It should be implicit and default. The only reason it's not is cultural and environmental programming. So maybe get rid of that. And you won't have a problem.
  18. Personally, learning math has revealed significant beauty about the world.
  19. Don't expect anything. Just be mindful. On one of my first mushroom trips, I was with a group of friends, we all chewed and ate the mushrooms, a few grams each, and then we walked around in the darkness, waiting for it to kick in. And all the time when we were walking, we were asking eachother, "is it kicking in yet? is it kicking in yet?" and we did this for so long that we didn't even realize that we were fully under the influence, still asking each other "is it kicking in yet?". That BECAME the trip. We only realized this like 2 hours into the trip, at which point naturally we started laughing that we were this stupid. But the point is, with psychedelics, don't build up expectations because you'll end up creating an amplified experience of expectation, and you'll miss the real thing. Have fun on your trip!
  20. This. I personally know people who didn't do "100 trips", they did 1000s of trips, DMT, LSD, shrooms, Salvia, mescaline, DXM, even Datura. Very few of them I would consider spiritually advanced. In fact almost every single person that I personally met that I would consider spiritually advanced has never taken a psychedelic in their life. Psychedelics are amplifiers of consciousness. If your consciousness is at a high level, they will amplify that state. If it's at a low level, they will amplify that. They're not a magic pill. Even my own excursions, while infinitely fascinating, haven't been the most revealing. The most revealing have been the few meditation induced mystical experiences. Because those stuck with me even 20 years later.
  21. Finally got a chance to watch through the video as well. Holy crap man. When you talk about the mundane vs mystical, "the mystical starts to become the mundane and the mundane starts to become mystical". I got a serious Zen jolt hearing that. Yes! Of course. This is exactly and precisely it. I feel this is what Leo might be missing. The fact that this duality between the mystical and the mundane experience collapses as you spiritually mature, such that your highest mystical visions become irrelevant, and simply looking at a stream of flowing water becomes the experience of profound divinity. This is what the game is, fundamentally. A snake eating its own tail. A grand coincidentia oppositorum. Really digging your whole vibe so you got a sub.
  22. I have come to the same exactly conclusion!
  23. Eckhart Tolle doesn't talk about God much, except in metaphor. I consider him a realized master. Words aren't that important, this work is about the non-conceptual which can't be worded anyway. Even if you write 10000 books, you can't do Truth justice. You should know that.
  24. Science has no authority figures, it's a body of knowledge. There may be people who claim authority, but core science is self-sufficient. It's only people that corrupt it, so this whole crusade against science is funny at best. Science is wonderful. Love it instead of pretending you're above it.